A Libra New Moon of Uncertain Outcomes

new moonHenry Seltzer – Thursday evening’s New Moon in Libra, conjunct Jupiter, brings fresh energy to the place of harmony that resides within each of us, because Libra is the sign of diplomacy and balance.

Venus, ruler of this New Moon, strongly aspects Neptune in Pisces, by a trine, as the Sun and Moon stimulate this exchange, and while numinous and illusory Neptune remains in orb of his square with the limitations represented by restrictive Saturn.

The aspect of conflict between them has been operating for many months, and is now fading from its final exact contact. Since this New Moon brings their natural antithesis to the fore, the battle between fanciful idealism and overly negative realism is stronger than ever.

We also have a powerful presence of a recovering Mercury, in Virgo, opposite Chiron in Pisces, reminding us of our fears for the future, and of concepts of inner wounding that hold us back from being the truest version of ourselves that is potential within us, the human beings that we aspire to be, and were all along intended to become.

With the protean astrological archetype of Neptune so strongly configured in this New Moon, in contrast with Saturn, we could experience a powerful sense of almost fairy-tale optimism and idealism that is somewhat at odds with the constraints of a practical and realistic point of view.

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Wise Emotion

eclipseSarah Varcas – Conjunct retrograde Chiron and forming a T Square to Mars in Sagittarius, this is an emotionally energised eclipse with a cathartic edge. Whilst some emotional catharses can clear the air in the long run, others may complicate an already difficult situation and we must stay present to know one from the other.

With passions aroused we may mistakenly think it’s all about us, forgetting other people are also feeling the strain! To avoid too great a focus on the self, it will help to acknowledge a collective process of clearing and realignment rather than identify too deeply with what is, in fact, a wider issue. This eclipse reminds us the emotional realm may not be as personal as it first appears, for we each process our karmic share of the unified field, albeit within the unique emotional landscape of our life.

When the Moon is eclipsed we may lose touch with our inner compass. When eclipsed in Pisces, even more so! If we find ourselves swayed by ideas, people or situations that seem out of character it’s worth taking a step back before jumping on board.

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Oracle Report ~ Saturday, July 2, 2016

wisdomBalsamic Moon in Gemini: release, prepare to begin anew

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bagalamukhi, Goddess Who Dissolves Illusions

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East

Skill:  keep it simple; recognize what is being taught

True Alignments:  loyalty, celebrations, the comforts of home, acknowledgment of what is important, addressing or redressing, observation, records and information, promises, childlike wonderment, blessings, application of knowledge and experience

Catalysts for Change:  demanding, bound to something and wanting release, overly needy of attention, intellectual arrogance, overwhelmed by complexity, unable to simplify, invasion of privacy, lost in translation, losing faith, radically anti human

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a woman activist in an emotional speech dramatizing her cause”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery”

Get ready for the light.

Today the Sun reaches the degree of the Sabian symbol of “a Chinese woman nursing a baby whose aura reveals him to be the reincarnation of a great teacher.”  This energetic directs us to the simplest answers, elements, or components of something.  This is a pure energy that speaks to something trying to take “birth” in our lives or come back into our lives, as in “reincarnating.”   Personal revelations light up the mind when the Sun discharges this code.

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Oracle Report ~ Friday, May 6, 2016

“Spider Wisdom” – Photo By Rene

New Moon in Taurus: begin, intend

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom):  Tara, Goddess Who Guides

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire):  Ian, God of the East

Skill: aim high; maintain sight; attend to wisdom

True Alignments: opening the heart, doors opening, independence, opportunities presented, cravings, things entering a new phase, inner wisdom, family heritage, protection and guardianship, the end of empire, entering higher realms, practicality, idealistic, beautiful representations, decorative, celebration, immaculate, real, mission, removing what is holding us back

Catalysts for Change: feeling one is responsible for everything, pretending to be happy, showing off (especially things that are superficial), control issues, conflicts, battles, blaming the bearer of bad news, losing sight or giving in to defeatism, uncompromising, worry, denial of self, disconnection, issues of self worth, seeking approval, arrogance, shows of strength that are not solid, waiting around

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a symbolic battle between swords and torches” (the might of light)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (transcending issues, old paradigms)

Welcome to the New Moon in Taurus!

The New Moon occurs at 3:30 pm ET/7:30 pm UT at the degree of the Sabian symbol (archetypal energetic frequency) of “a symbolic battle between swords and torches.”

At the highest level, this energetic involves the resolution of dualities, dichotomies, struggles, conflicts, disparities, practicalities, and realities.

At the lowest level, this energetic involves degradation through methods or issues of control, force, loss of free speech, irrationality, and conquering via division.

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Oracle Report ~ Tuesday, April 12, 2016

“Beauty amidst the beast” – photographer L Walker

Crescent Moon in Cancer: persevere, meet challenge

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Chinnamasta, Goddess Who Expands the Mind

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East

Skill:  look for opportunities; see foreshadowing of the future

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month and the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (transcendence)

Greetings, wise owls, from the beauty within the beast that is Washington, DC. The Mahavidyas, the Wisdom Goddesses, sent me on a quick trip East for the beginning of the Magic Carpet Ride of the new year.  I have been under heavy instruction and construction over the past few days and have much to report, but today’s Oracle Report is abbreviated due to my “field trip.”  This report is written in my phone and emailed to Andrew for posting, so here is the short of it:

Three main themes today:

Opportunities will “blow” in, and we need to recognize their potential, even if they are out of the ordinary, especially so, even.  These things will be related to things that will provide long term benefit.

The future is foreshadowed today, meaning things that develop (ideas, projects, feelings, events, insights – anything) give us a glimmer of the future.

Balance is key. Things that are going on are showing how, where, what, and when to balance.

Two other things: Continue reading