The “dependent victim” psy-op

“American and British feminism has amazingly collapsed backward again into whining, narcissistic victimology…Too many of today’s young feminists seem to want hovering, paternalistic authority figures to protect and soothe them, an attitude I regard as servile, reactionary and glaringly bourgeois…”  – Camille Paglia, the National Catholic Review, 2/25/15

peopleJon Rappoport – I could have titled this piece: “What government fears: the black entrepreneur.”

But the situation is much wider than that—-

Any person who comes out of an “officially designated victim-group”…and then succeeds in life on his own…and then goes one step further and refuses to identify his entire existence with his group…but instead stands as a unique individual…why, that person, at the very least, must be a criminal, if not a terrorist, right?

That’s the crux of the issue: never leave your group.

That’s how society, civilization, and culture are promoted these days.

“Groups have needs, agendas, and problems, and the solution will come from government.” That’s the all-embracing formula.

The fake appearance is: victim groups are fighting for recognition and special status, and the government is pushing back—but that’s now a ruse. That’s a cover story. In fact, victim groups and government have the same goal: a relationship based on dependence. One side depends and the other side gives and protects. Continue reading

“I’m triggered, I’m triggered, I need a safe space”

triggeredJon Rappoport – Everyone needs a victim-story these days. Don’t leave home without one. Or two or three.

Colleges are institutionalizing victimhood.

HeatStreet reports on an innovation: “Brown University last year turned a room on campus into a safe space by outfitting it with cookies, coloring books, soft music, pillows and a video of frolicking puppies, along with trauma counselors, after students complained that a speaker invited to campus would be too upsetting.”

My, my. explains: “At Brown University last fall, for instance, the prospect of a debate between leftist-feminist Jessica Valenti and libertarian-feminist (and Reason contributor) Wendy McElroy was so horrifying to some students…that the creation of a ‘safe space’ was necessary.”

Sure it was necessary. These college kiddies are fragile. They can crack like eggs at the slightest provocation. A word here, a word there, and they require a vacation.

The whole notion of classes is obsolete. No teacher can avoid triggering students now and then. So send your child to Ooey-Gooey College, where he can lounge in a marshmallow annex for four years. Protect him. Keep him safe.

What’s the most prestigious college in America? Harvard, hands down. Let’s take a peek at what’s going on at the Harvard Law School, where the best and brightest college graduates in the land matriculate:

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