Reframing Reality: The Shift

Jon Rappoport July 12 2013

Here is a quote from my unfinished manuscript, The Magician Awakes:

Eastern philosophyYou see, Jimmy, this I can attest and swear to. We’re only operating in part of the arc, a small sector. We’re playing chords in one building. That’s where everybody is.

We’re recycling these chords, and putting them in different sequences, but it’s the same basic music. And when I say music, I mean what people call emotion.

This music goes here and there, and you’ve got ten or twelve billion people convinced it’s the whole shooting match. You can feel this or that or this or that, and nothing else is left over.

We’re talking about experience, Jimmy. But see, what if there are galaxies and universes of experience we know nothing about? Emotions we know nothing about.

We’re in the visible-spectrum arena, a tiny piece of the whole arc. We have no words for all the sixty trillion other emotions that exist out there.

And if that’s true, then we’re puttering away. What we’re quite sure life is, is just a speck in the sea.

Now, Jimmy, I KNOW you’re going to nod and agree with me. You always do that, as if you already know what I’m talking about. You’re going to tell me how the very same thing I’m talking to you about occurred to you when you were a kid in Illinois.

But see, that’s a bunch of crap. You don’t know what I’m talking about. How do I know this? Because nobody has experienced those sixty trillion unknown emotions yet. Nobody.

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Your Mind Is Not A Computer June 3 2013

Researchers, pundits, and academics look for metaphors to describe the mind. For at least 50 years, the favorite analogy has been the computer.

“Well, both the mind and a computer employ logic. They store data. They use strategies to solve problems.”

Is that it? The mind is merely a problem-solving machine? Of course not.

That’s where the metaphor breaks down.

By the way, a metaphor is way of describing one thing in terms of another. It’s not literal. People used to learn that in school.

Two days ago, I wrote and posted an article headlined: “150 million Americans go to Mexico, swim back, become instant millionaires.” Some people apparently thought I was reporting a fact. Or misreporting it.

It’s called satire. That’s when you take a metaphor and stretch it beyond the breaking point of exaggeration. In that case, I was commenting on current immigration/welfare policy.

Metaphor isn’t fact.

The metaphor of “mind as computer” isn’t a fact, no matter how hard technocrats wish it were true.

Behind the moronic and childish presumptions of technocracy, there are indeed people who want to treat the mind as a computer for a very simple reason: they want to control it.

Looking at the mind as an input-output machine suggests tactics for modifying, controlling, and weakening it.

That’s what Pavlov was after. Applying a stimulus and getting a predictable and unvarying response. That was his holy grail.

There are projects underway to build a simulated model of the human brain. This takes us one step further away from the truth, because the brain is not the mind.

The mind (consciousness) isn’t a physical object. It isn’t a container. It isn’t a machine. It isn’t a thing.

The CIA’s infamous MKULTRA mind-control program is widely misunderstood. Its original experiments were much more about controlling behavior through coercion. High-dose panic-inducing LSD, threats, intimidation, hypnosis applied in a climate of fear.

Of course that can work on many people, but it’s not sophisticated or mysterious. You can pound somebody with a hammer and make him obey orders if you keep it up long enough.

Waterboarding can control behavior. So can long periods of isolation.

And when it comes to electromagnetic stimuli or creating “voices in the head,” the elements of fear and disorientation play a central role.

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