Entering The American Twilight Zone

electionPatricia Henry – We didn’t know it then, but on Election Night, November 8, 2020, America entered a Twilight Zone every bit as eerie and unanticipated as anything dreamed up by Rod Serling decades earlier.

It began with time standing still in the middle of the Election Night vote count, followed by a flood of outlandish vote totals being relayed to us, especially from Democrat strongholds in 7 swing states.  Then there was the alacrity with which network analysts declared Biden the winner, especially, the Fox news early projection of a Biden win in Arizona. Continue reading

Media’s Coverup of the 2020 Election Steal Unraveling

US Elections 2020Joe Hoft – The far-left is in meltdown because Americans aren’t buying Joe Biden won the 2020 Election. Americans are livid and the crooked participants involved in the election steal know it.

On the anniversary of the 2020 Election last month, 56% of Voters believed there was cheating – UP from the April number – Including 47% of Black voters

Steve Bannon shared this on yesterday’s War Room. He was fired up about the election: Continue reading

Election Fraud Scheme Discovered In Wisconsin

fraudMark Patricks – In a follow-up article last week, I dug deeper into that Wisconsin report and noted that there was a statistical probability that 320,000 people double voted in Wisconsin. There were also about 60,000 voters who either lied on their applications or used fake IDs to register to vote. And another 44,000 were allowed to vote without showing a photo ID, which is illegal in Wisconsin. (Plus, 12,000 dead voters still on the rolls!)

In total, there was a 2,150% discrepancy in Wisconsin between Joe Biden’s “victory” and what the result could have actually been. Then the Wisconsin state senate surprised us all by authorizing a full forensic audit of the 2020 election, based on those findings. Be still my beating heart!

But the party was STILL not over! Continue reading

Counties Can Fix Elections, But Republic Almost Lost [video]

Sidney Powell

Alex Newman – Former federal prosecutor and internationally renowned attorney Sidney Powell, who was at the center of litigation surrounding the 2020 election, warns about the “fraudulent president” Joe Biden administration using Hitler and Stalin tactics in its efforts to impose tyranny on America in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman.

In this wide-ranging discussion, Powell discusses everything from the COVID “vaccine” mandates and the “election hoax” to the weaponization of the federal government and the rigging of the judicial system and the media “propaganda” machine. Continue reading

The Big Truth: Election 2020 Really Was Rigged

US Elections 2020James Arlandson – Mollie Hemingway has written a blockbuster book about all the strands of deception and falsehoods that converged to take down Donald Trump on Nov. 3 and 4 and beyond (and before) in her book: Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech and the Democrats Seized Our Elections (Regnery, 2021).  I twice asked two Barnes and Noble stores in two weeks whether they had it in stock, and each time — no. So I finally had to order it online.

It has ten chapters, plus a prologue and an epilogue. The total number of endnotes is 1,243 (I added them up), many having extensive commentaries. Only a large and excellent team of researchers could put together a book like this, and she credits them by name in her acknowledgments. Continue reading