Trump Climbs Ahead of Crooked Hillary Clinton in USC Daybreak Poll [Video]

Bill Still – Today’s USC Daybreak poll shows Donald Trump is in a steady climb widening his lead over Hillary Clinton. Trump now leads Clinton by a 44.8 to 43.7 margin.

When sorting by age groups, Trump leads in 2 of the 3.

In the 18-34 Millennial group, Trump still trails by 1.8 percentage points, however, over the last 6 days he has closed the gap by an average of 1% per day.

In the 35 to 64 group, the reverse is true; over the last 6 days, Trump has lost about ¾ of a point to Clinton per day and now leads amongst the middle-aged by exactly 1 point.

In the aged 65+ group, Trump leads by a healthy 4.6% and trending north.
When sorting by educational level, in those with high school degrees and below, Trump’s lead is huge – 51.5% to 39.6% – an 11.5% lead and well above the 95% confidence level.

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