Uncovered Government Docs Prove Chemtrails Real-Dane Wigington

wigingtonGreg Hunter – Lead researcher Dane Wigington for the global climate engineering informational website, GeoengineeringWatch.org, says newly discovered U.S. government documents prove global climate manipulation, commonly referred to as chemtrails, is real.

Not only that, but the document, that originated in the U.S. Senate, also proves weather manipulation has been going on around the world for decades. The exponential damage it is doing continues today, and Wigington explains, “With the 750 page document, how much proof do people need? In this document, it describes the need for global cooperation between nations. Continue reading

Climate Change, Carbon Tax And The Pope’s Address to the United Nations

countryKatherine Frisk – On the 25th of September Pope Francis will address the United Nations on it’s 70th anniversary.

The last time a Pope addressed the United Nations was in 2008 when Pope Benedict XVI, a self avowed Nazi and now deposed Roman Catholic Priest who had been associated with the cover up and protection of pedophile priests across the world. Benedict was also involved in money laundering through the Vatican Bank, money laundering that included tax evasion for major individuals and corporations as well as drug cartels.

Pope Francis on the other hand, is promoted as a different kind a Pope, a new breed to wipe the slate clean and describes the Vatican as a “poor church,” a label which only the totally naive and gullible would concede to.

For 1,000 years Roman Catholic hegemony and imperialism has contributed to the extreme wealth of this institution in art, treasures and gold pilfered from the nations of the world. This Catholic , meaning “universal institution,” has subjected all those who did not submit to their self decreed entitlement to own the planet, all bodies on the planet and all souls, to inquisitions and covert infiltration of all political, educational and religious bodies around the world in order to bring those institutions, knowingly or unknowingly, under Rome’s domain and control.

Major topics on Pope Francis’s agenda on the 25th of September will be the ever popular “sustainable development” and “climate change” narrative, a propaganda ploy which even earned Al Gore an Oscar, though the Nobel peace prize seemed to escape him. The Pope’s speech similarity will no doubt contain the brevity, fear and authoritative punch needed to get the message home to all those avid listeners, Roman Catholic or otherwise. Though whether there will be an Oscar at the end of it is anyone’s guess.  Continue reading

Geo Engineering Doing Most Destruction to Planet-Dane Wigington [Video]

climate engineeringGreg Hunter – Dane Wigington, lead researcher for the global climate engineering informational website GeoengineeringWatch.org, says lawsuits are being prepared to get to the truth about what many call chemtrails.

Wigington says, “It’s not just me. In fact, we have six US attorneys and two Canadian attorneys, and they are involved in this battle of their own accord because they realize their reality is disintegrating by the day.

The climate engineering issue is the most significant environmental factor on the planet at this time. The filings are different in nature, and this will develop with their strategy. This is being done in a manner that will hopefully be a template for other states besides California to follow that template and also file suit.


The heavy metal contamination is not arguable. It is there, and it’s not coming from China. It matches the climate engineering patents exactly. We have agencies whose job it is to disclose such a public health hazard and they are not disclosing, and there is liability from that –period. In the case of Northern California, we have spikes of aluminum in the Sacramento River, which is the drinking water for California, that is not being publicly acknowledged.”

Those doing the geoengineering, or solar radiation management, to combat so-called global warming would say they are saving the planet. Just the opposite, and Wigington goes on to say, “Those in the military who are involved in the program are being told exactly that, and this is imperative to try to sustain the planet’s life support system. In fact, with available data from 65 years of climate engineering, we know this is making the situation far worse, not better.

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Who Stole The Weather? Chemtrails And GeoEngineering

“Humanity is being manhandled and manipulated on a massive scale, and as Hitler and other despots have pointed out, the bigger the lie, the less they’ll challenge it.” ~Zen Gardner

Chemtrails and Geoengineering

The increasing existence of the persistent chemical trails we regularly see in the sky behind high flying jets has rapidly become commonplace knowledge. Ironically these were first called “chemtrails” in US military program literature, but this term was soon demonized as “conspiratorial” by these very same powers and their cohorts in order to squelch information getting to the mainstream public.

So what are they spraying, and why?

These are very serious questions, and apparently the answers would not meet with public approval. A litany of literature, scientific studies and patents regarding such aerosol programs are readily available on the internet. By far the most dominant cover story is that they are trying to reflect sunlight from the earth to mitigate global warming. Whatever your feelings on global warming science and rhetoric, that idea is both nonsensical and extremely dangerous, both to our ecosphere and human health. It’s even since been proven that a canopy of heavy metal nanoparticulates entraps earth’s heat instead of reduces it which shoots that excuse full of holes.

So what are the true purposes? Our governments certainly aren’t talking.

You’ll find this geoengineered weather control program, as well as other insane ideas such as deliberate algae blooms and underwater sonar experiments worldwide now. Geoengineering is a mainstream term and openly promoted and financed by the taxpayer via the military and from “frontmen” private backers such as the likes of Bill Gates and others. Aerosol spraying is often talked about in the mainstream media as a “future idea” to test the waters and anesthetize public outcry. Don’t be fooled.

Apparently it’s been sold at various levels as some sort of “emergency measure” to save the planet, no doubt with a lot of pressure, blackmail and bribery. All this despite the fact that anthropomorphic global warming has been thoroughly debunked. Except for, I will add, this toxic spraying program that is wreaking havoc with our climate and weather and precipitating horrific unnatural responses including very dangerous methane releases.

The History of Chemtrails

The existence of chemtrails, or persistent contrails if you wish, has been documented since the 1940′s with the first spraying used to seed clouds and alter weather patterns for use in agriculture, as well as warfare. Later, radar deflection appears to have become another directive as metallic “chaff” was released into the atmosphere to disrupt electromagnetic transmissions. This is all verifiable via simple internet searches on the subject. Continue reading