Important facts about hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are very common. Nearly 3 out of 4 people have had hemorrhoids at some point in time. They occur in the rectum and anus. Proper knowledge about the condition, its causes and symptoms help in treating or alleviating the symptoms.

Facts about hemorrhoids

What are Hemorrhoids?

hemorrhoidsHemorrhoids (also known as piles) are swelling in veins in the anal region and lower part of the rectum. Hemorrhoids may be internal (located inside the rectum) or external (developing in the skin around the anus).

They can get stretched and irritated going to the bathroom and hence may hurt.

Hemorrhoids are very common. However, most people feel ashamed to consult a doctor and wait for the condition to heal itself. It’s advisable to consult a specialist for this condition, especially if it’s recurring, rather than live with the pain and discomfort. Continue reading

Alkaline Water or Hydrogen Water — Which One Is Better for You?

According to Popular Reviews A super hydrating water will definitely improve your overall health.” Hydrated water increases your energy levels and improves appearance. You’ll look and feel amazing!

waterDr. Joseph Mercola – Alkaline water is experiencing a resurgence in popularity with sales jumping from $47 million in 2014 to $427 million in 2017.1 Marketers claim alkaline water can correct excess acidity in your tissues, which can then prevent or reverse cancerarthritis and other degenerative diseases.2

However, there’s virtually no good evidence to support such claims, and I warned people about drinking alkaline water on a regular basis over eight years ago. Molecular hydrogen, on the other hand, does have a number of health benefits, some of which mirror the claims made for alkaline water — and there’s a really good reason for that.

So, here, I’ll review these two types of waters, and the scientific support (or lack thereof) for each of them, and how the benefits of molecular hydrogen were inappropriately transferred over to alkaline water — primarily due to ignorance. Continue reading

The Power And Majesty Of The Elements

fireAA Michael – Beloved masters, an understanding of the elements of fire, air, water, and earth, which are unique components, facets or elements of the nature of our Father/Mother God within this sub-universal experience, is vitally important as you seek greater wisdom and strive to claim self mastery. These are the four major elements, which were encoded within the bodily system of the original human form to assist in Self realization and Self mastery on the material plane of existence.

These elements are supplied to all created matter in this Sub-Universe via the great Archangels’ ray-diation of the twelve rays of God Consciousness from the heart core essence of our Father/Mother God.

♦  The Etheric body and Soul Self are attuned to and are fed by the element of Cosmic Fire.

♦  The Mental body resonates to and is energized by the element of AIR /Ether.

♦  The Emotional body is attuned to and affected by the element of Water.

♦  The Physical body is anchored by and attuned to the element of Earth, for the duration of each Soul’s journey into the realms of density, the First through the Fourth Dimensions.

The qualities, attributes and virtues of the seven rays of God consciousness for this solar system were placed within Spheres of light. Continue reading

Candida Fighting Foods


Lucy Morales – Candida Albicans is a type of yeast that can occur in the human gut. According to research, 70% of people have candida colonies in their intestines, mouth or skin, however the candida in your gut is typically kept in balance by healthy gut bacteria. The problem is that candida can over run your system if our bacterial balance is upset by factors like antibiotics, poor diet, alcohol consumption, prescription drugs, diabetes or pregnancy.

As the candida infections spreads, the overgrowth releases nasty toxic byproducts into your body causing numerous unpleasant symptoms. Candida frequently causes superficial infections but may also cause systemic infections. Candida Albicans can also cause issues like chronic fatigue and serious digestive issues, which can negatively — and dramatically — affect your quality of life.

Candida infection isn’t pleasant, but it is manageable. Try incorporating some of these foods into your diet. Here are 10 foods proven to be effective in fighting the problem. Continue reading

Study Reveals ‘Intentionally Treated Water’ Might Change The Growth Rate Of Plants

intentionArjun Walia – Human intention experiments have been taking place for decades. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of peer-reviewed publications that have examined the mind-matter connection with some very interesting results. These results lead to interpretations that are usually ignored in the mainstream, simply because they challenge the mind to entertain and accept completely new facts about the true nature of reality that would completely revolutionize our worldview in several different ways.

I recently published an article about how quantum theory and parapsychology are showing us how mind/matter interaction is indeed real, and that the scientific study of human consciousness is an entirely different ball game; it is almost impossible to accurately measure the impact of consciousness if the ‘objective’ model and limiting parameters of modern-day “science” are still being used. Continue reading