The Era of Fakes: From Fake Meat to Fake Presidents

Our Fake, Fake, Fake WorldJ. B. Shurk – Will our historical era be remembered as the “Age of Fakes”? We have fake news, fake meat, fake elections, fake genders, fake vaccines, fake budgets, fake democracy, fake truths, fake hate, fake Russian collusion, fake insurrections, fake climate emergencies, fake freedoms, fake outrage, fake speech crimes, fake money, fake justice, fake intellects, fake women, fake borders, fake wars, and even a fake president. In some ways, it is a very silly time to be alive.

So much of our fake world has been built on two monstrously fake foundations: fake progress and fake liberalism.

Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson redefined progress as something that only Big Government can provide. Instead of celebrating human innovation, artistic achievement, work ethic, and private entrepreneurship as the essential ingredients for any prosperous future, progressivism insists that nothing of value can be achieved without a strong centralized government and a bloated administrative Deep State.

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Warning Signs Someone You Know Is Getting ‘Woke’

wokeSean Adl-Tabatabai – Covid is not the only virus sweeping the West. According to experts, being ‘woke’ might actually be a type of ‘virus’ that infects the mind and impairs a person’s personality.

Historian Brett Sinclair has identified seven distinct personality traits that suggest somebody has become or is in the process of becoming ‘woke.’

‘Woke’ is now a common term for those who become unbearably incensed with faux progressive social justice issues. Often, this obsession takes the form of smug and aggressive protest activism – which infiltrates every aspect of a person’s life. Continue reading

Now sheet music condemned as ‘slap’ at ‘students of color’

musicBob Unruh  – The old saying is music “can soothe the savage beast,” but who knew those sheets of paper with staves and notes and key signatures and time signatures and more actually have the power to “slap” some people in the face?

It’s the latest battle in “woke” politics in the world today, where now staff members inside the University of Oxford’s department of music reportedly want to remove sheet music from the school’s curriculum.

A report from Fox News explains professors are fretting over its presence because the notation has not “shaken off its connection to its colonial past.” Continue reading