US/Russia Very Close to War, Global Debt Out of Control says IMF [Video]

IMFGreg Hunter – The U.S. and Russia are a lot closer to war in Syria than the mainstream media (MSM) would like you to think. One top U.S general said that war would be “extremely lethal and fast” and he said it was “almost guaranteed.”  Russia threatened to “shoot down U.S. aircraft over Syria.  Meanwhile, Secretary of State John Kerry has broken off all diplomatic relations with Russia in Syria.

The International Monetary fund (IMF) is warning of much slower global growth. That means there is an even better chance that the ocean of debt accumulated around the world will not be repaid.  Puerto Rico just defaulted on its $70 in debt, and that is just the tip of a much deeper debt iceberg.  The IMF also warns that debt to GDP globally is an astounding $225%, and it says there is $152 trillion in debt around the planet.

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The Nazi War Machine Was Actually An American Business [Video]

Michelle Walling, CHLC – Did you know that Henry Ford supported Hitler by providing Ford engines for German war vehicles?  From vehicles, Coca Cola, railway lines, airplane fuel additives, and oil, America provided many essential products Germany required in order to continue to carry on with war. Stopping the shipment of these supplies to Germany would have ended the Nazi war.

Naziism was the first time in human history that the rich had enough wealth to hire an entire country to do their dirty work.

A short clip from ‘Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick’ exposes the truth about the Nazis and the business of war for making profit for the rich.

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Current Prices Do Not Matter

Michael Noonan – Truth be known, short of an uprising or revolution by the masses, which is highly unlikely, the elites have won over the masses, hands down, and the end game is in the final and irreversible stages.  Time and again, we have reiterated the elites formulaic strategy of Problem, Reaction, Solution.  The most current is the outrageous Mid East refugee situation where European countries are being forced to accept hundreds of t

Michael Noonan – Truth be known, short of an uprising or revolution by the masses, which is highly unlikely, the elites have won over the masses, hands down, and the end game is in the final and irreversible stages.  Time and again, we have reiterated the elites formulaic strategy of Problem, Reaction, Solution.  The most current is the outrageous Mid East refugee situation where European countries are being forced to accept hundreds of thousands of displaced refugees from the war-torn Middle East.

It is no secret that the US has been covertly responsible for much of the destruction and strife in that area.  Where not covertly involved, the US has provided arms and logistics to Saudi Arabia as the Saudis are destroying helpless Yemenis in the proxy war against Iran.

None of the bought-and-paid-for Western press is questioning how and why, all of a sudden, Middle Eastern refugees have the money and means to escape to various parts of Greece and Europe, en masse.  How is it that black Africans were never able to be in a position to migrate from far worse war atrocities?  Unseen forces are behind this. Continue reading

Markets/People Never Change

Michael NoonanThe events unfolding around the world, or perhaps better expressed, events unraveling at such a rapid and confusing pace can only be a prelude for the disastrous consequences that inevitably will follow. While it may be hard to reconcile, all of this has been orchestrated by the global elites who fully intend to create as much havoc and destruction as possible, the Problem. They then monitor the Reaction, now around the world and not just confined to specific countries and regions, and what everyone is seeing is chaos, but it is an intended chaos that will lead to a Globalist’s Solution.

What might that Solution be? The final rise and control of their vaunted and planned New World Order. Nation states are being weakened, if not destroyed. In the Middle East, the destruction is literal. In many European and South American countries, the destruction is the result of financial attacks, weakening a country’s ability to exist, the preeminent example being Greece. There are similar prospects for Spain, Italy, Brazil, constant attacks on the Russian economy, and now China

The globalists are operating behind the curtain of the corporate federal United States, Oz, if you will, with the elitists as the Wizard. Any American who believes the United States has their best interests, as citizens, simply do not comprehend how detached the corporate United States is from its citizen serfs. “How can that be so?!” most citizens would incredulously ask. Yet, they refuse to consider the pieces of the puzzle in plain sight but invisible to their captured minds.

It all started with the takeover of the US money supply, culminating in the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, a fact to this day lost on most Americans and their inability to comprehend the implications, making no connection to today’s resulting financial ills. Another is the Patriot Act. What American does not want to be “patriotic,” and isn’t that what the Patriot Act “sounds” like? Yes, intentionally so, but its contents belie the title, and again, people are purposefully being misled. Continue reading

Jon Rappoport ~ The Club Of Liberals, Transhumanism, Depopulation | January 25 2013

By liberals, I simply mean those people who accept big government as a given, regardless of their political affiliation.

Club of RomeAnd yes, at certain key levels, they are a club. They come from major media, large corporations, banks, the military, well-funded foundations, investment houses, do-good non-profits, legal and medical societies, academic factories, think tanks, and of course the huge pool of government employees.

For them, big, bigger, and biggest government is a rock-bottom assumption that requires no thought. The sun comes up every morning, and there is big government.

This assumption supersedes anything written in the US Constitution explicitly limiting the power of central authority.

Where there is conflict between that document and the actions of government, the Constitution automatically takes a back seat. It is looked upon as a primitive, ancient, and worn-out set of ideas.

In fact, the Club is surprised and shocked that anyone would try to impede government based on fanciful notions about powers reserved for the individual states, or readings of the 2nd Amendment.

Long ago, the Club decided that every statement made in the Constitution was subject to revision or outright dismissal, based on the arrogant concept that changing times require new measures and new solutions.

In their eyes, they are working with reality, whereas Constitutionalists have a quirky and disturbing obsession that clings to absolute Principle. If Principle isn’t a sign of a mental disorder, it at least indicates an unhealthy nostalgia about a fairy tale of days gone by.

The Club blithely assumes it has won its battle.

The Club is focused on what big government, in concert with its corporate allies, can do to further expand. This is where a disjunction of attitude occurs.

For some Club members, the mission of government is to do good, to give to those in need, no matter how many are in need or how much that need grows.

For other Club members, at higher levels, the massive giveaway and fulfilling of need is just a pose, a tactic to gain more adherents who will trade a great deal of their freedom for a little security.

But there is no debate within the Club about this matter. No one wants to rock the boat. Those at higher levels view the do-gooders within their ranks as useful and amusing dupes.

The do-gooders, if they glimpse the faces and intentions of the higher-ups, shrug it off, assuming that somehow, in the long run, the vision of “a shared and just world” will triumph, because the universe wants to make it so.

The Club has one major enemy.


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