Morphic Fields And The Power Of Choice

Artwork by Android Jones

“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite.” ~ William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

Reality is virtually a symbolic representation of patterns of information. Notice the patterns and come explore the connections with the interlocking grids of consciousness that permeate the all that is.

As beings of limitless potential, we actually can choose where to resonate, which helps to shape our experiences. Resonate with fields of limitations, and limitations are what you will encounter within yourself and everything around you. Resonate with fields of limitless potential, and anything is possible.

Through consciousness potential and resonance, we can expand our apertures of awareness to experience the full expression of ourselves as limitless beings. Through awareness, we can become more adept at recognizing the informational fields with which we are connecting that influence our experiences.

What we take resonance with, takes residence within us.

Consider that experience is a function of light, information, and resonance. We are beings of light. That which is light interacts with information as potential through morphic fields of consciousness. These interactions create connections or resonances with the information contained in morphic fields. What unfolds from the information within morphic fields of consciousness is, in turn, expressed through all of us as energy and experience. Continue reading

Death Of A Vampire

Feed The Moon | November 17 2012

ParasitismFor far too long we have lived under the rule of the Parasite.

For too long the Parasite has dictated to us who we are and what we are capable of.

For too long the Parasite has ruled over a mental wasteland of his own creating.

And in order to make us subservient to his twisted aims of total spectrum dominance the parasite has poisoned the waters, infected our minds with his own perversities and denied the existence of anything beyond the corporeal body-state, whilst simultaneously launching a never ending vicious and ruthless war against the human soul he repeatedly informs us does not exist.

He has, bit-by-bit removed the free-thinker, the philosopher, the wise man from centre-stage; replaced him with a gibbering, fame-obsessed body fixated retard, and held this idiot up as a role-model. And many have aped the self-concerned moron, even tried to outdo him on the stupidity-stakes, hoping that by simply being more stupid, more vain, more sexually-deviant, they will rise to the same stage as their parasitically-created hero. And yet –

‘Imagination is a glimpse of the divine’ ~William Blake

These insipid mimics fail to realise that fame is not democratic. It is an orchestrated spell intended to take us away from our own potentialities. It is a closed-club, existing only to offer us a ready-made escape mechanism, its ultimate aim is to restrict our innate desire to self-create, and utilise the endless possibilities of our potentially-boundless imaginations.

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