11 Reasons Why Flu Shots Are More Dangerous Than A Flu

BeyondBlindfold  September 13 2013

The verdict is out on flu shots. Many medical experts now agree it is more important to protect yourself and your family from the flu vaccine than the flu itself.

Every year the pharmaceutical industry, medical experts and the mainstream media work hard to convince us to get vaccinated against the flu. But we’re not being told the whole story. What we don’t hear, are cases about the adverse reactions or about the toxic chemicals being injected into us.

11 reasons why flu shots are more dangerous than the flu itself

1. The flu shot actually makes you sick to begin with Have you ever noticed how vaccinated children get sick almost immediately following a vaccination? This is because the flu virus is introduced into their bodies. So rather than immunize, the flu shot actually only sensitizes the body against the virus. And the fact that it causes individuals to get ill following a shot indicates immuno-suppression (i.e. lowering of the immunity).

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13 Mass Public Poisons

Activist Post August 24 2013 (Thanks, A.L.)

We are being poisoned. This mass public poisoning has been going on for over a century, and it has been gradually increasing. You and those you care about are being harmed almost continuously. We are being abused with multiple poisons in small doses on purpose.

The more of us that become aware of some of the most common ways this is happening, the better chance we have of reducing or ending exposure to at least some of the poisons.


This highly toxic chemical warfare agent has been added to public water supplies since about 1910 as a disinfectant. The now common health problems of circulatory disease and cancer became widespread only after the masses started being chlorinated regularly. Drinking it, bathing in it, breathing it and soaking it up in our showers, and consuming it in most food and beverage products made with city water, makes chlorine one of the most common public poisons.


The fluoride added to municipal water and dental care products is not really good for your teeth. It is a cancer causing, apathy inducing, intelligence reducing chemical, a waste product of aluminum and phosphate manufacturing. It was accumulating at production plants in the 1940s and ruining local ground water.

The industry first tried to get rid of excess stocks of fluoride by marketing it as rat poison, but not enough was sold. Then in the 1950s they concocted the scheme of convincing the American Dental Association to recommend it be added to public water supplies and oral care products to harden teeth. In the long run, it actually makes teeth brittle and mottled, while diminishing people’s IQ, minimizing active interests and shortening lives.


Aluminum has long been used in cookware and food service material. As people learned of its toxicity, they started abandoning aluminum pans and avoiding heating food wrapped in foil.

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Vaccination Lies And Other Tales

Activist Post June 17 2013

AutismBreaking news out of Rawalpindi, Pakistan, is something the medical profession—and Big Pharma—probably do not want parents in the USA to hear or know. Children who have been fully vaccinated against measles are coming down with, you guessed it, measles! How can that be, when vaccinations are supposed to ‘immunize’ children against the very diseases for which they get the toxic ‘jabs’?

Measles is not the only vaccine slipup; whooping cough has been disproving vaccine ‘science’ for quite a while now. Natural News blew the whistle on that in their article “Vaccine failure admitted: Whooping cough outbreaks higher among children already vaccinated”[1] Polio has been caused by the very vaccine to prevent it. Back in August of 2009 Associated Press London news service reported, “Polio is spreading in Nigeria and health officials say in some cases it’s caused by the vaccine used to fight the paralyzing disease.”[2]

Truly, something is amiss within the supposed science of vaccinology, especially if the only logic behind vaccines and vaccinations is the rabid belief that vaccines provide immunity from disease.

In the June 15, 2013 Pakistani Dawn.com report[3] parents are distraught with disbelief as to why their children are contracting the very disease for which some children have had vaccinations more than once, and from a very early age.

A factoid quoted by one of the doctors in Pakistan provides some vaccine efficacy disconnect, i.e., in the United States and the UK, where vaccination coverage supposedly is close to 100 percent, measles also has appeared! Want to know why that is happening, in this writer’s opinion?

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Measles: A Rash of Misinformation

Activist Post February 17 2013

Immune systemWith the recent release of a provocative children’s book entitled Melanie’s Marvelous Measles, a debate has ensued regarding the effectiveness and wisdom surrounding measles vaccinations. When I first heard about the book, I went to Amazon to order a copy for myself. The amount of negative reviews was staggering. People were claiming that the information was “dangerous”, “harmful” and “ill-informed”. Some were even calling for the book to be banned. It took me a few minutes to read it from cover to cover. Rather than critique the book, which has already been done quite eloquently by others, I would like to talk about the widespread fear surrounding measles and the misinformation regarding the vaccine.

References to measles can be found as far back as the 7th century.[1] Measles is an RNA virus that was first isolated in 1954. A typical infection produces a characteristic skin rash starting at the head and progressing down the trunk and extremities. The rash is typically preceded by a high fever. Around this time, blue-white spots (Koplik spots) can be found on the mucous membranes. These are considered pathognomonic for measles. Other symptoms may include cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis, diarrhea, anorexia and lymphadenopathy.

According to the CDC, prior to the introduction of the vaccine, measles was a nearly universal infection occurring most commonly in 5-9 year olds with 90% of U.S. children immune by age 15. Most kids recovered fully within a few weeks with life-long immunity. Reported complications from data collected between 1985-1992 included pneumonia (6%), encephalitis (.1%), seizures (.6-.7%), and death (.2%). These occurred most frequently in children under 5 and adults over 20. These complications may, in fact, have been exacerbated by allopathic interventions to treat common symptoms such as fever reduction using antipyretics.[15,16]

Many people are aware that the first licensed live-virus vaccine was introduced in 1963 (Edmonston B strain) but few know that there was also a kill measles vaccine (KMV) licensed that same year.[1] That vaccine was pulled in 1967, however, after it was discovered that individuals who received the KMV and were subsequently exposed to the wild virus were afflicted with a more severe atypical form of measles. Today’s vaccine, known as MMR, contains attenuated, live-measles virus (Edmonston-Enders strain) mixed together with mumps and rubella virus. There is an alternate version of the vaccine, known as MMRV, that combines MMR with the varicella virus. The measles virus is cultured on chick embryo fibroblast tissue and the vaccine contains human albumin, neomycin, sorbitol and gelatin. The 2013 CDC recommendations include 2 doses of MMR, the first at 12-15 months and the second at 4-6 years.

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Multiple Vaccine Doses Resulted In Up To 145,000 Child Deaths In 20 Years

NaturalNews | January 24 2013

ChildThe recommended childhood vaccination schedule has changed dramatically over the years, with children now receiving upwards of 30 vaccines, including multiple combination vaccines, before the age of six. And in many cases, doctors and nurses administer half a dozen or more vaccines all at once during a single visit to make sure children get all these shots and to save time. But according to data compiled from the government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), as many as 145,000 children or more have died throughout the past 20 years as a result of this multiple vaccine dose approach, and few parents are aware of this shocking fact.

In a study recently published in the journal Human & Experimental Toxicology, researchers evaluated the overall number of hospitalizations and deaths associated with vaccines administered between 1990 and 2010, and compared this data to the number of vaccines given at one time to individual children. Hospitalizations and deaths resulting from one vaccine dose were compared to those of two vaccine doses, in other words, and the same all the way up to eight vaccine doses. Researchers also evaluated overall hospitalization and death rates associated with getting one to four combined vaccine doses, five to eight combined vaccine doses, and one to eight combined vaccine doses.

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