Hillary hacked (up) the election

Jon Rappoport –  Hillary Clinton made relatively few personal appearances. Spouted empty generalities. Collapsed after 9/11 Memorial. Ignored jobless states. Never spoke out against Globalists (being one herself). Used her Foundation to collect billions in pay-for-play schemes.

Broke federal law with her personal email server. Thought she was divinely entitled to occupy the Oval Office. (Read the NY Times whose writers kept claiming she was way ahead in the race). Couldn’t sway significant number of voters outside New York and California. Destroyed Libya. Lied about Benghazi. Remained silent about scandalous content in leaked emails. Is still married to Bill. Giggled about defending rapist of young girl.

And she now claims all these factors=Russia hacked the election.

Which is like saying a 20-car pileup on the I-5 was caused by a hippopotamus living under the surface of Mars.

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Trump pivots! Exposes the “Clinton Machine[Video]

Gillian Grannum – This is an excellent ~21 minute tape put together by Project Clarity on this US Election and Trump.

It starts with Trump as a very young man on Oprah stating the conditions under which he might consider running for President. It intersperses clips from Ben Carson, Roger Stone and Trump. The compilation presents with precision the reasons why Trump is running against what is quite obviously an ENTIRE global establishment, the DNC, the Republican leadership, the UN, the corporate media and I almost forgot in this crush of opposition – Above The Law Crooked Hillary Clinton.

Trump is a very courageous man because he knows exactly what he’s up against and yet perseveres.  Remember Ross Perot? He had the best chance as a 3rd party candidate in 1992. When his family was threatened he chickened out and ran away. Then, belatedly, he returned and, even after desertion managed to get either 17 or 19 percent of the vote. What Perot was up against at the time is the equivalent of a gnat on the Washington Monument compared with what’s being ditched at Trump.

Project Clarity – Trump exposes the “Clinton Machine” like no one in a position of power ever has! He crushes the “Establishment” and the Media! He has thrown Paul Ryan and the rest of the Republican party aside.

This is the first time I have seen Trump make a clear pivot to become the savior of America. Anderson Cooper set Trump up so badly that I hope Trump wins and gets some satisfaction!

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Trump VP Pence: Globalist Neocon or Solid Conservative?

Alex Newman – With GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump indicating that he will choose Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his vice president, Republicans and conservatives appear torn. Some critics of the selection have blasted Pence as a globalist neocon who supports the Obama-backed Common Core scheme, sovereignty-destroying “free trade” regimes, unconstitutional wars, and other deeply penceunpopular policies, rather than the Constitution and liberty. Other opponents have blasted Pence’s surrender to extreme homosexual activists and corporate bullies last year demanding government aid in trampling religious liberty in Indiana. By contrast, the establishment media and some supporters of the selection claim Pence is a relatively solid conservative whose pro-life credentials and reputed social conservatism can help unify the conservative movement behind the Trump 2016 campaign.

So what is the truth? Perhaps something in between. But there are definitely reasons for conservatives, constitutionalists, libertarians, populists, nationalists, and others in Trump’s coalition to be very concerned.

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