Finding Value and Creating Worth

value validationJennifer Hoffman – It’s Venus retrograde time, which is when questions of value and worthiness arise. Although Venus is typically described as the ‘love’ planet, that definition doesn’t go far enough to describe how profoundly we are touched by its energy. Our life long search for love is really about our search for value, validation, and worthiness. It’s something that is so important to us that we will sacrifice many other things to achieve the value we hope will make us feel worthy, important, and valuable to others. But this time is different because as we use the Venus retro to heal our value issues, we have access to higher frequency energies to fill the gaps and get real release and closure now.

I have found that every time Venus goes retrograde, and it happens once every 2 years, relationship issues come forward. Any relationship that is struggling may end or come to a new level of connection and alignment. Relationship dynamics can change profoundly, even among long established friends and partners. And remember that relationships include all relationships with family, friends, acquaintances, and partners, not just the romantic ones. Venus retrograde uncovers our value needs and how they are or are not being met. Then we can make changes accordingly.

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