The Supreme Court: Cowards, Crooks, or Compromised?

Andrew W. Coy – Repeatedly in the past year – before the election, when Democrats put into place unconstitutional election rules, and after the election, when people begged it to review fraud claims – a majority on the United States Supreme Court went through mental gymnastics to create reasons not to hear claims about the 2020 election. They did this even though there was already precedence from the top court in Bush v. Gore 2000. Why? Why the staunch refusal by the Supreme Court?

Just now entering the debate is former military intelligence Captain Seth Keshel (ret.), whose findings may force the Supreme Court to grapple with questions about the election. Keshel’s earthshaking scientific data election report contends that President Trump probably won seven states that had been called for Biden (Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Minnesota). Continue reading

Biden Desperate as Vax Narrative Falls Apart [Video]

Clif HighGreg Hunter – Clif High uses something he calls “Predictive Linguistics” and computer programs to sort through billions of bits of information on the Internet to predict future trends and events.  High is an Internet data mining expert who has many well-documented correct predictions.

His latest correct prediction was made last month here on USAWatchdog when he said the Biden door knocking campaign to harass people to take the CV19 injection would be “short lived” and “not to worry about it.”  Sure enough, the door knocking campaign unceremoniously stopped, and the Biden Administration has morphed this into the “get vaxed or get fired” campaign.
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What Do We Do with a Pretend President?

presidentDonald N. Finley  – I was struck by David Atwood’s “The Right will Neither Forgive nor Forget.”  It struck close to home because I’m a boycotter.  It takes a lot to get me to such a point, but if someone goes through the effort to do so, it sets in hard and deep.

I’ve never been an NFL fan.  I played baseball.  But I knew I was in the minority, so I watched the Super Bowl every year and tried to be somewhat conversant in the game highlights I’d watch on the news.

Many of my friends were rabid fans and would have weekend get-togethers to watch a game.  This was throughout most of my adulthood and working career in the Air Force.  Then Colin Kaepernick came along and disrespected my flag, and the NFL let him get away with it.  And then a clothing brand built an advertising campaign around him, paying him to disrespect my flag.

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Fanning Reveals Explosive Information Re US Election 2020

ElectionAlexandra Bruce – Last night, Lt. General Michael Flynn gave his first interview since President Trump’s pardon and the US 2020 Election. Others interviewed are General Tom McInerney, who shares that “the Kraken” is actually the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion and journalist, Mary Fanning, who broke the story about The Hammer back in 2015.

Hers is the most explosive interview of all and the information really heats up with new details I hadn’t heard yet, at around the 50-minute mark.

She says that the events and the results of 2020 Election are not a matter of politics, they constitute Acts of Treason and Acts of War against the United States. Key members of the intelligence community in the CIA, FBI, DHS and CISA, including Gina Haspel, Chris Wray and Chris Krebs are guilty of treason. China and Iran have bought off numerous government officials and members of the Mainstream Media. Continue reading

Knives, Rifles, and a Suicide

democratsClarice Feldman – Another bad week for Democrats. After the latest debates “No candidate received a polling bump,” according to Morning Consult analyst Anthony Patterson, and the inestimable Michael Barone analyzes the various constituencies — often conflicting — that make up the present Democratic party.

It appears that Joe Biden still is far ahead of the pack.

He’s added to his memorable gaffe list, this week referring supporters to a website which doesn’t exist, again calling Theresa May “Margaret Thatcher” and saying that poor kids were just as talented and intelligent as “white kids.” He capped it off with saying there were “three genders” and when a young woman asked him to name them, he forcibly grabbed her arm.

At the same time, numerous statements he made in the past which appear facially racist (not “dog whistles”) keep propping up, probably ferreted out by his party opponents.

Stuff like this: Continue reading