Truth the Deep State would rather you not learn [Video]

Deep StateJames Gilliland – Personally I would rather not engage in politics yet this has gotten so corrupt, so decadent, it is beyond ridiculous to the point of unbelievable.

The facts cannot be ignored. Or can they?

You will not hear any of this on the lame stream news. What you will see is a lot of narcissism, pathological lying deep state sock puppets working for project Mockingbird. They are morally and spiritually bankrupt – poor excuses for humans. The lies, deceptions, misinformation has become pathological to the collective psyche.

We were on the verge of total collapse with most of the agencies weaponized against the American People. This is now being exposed. I wrote about this over 35 years ago. Continue reading

Black Projects: Follow The Money

Project Camelot | November 3 2012

The Truth Behind the Matrix

Note:  the following report was written to accompany White Hat Report #48 which has as of this date been delayed and may possibly never see the light of day due to either quiet coercion behind the scenes or outright threats to the life of certain members of the group known as “The White Hats” who publish reports on a fairly regular basis revealing financial corruption at the highest levels of government specifically in the U.S. but also involving other world powers and players. I have therefore decided to release my portion of the report without #48 so that the truth may at least be told with regard to what lies behind that report.  For more information about #48 please see the following transcript and audio from my recent radio show conversation with “Tman of the White Hats” concerning this report.

Project Camelot and many other individuals and researchers have been investigating the range and depth of this vast conspiracy underground, beneath the perception of the masses i.e. the reality beneath the Matrix for many years.  As most readers will know, the concept of the Matrix (the surface fabrication of our reality) is known and was popularized by the movie of the same name.  This, now, is common knowledge.  Taking the red pill or the blue pill is ultimately what you do when you read this report or should you decide you aren’t interested in waking up to the reality of what is going on under your feet (literally) and prefer to go back to sleep.  So this is the choice you have.

The Secret Space Program

Continue reading @ Project Camelot