The Rise of Victimhood Culture Explained

Victim cultureAlexandra Bruce – The demagoguery and toxicity of today’s victim culture and its attendant grievance industry have a stranglehold on the West. Citing several recent examples of the surreal depths to which victim culture has descended, Black Pigeon asks what is at stake for a society in a race to the bottom, fighting over who can and who cannot be a victim?

These points were first raised in the 1992 book, ‘Culture of Complaint: The Fraying of America’ by Australian-born TIME magazine art critic, Robert Hughes, which many say is even more relevant today than when it was a bestseller nearly 30 years ago. Hughes lambasts the exaltation of the victim and advocates for an elitism in both art and public life, based not on social class, race or economics but on skill, intelligence and vision. Continue reading