Oneness And Constant Vigilance

DanaMrkich  May 7 2014

consciousnessThis ‘Oneness’ energy is tricky business. The boundaries between us all are dissolving, and our sensitivity to each other’s feelings and energy fields is heightening every day. 

On the one hand this increases our sense of compassion and connection with each other. On the other hand, because we are feeling so much more we need to be extra vigilant with what is ‘ours’ and what is not. That is: Are these my feelings or someone else’s? Are these my thoughts, beliefs, doubts, worries and fears or someone else’s? 

People who have been ‘intuitive’ or identified as an ’empath’ have had to be conscious of this for a long time, otherwise you end up walking around like a human sponge! Now, millions of people are moving into a higher vibration and thus ‘feeling’ and ‘receiving’ on a whole new level. We have all always been affected by other people’s thoughts and feelings – especially those that are being directed toward us. Now however we can FEEL those thoughts and feelings. We may not experience it as a conscious direct message “Oh Jane is thinking xyz about me today” instead we might experience it as an amplification of anxiety or self-doubt.  Now we have to be in extra-high integrity around our thoughts, because for better or worse they are affecting our environment and those around us (and even those at a distance).  Continue reading