Transmitting Civilization Is Now Up To Us

Transmitting Civilization Is Now Up To UsPaul RosenbergWestern civilization – the most effective major civilization in human history – has lost its mechanisms of transmission. And that’s a big problem. Civilizations are simply collections of humans who share certain ideas, and if those ideas are no longer passed down, the civilization breaks, degrades and vanishes.

Western civilization had specific and important virtues, like cooperation, initiative, creativity, curiosity, co-dominance, open inquiry and justice. If we lose those, we stand in jeopardy, and our grandchildren stand in grave jeopardy. Continue reading

Reclaiming Western Civilization

western civilization
Eastern apse of the Cathedral of Spire, Germany (c. 1100)

Paul Rosenberg – The dismantling of Western civilization ran from the middle of the Enlightenment to about 1967. Since then, it has been aggressively uprooted and burnt. (See FMP #90 and here for details.) Western civilization still continues in the hearts and minds of many Westerners, and some local institutions retain their souls, but the central institutions are lost. The large and centralized entities of the modern West oppose Western civilization.

That said and accepted, the darkness emanating from American and European power centers has made one thing very clear: They are NOT Western civilization. They are, in fact, wildly separated from it. And that, in its way, is a blessing: It allows us to clarify what Western civilization really was. Continue reading

The Replacement Religions Of The West

religionPaul Rosenberg – Western civilization formed in the wake of Rome, based mainly upon Christian ideals. And because of those ideals, Europe became vastly different from Rome. Most overtly, Western civilization ejected slavery from Europe. To put it simply, European Christians replaced slavery (the economic driver of Rome and of more or less every civilization up to that time), with a version of free-market capitalism.

These facts aren’t honestly arguable, presuming that one looks at the facts rather than beloved dogmas. The population of the Western Roman Empire was roughly 25% slave in 476 AD, the traditional date of its end. By 1000 AD that percentage was down to roughly zero. Continue reading

Celebrating Western Civilization (Part 1)

Paul Rosenberg – I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve heard Western civilization disparaged, in everything from street talk to written screeds to intellectual circles. It would have to be thousands of times at least. In fact, it’s something that people (including people who should know better) repeat endlessly, always confident that they’ll receive a pat on the back for it.

Criticizing the West passes for enlightenment these days.

Except that it’s false. Western civilization (and by that I mean European civilization and its offshoots, from the breakup of the Western Roman Empire to today… the civilization based upon Judeo-Christian ethics and scientific progress) is, by far, the most productive in human history. To criticize it in broad terms is not a sign of enlightenment, but of delusion. Continue reading

Draining The Swamp – Staying The Course

greater goodShorty Dawkins – As the flood of accusations continue, it is important to keep in mind, that the process of Draining the Swamp will not be quick, and it will not be easy.

Draining the Swamp is not just about sexual misconduct. It is about all kinds of misuse of power, and it is not just about Democrats, or the Left. There are those on the Right who have abused their positions of trust. Dennis Hastert comes to mind, for instance.

The goal is to clean house, and remove from all positions of power and influence those who are seeking to destroy our country from within. Be they politicians, media persons, academics, business men and women, or military personnel, they must be exposed and removed from their positions of trust, whenever possible, or at least exposed for what they are.

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