WikiLeaks #Vault 7 Explained [Video]

informationAlexandra Bruce – My friend Daniel Liszt called me up and asked me to look into WikiLeaks’ mystifying series of posts to their Twitter account about “Vault 7”. He wanted to know if I could augur as to what these might portend.

My initial reaction was that WikiLeaks never seemed to have finished unloading their trove of seamy Podesta emails and that they’d recently announced that their revelations in 2017 would make 2016 look like child’s play. I assumed this meant that incriminating evidence of child sex-trafficking, involving senior members of the US Government might soon explode into the mediasphere.

Today, a subscriber and friend who’s had a private investigation business for several decades called me up, so I took the opportunity to ask him if he’d heard anything about “Vault 7”. He offered some very interesting insights and his forensic accountant had just sent him today’s video by Press for Truth’s Dan Dicks, which does a great job of interpreting these cryptic posts by WikiLeaks.

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