The Great American Adventure 2A: The Indians Weren’t Savages And The Tax Fight Was About Gold

Judge Dale (Guest Writer) Shift Frequency | July 23 2012

King George III

King George’s historic claim of ownership of the 13 American colonies (aka The Virginia Colony) was a prevarication. This false claim was made by a king, a pope and by Mayer [Bauer] Rothschild despite clear evidence that America was already inhabited. It was inhabited by the Red Race, the surviving descendants of Atlantis, a continent destroyed around 9600 BC during a world wide continental land shift.

The Emperor of America at this time was an Indian named Moy Toy.  In order for King George to lawfully lay claim to America it was absolutely necessary for England to either conquer the Red Race or negotiate with and procure land grants from the Red Race.  This was substantively impossible at the time. Therefore King George’s Land Grants issued for the American Colonies were a complete fraud and contrary to the ancient international treaty law titled The Ancient Rights of Discovery.

The Ancient Rights of Discovery stated that only new, uninhabited or conquered lands could be claimed by a sovereign king or by his discoverer acting on his behalf. Representatives of The Virginia Colony negotiated separate Territorial Treaties with eastern tribes of the Red Race. It was these King George used as his base authority to issue his bogus land grants.

Factually, Land Grants could not have been obtained from the American Indian because the Red Race culture believed that “No man can own the wind or the sun any more than he can own the land, which the gods have created for their use and benefit. Since the Red Race was more than capable of repelling any armada sent against them by any of the super powers of that time the King and the Pope deduced that their demise would need to be accomplished by other means.

The Red Race was a gracious host and landlord and was willing to share what they had with the white immigrants, a disposition they would eventually learn to regret.

Pilgrims Discover A New World

The Pilgrims were a persecuted and exiled religious order originating from England and Holland. Some of the Pilgrims who eventually made it to America migrated from Holland to England on the Speedwell.

This initial migration to America was to be made on 2 British ships – the Mayflower and Speedwell. The first attempt departed Southampton on August 5/15, 1620, but the Speedwell developed a leak, and had to be refitted at Dartmouth on August 17/27.

On the second attempt the ships reached the Atlantic Ocean but again were forced to return to Plymouth because of the Speedwell’s leak. It would later be revealed that there was in fact nothing wrong with the Speedwell. The Pilgrims believed the crew had sabotaged the voyage under the pretense of refitting the ship. Their indifferent behavior while operating the vessel suggested they would rather not fulfill the year-long commitment their contract called for.

The Pilgrims were greeted by The Iroquois Indian Nation when they finally anchored in Plymouth Harbor. The Iroquois Federation Government consented to permit the Pilgrims to live with them providing they first agreed to experience life as an Indian and were willing to comply with Indian Federation rules.

The Rules Of Admission

The Iroquois Federation Government and Constitution was a carryover from Atlantian times when the Red Race was the dominant civilization on Earth. The rules included:

  • No one owns the land
  • A prohibition against slavery
  • No theft of another man’s personal property
  • No persecution for religious beliefs [i.e.] freedom of religion

George Washington was supposed to negotiate an all-inclusive treaty with the Red Race, which at the time consisted of 568 separate tribes.  To avoid this Washington requested a meeting with Emperor Moy Toy. Moy Toy refused to grant him an audience due to Washington’s status as a commoner.  However, Moy Toy gave the eastern Tribes permission to negotiate separate treaties with the white immigrants, if they so chose.

The Treaty of 1791 was created between the whites and the Indians for Washington DC, Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee and five additional states located in the Cherokee Indian Nation Territory . This treaty is still valid and enforceable today.

The Great Mistake

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Gordon Duff ~ Disclosure – Time Games

Veterans Today | June 20 2012

It would be so convenient if this were a book or movie, it could move in a wonderfully linear fashion with the appropriate car chases and gun battles.

Our real dead die of mysterious cancers, inexplicable suicides where no Inspector Morse is there to magically ask the right questions.

The issue is “classification” of information, a disease of “lying.” The cure is murder on an unimaginable scale.

The secrets, to those obsessed with such things, are always little more than minor cover and deception operations, little snipe hunts to keep the inept but curious self-satisfied with their feelings of insider knowledge and implied superiority.

What if you could ask god any question? This is the rub. You wouldn’t know what to ask, not really. If everything your perception or language has fed your brain was an artificial construct, then even the exposed false reality of the Matrix movies might be, in themselves, might well be what you are wanted to see.

Here are two still “classified” blips from World War II.

According to “highly classified files,” listed never to be declassified, Operation Market Garden, the believed “misguided” idea by General Montgomery to have the allies cross the Rhein River where it supposedly wasn’t defended, through Holland, past hundreds of bridges, at the river’s widest point, was something else. The allies found top German divisions facing them that shouldn’t have been there.

They also had British forces make extremely odd mistakes, costing needed hours and days, leaving American and British paratroopers, our best, forced to surrender.

This also lengthened the war by months, helped the Germans stage the Battle of the Bulge and almost cost the allies the port of Antwerp which would have, in actuality, defeated the Americans, British and Canadians in the West.

