Accessing the Divine Life-Force Through Gratitude

Wake Up World  May 17 2014

Of all the magic potions, secret formulas and arcane wisdom of the ages, when it comes to getting out of my sh*t, the quickest way to shift the imbalance and come back into my open and empowered Heartspace is to get into Gratitude. Nothing works like GratitudeNothing.

It’s a simple matter of physics or science or something progressively sensible… In that whatever we focus upon and put our attention towards, gets more … of itself. One of the most preferred ‘afterglow’ feelings to have in relation to anything in your life is being thankful for it. To cut to the catch – the choice to simply be grateful for whatever you’re going through (no matter what) will automatically upgrade the experience as being beneficial and good for you.

As we’ve now come to understand that energy follows thought — like attracts like, you get what you give, what goes around, comes around — doesn’t it make perfect sense to put your focus on the bestest best feeling you can possibly have? This is also called ‘pivoting’ or shifting your attention in any given situation to line up most favorably with what feels good to you.

Is it really this simple? In my life, it has proven so, over and over again.

In these times of accelerated Lifeforce flow, the velocity by which our thoughts come into manifestation are quicker and quicker. The lag time between an intention set and a direct manifestation in my life has decreased significantly. However, this isn’t to say I get everything I ask for (I don’t), although when my request is aligned with my highest and greatest good, it sure does. Continue reading

How To Stay Sane And Sustain In The Wake Of Spiritual Awakening

Wake Up World  May 14 2014

SaneInInsaneWorldEarlier this year, I shared with you my personal story of a mystical experience that blew open my cognitive mind and left me reeling. Today, I’ve had more time to integrate the experience. After revealing what I did, I’ve been fielding a lot of questions from readers who have had similar spiritual experiences, so I decided to reflect with some spiritual Q&A, based on some of the questions that have come in via email and Facebook.

Let me start with a disclaimer. I certainly don’t consider myself any sort of expert in spiritual awakening, and I don’t identify myself as a spiritual teacher. This experience has left me with more questions than answers, and I’ve depended heavily on my own spiritual advisors, most notably Rachel Naomi Remen, Tosha Silver, Martha Beck, Sera Beak, Christine Hassler, Sarah Drew, Elisabeth Manning, and Adyashanti. I’ve been very blessed to have the most amazing support and direct guidance.

Because more and more people are going through these kinds of spontaneous spiritual experiences, let me do my best to share my answers to these questions from readers, with the caveat that I’m still learning. Many of you know more about these issues than me, so I invite you to inform us all on Facebook and ‘comments’ on the website.

Spiritual Awakening Q&A

Q: In the wake of your experience, does anything feel different?

A: Yes. Something feels vastly different, and it’s hard to explain. Adyashanti writes, “Most of what we are told about awakening sounds like a sales pitch for enlightenment. In the sales pitch, we are told only the positive aspects; we may even be told things that are not actually true. In the sales pitch for awakening, we are told that enlightenment is all about love and ecstasy, compassion and union, and a host of other positive experiences. It is often shrouded in fantastic stories, so we come to believe that awakening has to do with miracles and mystical powers. One of the most common sales pitches includes describing enlightenment as an experience of bliss. As a result, people think, ‘When I spiritually awaken, when I have union with God, I will enter into a state of constant ecstasy.’ This is, of course, a deep misunderstanding of what awakening is. There may be bliss with awakening, because it is actually a by-product of awakening, but it is not awakening itself.” Continue reading

Transformation Of Humanity: Reclaiming Spiritual Power

Wake Up World  February 12 2014

Humanity has reached a fundamental crux point. What do we really need right now?

The Industrial Military Complex is taking over, seeping into all aspects of our lives. Humanity is being aneasthetised and downgraded. The system is designed perfectly to retard our spiritual evolution; to prevent true, empowered human beingness and interconnectivity with the whole of life. It’s become increasingly challenging to be our true selves.

It’s time for non-compliance with injustice and inequity in the system. It’s time to transform humanity, time to reclaim our spiritual power…

Reclaiming our Spiritual Power

[youtube=] Continue reading

Baptism Of Fire For A New Humanity

 Wake Up World  May 6 2014

innerFireMankind faces a very challenging future. With the collapse of the financial system possible at any time; with growing challenge to the industrial food chain and heavily overstretched energy supplies, what we’re faced with, is the very collapse of civilisation. Some are even predicting that, due to the breakdown of the biosphere and damaging effects of nuclear radiation, the near term extinction of the human race is a distinct possibility.

But this will not be the end of it. In my heart, I know that’s not going to happen. I know that for those who have the courage and commitment, a new possibility exists: a new humanity in a higher vibrational paradigm

The Magnitude of the Problem

Yes I do believe it will become increasingly challenging for sophisticated life to continue to exist in this physical realm on earth. When you look at the population boom that happened at the beginning of the industrial revolution, and at what’s been done since: the matrix – the beast – has been devouring the planet at an exponential rate. To an increasing number of people, it’s clear we’ve already kicked off catastrophic climate feedback loops which take the planet into a whole new level of escalating change. Like for example the release of methane gas from under the melting ice of the arctic, which according to the science, is at least 20 times more damaging over a hundred year period, and perhaps as much as 100 times more warming in the immediate years after its release. Continue reading

Aboriginal ‘Pleiades Embryo’ Carving Reveals Origin Of Human Creation

Wake Up World  March 28 2014

PleaidesInStone2This brief article is the most accidental and one of the most important I have yet penned.

Evan and I recently received some archival records of immense importance, relating to studies, sites and conclusions that Frederic Slater (President of the Australian Archaeological Society of Australia), along with a bevy of well connected associates, shared openly in the public arena in 1937. According to the archives, this group of scholars were adamant that some (then) recently discovered rock engravings were of Egyptian inspiration, and made reference to a rock platform near the Cave of the Golden Boomerang we ourselves had previously stood upon – and came to the same conclusion.

Evan searched online for further details of that particular site, and there amongst a Newcastle University discussion about this location and its archaeology, was a photograph. The figure it depicted was a rather unusual semi-embryonic foetus, and much to our surprise – and delight – it was claimed that this icon represented the Pleiades.

The Pleiades Embryo

Our reaction was instant. We both immediately recognised the symbol, where it was found, and how dramatically the traveller’s narrative of the Cave of the Golden Boomerang had been extended — into the heavens and beyond. Knowing how sacred this cave was, detailing the beginning of modern humans, we had previously known of the general details, but none of the specifics. This changed everything.