Wi-Fi Devices Increase Mercury Release From Dental Amalgams

Sayer Ji

Sayer Ji – Recent research indicates that our increasingly Wi-Fi saturated environment could be greatly amplifying the dangers of mercury exposure from dental amalgams.

A new study published in the Journal of Neuroimmunology, entitled, “Effect of radiofrequency radiation from Wi-Fi devices on mercury release from amalgam restorations” (link), reveals that our now ubiquitous exposure to Wi-Fi radiation may be amplifying the toxicity of dental amalgams and other forms of mercury exposure in the human body.

In what appears to be the first study of its kind, Brazilian researchers looked specifically at the potential for Wi-Fi signals to increase the release of mercury from dental amalgams, which are composed of approximately 50% elemental mercury. Continue reading

Why You Should Have a Himalayan Crystal Salt Lamp in Every Room of Your House

One of the best sources to buy real authentic Himalayan salt lamps is Fab Glass and Mirror salt lamps

saltCarolanne Wright – One of the most disruptive environmental toxins in our modern age, electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are difficult to dodge. Wifi and cellphones both generate this invisible menace, as do computers, televisions, cordless phones and microwave ovens. Cancer, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, depression, headaches, miscarriage and thyroid malfunction are all linked with exposure to electromagnetic pollution.

While EMFs are nearly impossible to avoid, we can take steps to reduce the negative impact. One method is through Halotherapy — otherwise known as dry salt therapy.

Salt, Happiness and Health

For over a century, spending time in salt caves for their healing attributes has been a common practice in locations like Germany and Poland. Early on, it was noticed that salt miners didn’t suffer from the widespread respiratory illnesses of the day, which were running rampant. The miners also tended to be exceptionally happy. It wasn’t until science established salt is rich in negative ions that the reason behind their robust health and sunny outlook was finally discovered. In turn, Halotherapy was born.

Today, a variety of health issues are addressed through exposure to man made “salt caves — where a natural microclimate is created by dispersing a dry salt aerosol in high concentrations into a halo chamber, whose surface is covered with layers of salt.” [source] When the salt is inhaled, it travels throughout the respiratory system and absorbs excess moisture, clears mucus, reduces inflammation and kills bacteria. The therapy has also been shown to be effective for those with skin and digestive ailments, as well as those who struggle with stress, headaches, fatigue and mood disorders, according to a study published in the Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine.

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Smart Technology, WiFi, Agenda 21 Energy Field Wars on Humanity

Paul A. Philips – Given that all things are energy what could be a better way to covertly manipulate the people than by the control of ubiquitous invisible energy fields?  As the metaphor says “control the sea and you control the fish.”

ControlTechnologically generated invisible energy fields, the “cosmic internet,” are creating more and more pollution: Receiving scant attention in mainstream media, the low frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) originating from sources such as broadcasting towers; mobile phone towers, smart meters and WiFi for the various applications.

All these can invariably have the effect of disrupting our body’s own bio-electromagnetic energy field and thus our health. The disruption can cause illnesses such as those related to our mental state, hormonal and nervous system … and it doesn’t stop at this, which I will explain later.

The bringing in of this technology is to do with the code-worded Agenda 21.

‘Smart’ technology is the classic double-edged sword. Whether the technology puts EMFs into the field for the use of communications in business, at home, or in the body for drug function, etc. these informational exchanges can be picked up on and diverted to a surveillance control centre from many miles away, which can then, in turn, send back information accordingly as a response.

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Wireless, Chemtrails And You

bariumWilliam Thomas – Next time you’re on a cellphone looking up at those long lingering plumes spreading across the sky, you might decide to end that call. If you spot any cell towers, roof-mounted transmitters or high-voltage power lines within a mile of your location, you may wish to evacuate the area immediately. And once home, you will want to permanently disconnect all wireless devices, including computer routers and “always-on” portable phone cradles. Because what you see in the sky is what you breathe. And chances are you’ve been breathing barium for more than a decade.

Barium Conducts Electromagnetic Energy

Ever since Captain Kirk teleported to the surface of an alien planet and whipped out his portable communicator, everyone Earthside wanted one. And the telecos gave us flip-phones. Along with compulsive texting, streaming video, online gaming and banking, the worldwide web and more.

It took more than 20 years to connect the first billion subscribers. But only another 40 months to connect the second billion. The three billionth “user” placed a cell phone call just 24 months after that.

Never before in human history have so many embraced such risky technology so fast. In Toronto alone, there are 7,500 cell towers. In the USA: over 190,000.

BioElectric Beings

Everyone fixated on Captain Kirk’s hand-phaser. But his wireless communicator was the real ray gun that could not be dialled down.

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Electrohypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Recognized by the World Health Organization; Suggests They Be Included in the International Classification of Diseases

microwaveCatherine J. Frompovich – The World Health Organization (WHO), on September 4th, 2015, issued a one-page press release, regarding “International Scientific Declaration on Electrohypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity” along with a five-page “Statement of International Scientific Declaration on Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity” that, not only is long overdue, but critically important to untold millions of people around the world who suffer from two new, or modern, diseases caused by products and services created, manufactured and dispensed by mega corporations and industries that disregard the science validating what’s known as EMS and MCS.

The Statement was signed by 25 signatories, all prominent international health, medical, research, and political professionals, who encouraged the World Health Organization to recognize electrohypersensitivity (EMS) and multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) as real diseases, plus include them in the International Classification of Diseases.

Incredibly, the signatories had this to say:

According to the present scientific knowledge and taking into account the precautionary principle, we unanimously recommend that true information in the use of chemicals and wireless technologies be made accessible to the public and precautionary regulation measures applying particularly to children and other vulnerable population subgroups be urgently taken as it should be the case regarding chemicals in the application of the European Registration Evaluation Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation.

To fulfill these objectives, we unanimously request that institutional committees designed for evaluating the risks of EMFs and chemicals be constituted by scientists acting in clear science-based independency and so exclude any experts with industry affiliation. – [CJF emphasis added] Continue reading