Get ready for President Hillary Clinton

fbiThis is one of Root’s predictions I pray to God doesn’t manifest on any Earth I find myself on. It would be an Earth where someone who commits treason and other heinous crimes is rewarded with a Presidency.  Only matrix mind could conceive such horror for Planet Earth and rejoice in it.  That said, this article is well worth the read. – Gillian

Wayne Allen Root – Muhammad Ali said, “It ain’t bragging if you can back it up.” So, excuse me for bragging, but in my almost six years as a nationally syndicated radio and TV host, my predictions have been remarkably accurate. I’m not perfect, but I’m batting close to .990. It’s the best record of anyone in the media.

Almost everything I’ve predicted has come true, including a stolen election based on mail-in voting without voter ID; a communist takeover of the USA based on lockdowns, COVID-19 “public safety” mandates and open borders; and President Joe Biden being a brain-dead puppet with dementia. Continue reading