Gold And Silver Fight Tyranny [Video]

Gold And Silver Fight TyrannyGreg Hunter – Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says, “The federal government is being run as a criminal enterprise. . . .not just a little criminal, but a lot criminal.”

CAF thinks now is the time for state governments to act to protect their citizens from the dangers of a falling dollar and increasing central control over “We the People.”  CAF explains, “One of the things we are talking with the states about is Sovereign State Banks, so they can protect their transactions in dollars.  We are also talking about State Bullion Depositories.  This is so states can protect their rainy-day reserve and, ultimately, their transaction ability with gold and silver. Continue reading

Dollar Finished – America in Danger [Video]

Dollar Finished – America in DangerGreg Hunter – Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner has been warning his war cycles are going up.  Nenner also predicted a few years back that, at some point, the U.S. dollar cycle would be headed down—way down.

The future is here, and Nenner explains, “We have known each other for many years, and I said the dollar is going to hold up, but not anymore, not anymore.  It is really in trouble.  There is actually no reason to be in the dollar.  They especially underestimate this BRICS situation, and all the countries will be forming an anti-dollar. . . . Saudi Arabia is coming onboard, and that means the end of the dollar as the reserve currency.” Continue reading

Cut Interest Rates & Dollar is Done, Toast, It’s Over [Video]

Cut Interest Rates & Dollar is Done, Toast, It’s Over Greg Hunter – Economic analyst and financial writer David Morgan says do not expect the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates anytime soon. Morgan thinks the Fed is not going to devalue the dollar.

Morgan explains, “We need to continue the dollar until the new system is initiated.  That’s the point.  Yes, it’s about interest rates, that is part of the mechanics about this.  The philosophy is we need a dollar in the system as the king when we transition into the new system.

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Epstein Case Could Shake Global Confidence [Video]

ArmstrongGreg Hunter – Legendary geopolitical and financial analyst Martin Armstrong says America’s economy is like being “the prettiest ugly sister in the family” of nations. So, if the U.S. economy is so good, why the rush to cut interest rates?

Armstrong explains, “It’s really the world economy which is in serious trouble. You really have to look closely and pay attention to the words (Fed Head) Powell said. The economy is strong, unemployment is fine. Why would you cut interest rates when the stock market is making record highs?

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Strong Dollar Could Cause Bond Market Crash [Video]

DenningerGreg Hunter – Renowned financial expert Martin Armstrong says the biggest risk out there is the effect a strong U.S. dollar has on the global bond market. Armstrong explains, “There’s these people who keep saying the dollar is going to crash.  If the dollar crashes, the world is happier and basically celebrating.  You have half the U.S. debt equivalent in emerging market debt issued in dollars.  If the dollar goes up, they are in trouble.  Then you are going to see sovereign defaults. . . .

The U.S. is not going to default, but as you start defaults elsewhere outside the country, it makes people begin to get concerned about sovereign debt.  Sovereign debt is the worst of all.  It’s not secured.  If the U.S. government defaulted on its debt, what would happen?  You cannot go down to the National Gallery and start lifting Picassos.”

So, a bond market crash is a distinct possibility? Armstrong says, “Yes.  All these things are contagions. . . . The real risk is coming from Europe and Asia.  That is the real risk. . . . There is no place to go but the dollar at this point.” Continue reading