Christina Sarich ~ 5 Important Vitamin Combinations For Optimum Health

NaturalSociety  April 29 2014

VitaminsWe’ve all heard that we should take our vitamins, but did you know that combining certain nutrients helps the body to absorb them more readily, and can even boost their efficacy over taking the vitamin or mineral alone? Consuming vitamins together creates a synergistic effect in the body.

Following are five important vitamin combinations to ward against disease and attain a great health boost:

1. Vitamin E and Sesame Seeds

Vitamin E is wonderful all on its own. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, guarding against cardiovascular disease. The only problem is that one of the important nutrients in Vitamin E, tocotrienols, are hard for the body to assimilate since only the fat and skin tissues can absorb them. Eating sesame seeds has been shown to improve absorption of Vitamin E tocotrienols by up to 500%.

2. Vitamin K and Vitamin D

These two vitamins all by themselves are powerhouses, but when used together they are a wonderful protective combo against osteoarthritis and osteoperosis. Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium so that our bones stay strong, and Osteoporosis International has concluded that lifetime supplementation with vitamin K1 or, even better, K2, vitamin D3, and calcium is likely to reduce fractures and increase survival in postmenopausal women. Continue reading

This Tropical Fruit Detoxes Toxic Fluoride

NaturalSociety  March 23 2014

tamarindOnTreeTamarind, or Tamarindus indica L., is a sub tropical and tropical fruit-producing tree indigenous to tropical Africa. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for gastric distress as well as to boost cardiovascular health, but the fruit’s medicinal values extend beyond those benefits. Tamarind health benefits should be known by all.

The tamarind fruit is a long, bean-shaped fruit that encloses a stringy pulp within its casing. It can be eaten or made into a healing paste or salve in order to receive its multiple benefits. In Eastern Asia, fruit of the tamarind has been used as a poultice applied to foreheads of those with fevers.

“Tamarindus indica has broad spectrum antibacterial activity and a potential source of new classes of antibiotics that could be useful for infectious disease chemotherapy and control.”

Other research indicates that ingesting tamarind could even help your body to detox fluoride, and subsequently helps to protect against skeletal fluorosis by enhancing excretion of fluoride. Continue reading

7 Foods And Herbs To Fight The Common Cold

NaturalSociety  November 26 2013

While some people only experience the sniffles during the cold season of sickness, most individuals will undoubtedly battle a nasty cold or even the flu. And while we’re conditioned to praise vaccines and pharmacy solutions to survive, you really don’t have to load up on over-the-counter medications to feel better. There are plenty of foods and herbs that can reduce the severity of your symptoms and even help you get over the cold more quickly.

Here are 7 immune-boosting foods to help you overcome and prevent sickness: Continue reading

3 Ways Citrus And Vitamin C Can Help Reverse Signs Of Aging

NaturalSociety  November15 2013

CitrusEveryone ages different as they get older. While some people are comfortable growing old gracefully, there are others who think there’s nothing graceful about it, fighting wrinkles and sagginess with everything they’ve got. Fortunately, you may have some worthwhile solutions to halt and reverse sign of aging in your refrigerator right now—in the form of citrus fruits, juices, and even vitamin C supplements.

Citrus fruits– including oranges, lemons, and grapefruits—are loaded with vitamin C. This powerful antioxidant protects cells from damage by free radicals in the air and in our bodies. One way we can get the most benefits from citrus fruits is by eating them to increase our vitamin C consumption. Linked to numerous health benefits including improved brain health, fertility, heart health, and more, you should always keep a good supply of vitamin C rich citrus fruits around.

Vitamin C can also help by preventing wrinkles and fine lines from the inside out. As we age, the collagen under our skin begins to lose elasticity and begins to decrease in volume overall. This leads to wrinkles and lines. Vitamin C, like that found in citrus fruits, can help combat this process.

Scurvy, Depression, Slow Healing – Over 7 Signs You’re Vitamin C Deficient

Natural Society March 20 2013

From the 15th to 17th century sailors set forth on long and onerous journeys across the ocean not knowing if they would ever see dry land again. They came face to face with raging storms, were challenged mentally and physically and often ended up stranded or shipwrecked. However, more than anything, these sailors were impacted by a vitamin C deficiency known as scurvy. Scurvy would ravage sailors, leaving their gums rotten, their body full of pain, and their body covered in red spots.

There was no shortage of proposed cures for scurvy, all of them turning up unsuccessful as more and more sailor’s lives were taken. Finally, after much wasted time, it was determined that citrus would keep sailors healthy while on long sea voyages.

Scurvy all but disappeared after the late 18th century, but surprisingly it is still seen. Teens who struggle with eating disorders, older people and alcoholics who have lost their ability to absorb vitamin C are prone to this deficiency-related disease.

Unlike most animals, humans do not have the ability to manufacture vitamin C making us dependent on outside sources. The only way to keep this nasty disease at bay is to eat enough vitamin C rich foods or take a supplement.

Neurological Stress

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