Field Marshall Montgomery

Records unseen forever say General Montgomery planned this defeat with Admiral Carnaris, head of the Abwehr, the German Secret Service. General Patton picked up on this immediately and this and other things led to his assassination after the war.

Another minor secret involves Adolf Hitler. In 1946, a very large German submarine was found, abandoned, off Argentina. Other such subs carried key technologies to Japan and one surrendered to the US in April 1945 and contained the Uranium used in the Hiroshima bomb.

The Argentina sub is said to have contained Adolf Hitler and a significant technical staff. This is the source of rumors that TV has spent 65 years trying to quell.

A point to remember is that of all these things, you will hear a version, perhaps a wrong reason, perhaps different people or a wrong time but all secrets have an analog, a dirty twin built to defend, confuse and deflate.

Thus, we return to the world of rumor, theories, movies, fiction and reality, but with one problem, we are losing our ability to define reality as we will later show, such a thing is, in itself, not just a theory but a myth as well.

What we have learned, whoever “we” is, and even that can’t be disclosed, is that there is very much a desire that you, mankind, even “us,” as it were, carefully discern conspiracy theory, science fiction, imagination from what is deemed reality.

As part of that process, we agree on scientific laws, axiomatic realities we cling to until our fingers are pried loose and we move on to the next offering.

We look for the next “big bang” as it were, the next popular “hard science” mythology of bending space, curving light, sound barriers, gravitational forces, laws of light and energy that are as true as a Bugs Bunny cartoon.

Say Hello to Magnetic Inertial Fusion

Here is an observation and analysis, a nice way of saying guess. As to how educated a guess, it really doesn’t matter.

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Paul Craig Roberts ~ Hubris As The Evil Force In History

Paul Craig Roberts | June 12 2012

ChinaI have always been intrigued by the Battle of Bull Run, the opening battle of the US Civil War, known to southerners as the War of Northern Aggression. Extreme hubris characterized both sides, the North before the battle and the South afterwards.

Republican politicians and their ladies in their finery road out to Manassas, the Virginia town through which the stream, Bull Run, flowed, in carriages to watch the Union Army end the “Southern Rebellion” in one fell swoop. What they witnessed instead was the Union Army fleeing back to Washington with its tail between its legs. The flight of the northern troops promoted some southern wags to name the battle, the Battle of Yankee Run.

The outcome of the battle, left the South infected with the hubris that had so abruptly departed the North. The southerners concluded that they had nothing to fear from cowards who ran away from a fight. “We have nothing to worry about from them,” decided the South. It was precisely at this point that hubris defeated the South.

Historians report that the flight back to Washington left the Union Army and the US capital in a state of disorganization for three weeks, during which time even a small army could have taken the capital. Historians inclined not to see the battle as a victory for the South claim that the southerners were exhausted by the effort it took to put the yankees to flight and simply hadn’t the energy to pursue them, take Washington, hang the traitor Lincoln and all the Republicans, and end the war.

Exhausted troops or not, if Napoleon had been the southern general, the still organized southern army would have been in Washington as fast as the disorganized Union. Possibly the southerners would have engaged in ethnic cleansing by enslaving the yankees and selling them to Africans, thus ejecting from the country the greed-driven northern imperialists who, in the southern view, did not know how to behave either in private or in public.

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Paul Craig Roberts ~ How Liberty Was Lost

Paul Craig Roberts | April 24 2012

Branch DavidiansWhen did things begin going wrong in America?

“From the beginning,” answer some. English colonists, themselves under the thumb of a king, exterminated American Indians and stole their lands, as did late 18th and 19th century Americans. Over the course of three centuries the native inhabitants of America were dispossessed, just as Israelis have been driving Palestinians off their lands since 1948.

Demonization always plays a role. The Indians were savages and the Palestinians are terrorists. Any country that can control the explanation can get away with evil.

I agree that there is a lot of evil in every country and civilization. In the struggle between good and evil, religion has at times been on the side of evil. However, the notion of moral progress cannot so easily be thrown out.

Consider, for example, slavery. In the 1800s, slavery still existed in countries that proclaimed equal rights. Even free women did not have equal rights. Today no Western country would openly tolerate the ownership of humans or the transfer of a woman’s property upon her marriage to her husband.

It is true that Western governments have ownership rights in the labor of their citizens through the income tax. This remains as a mitigated form of serfdom. So far, however, no government has claimed the right of ownership over the person himself.

Sometimes I hear from readers that my efforts are pointless, that elites are always dominant and that the only solution is to find one’s way into the small, connected clique of elites either through marriage or service to their interests.

This might sound like cynical advice, but it is not devoid of some truth. Indeed, it is the way Washington and New York work, and increasingly the way the entire country operates.

Washington serves powerful private interests, not the public interest. University faculties in their research increasingly serve private interests and decreasingly serve truth. In the US the media is no longer a voice and protection for the people. It is becoming increasingly impossible in America to get a good job without being connected to the system that serves the elites.

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