Significance Of Wesak


The annual cycle of the Spiritual Festivals offers opportunity for people of all faiths to cooperate. Together, the three full moon festivals of AriesTaurus andGemini form a united spiritual approach by humanity to divinity.


The Wesak Festival has been traditionally associated in eastern civilization with the Buddha, esoterically recognized as the divine intermediary between the highest spirtual center on the planet, Shamballa, and theHierarchy.

The Buddha is the expression of the Wisdom of God, the embodiment ofLight and the indicator of divine purpose, cooperating at this festival with his brother the Christ, who represents the Hierarchy. The Buddha embodies the Principle of Light, and because of this illumination humanity was able to recognize the Christ, embodiment of the still greater Principle of Love.

Each year at the time of Wesak, two great streams of energy ~ one focussed through the Buddha and the other through the Christ ~ are fused and blended, and it is the task of world servers to precipitate this combined energy into the waiting world.

The Wesak Festival is indeed a great spiritual event, with a powerful effect upon humanity. Groups of aspirants can at this time become channels for the higher energies released through the medium of the two focal points ~ the Buddha, who represents the overlighting essence of subjectiverealities, and the Christ, representative of aspiring humanity.

This is symbolized in religious rituals where the priest acts as the focal point; here, however, the priesthood in this great ceremony of contact is not a separate entity. All can be priests, the single qualification being the capacity to align oneself and be en rapport with the Soul, and thus be able to cooperate with other souls. Continue reading

Enlightenment Is Wired Into Your DNA

Your Unique Enlightenment Imprint

Selacia – Every past lifetime leading to this one has prepared you for these moments. Each experience you had, each time you learned to love more, and each time you let go of dysfunctional habits … you were in preparation to benefit from the expanded enlightenment potentials available now.

So is the memory of your past spiritual teachings and lessons. You have never forgotten precious moments from past lives when you sat in the audience of an awakened or awakening teacher. You may not remember that teacher’s name now, or even having sat with him or her, but the beneficial energy remains with you. Continue reading

Wesak And Eclipses

Terri Newlon April 25 2013

Djwhal KhulDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. This particular Wesak is extremely potent because it is the first one since the end of the old cycle and it is on a lunar eclipse, then in two weeks a solar eclipse, then another lunar eclipse on the next Full Moon. So within a one-month cycle, three eclipses.

This is a Wesak of major transformation. If you didn’t already do the Wesak celebration that was done live on Earth Day, that is still available on the website, if you want the full journey and meditation.

However in the meantime I’m going to say: change, change and keep changing. It is going to be shifting gears, changing, last minute yoyo kind of thing. So those who like certain patterns, habits, and are not as flexible are going to have a harder time in this cycle.

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The Return Of White Eagle

James Tyberonn – Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I greet you in an embrace of love ! We are joined this gathering by an entourage of Spirit., by those Ascended Masters of the group termed the White Eagle, a collective energy of highest virtue of which many of you are a part in higher aspect.

Dear Ones, 2013 is Year One of the New Earth and it a very special, very powerful time. It is particularly suited for the Co-Creation of Highest Good for Humanity and the New Earth. It is the Year in which Dharma is returned to and through the Sedona Vortexial Aperture to North America. Wesak 2013 on the Full-Moon Eclipse is then a clarion call to all who have taken the soul contract to be a part of this co creative anchoring. Many are called, and many will answer. It is a sacred oath and completion. It is the Return of the White Eagle.

We tell you that those of the LeMurian Realm, those of the Law of One of Poseida of the Atlantean Golden Age are a soul group who has shared group incarnations into many realms, many epochs. These began in Mu before duality Earth, and continued into Atlantis, Og, Rama, Egypt, Greece, Judea, Europe, Camelot, Tibet, and indeed, the American West.

Collective Soul Grouping – White Eagle

This ‘Soul Group, is one in which many of you on the Path of Spirit are and have ever been within. It is the core of many of the spiritually enlightened eras of the planet. Including then group incarnations into the times of the Atla-Ra, Horus & Isis, Akhenaten, Jesua ben Josef, Buddha and the White Eagle and White Buffalo. And it is the White Eagle & Buffalo that is beckoning this group to Wesak 2013. For this time is heralded as the return of the spirit of truth & virtue to the Red Lands of America, a virtue of Spirit that once resided in the land. It is a time foretold, it is a time that has come, and a sacred fulfillment is at hand.

It occurs at WESAK in the 13th resonance, for the wisdom of the Golden Age of the Spiritual Elders in the Redlands of the Americas were and always have been closely connected to the energy and lands of Tibet. We tell you many Tibetan Masters were part of the Golden Age of Wisdom among the ‘White Eagle’ clan of Elders of the Red Tribes. The soul group that came under the White Eagle aspiration in the Americas, you see, were previously in Tibet . That is why so many of the spiritual traditions of Tibet were mirrored in the traditions of the Elders of the Hopi , Navajo, Zuni and Lakota.. That is why so many of you you recall that powerful time and connect to the Native American Age of Wisdom, with incarnations as Hopi, Navajo, Lakota and such…and although that grand era has passed, it is now to revitalize as foreseen in the ancient prophesy of the ‘Return of Dharma’ .

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