It’s Time to Stop Playing the What-If Game

what if gamePaul Lenda – Anxiety is like a form of self-torture that we sometimes have tremendous difficulty stopped. However, it is entirely fabricated within our minds as an irrational fear mechanism that stops of from being able to move forward in life. One way anxiety commonly creeps up and freezes us into a state of inaction or flight is the What-If Scenario.

The Classic What-If Scenario

You know what this is. It may seem harmless at first. It’s more of a question than an irrational fear that stops you in your tracks. The information that a what-if emerges out of is usually pretty benign or neutral. However, a tiny hint of worry can progressively expand and branch out and become out of control. One worry turns into several worries, and then your mind is tormented by a torrent of them. Continue reading