It Takes Courage To Stay Tender And Sensitive In A Tough World

Inspire Me Today | January 13 2013

We are mistake-makers. It is part of being human. Every day, more accurately, every hour, we err. Whether in areas of judgment, precision, or skill…individuals forget to read an entire report, they overlook a deadline, or rush to the next task without first checking their calendar. In short, we are error-ridden folk. This we have in common.

The difference lies in how we handle our mistakes and how we respond to the transgressions of others. Do we write people off, cut them from our life (personally and professionally)? Or in the midst of the heat, do we look for some way to salvage the situation and thereby offer a lifeline to the offender?

As people prone to creating tangled webs of problems (intentionally or not) we have a decision to make. On this barely subconscious level, each person decides whether to offer someone the benefit of the doubt or not. In short mental steps of succession, we’ve already judged and juried another’s transgression or we’ve offered forgiveness.

Depending upon the person who’s harmed us (or our project, objective, feelings or ego), we decide. How we determine to lend some measure of compassion or grace is generally a multifactor proposition. Did we enjoy a good breakfast? Have that second cup of coffee? Was the ride to work uneventful? Did our inbox contain the messages we anticipated? Or none of the above?

Seems petty, doesn’t it? Too often we further compound one mistake by meting out added layers of punishment simply to make a point. People generally feel bad enough after making a problematic issue larger. On a practical scope, dredging up an individual’s shortcomings does nothing to solve the problem. It’s just that it comes so “naturally” to be critical of another’s failings and we’re so good at blaming.

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Silence And Simplicity

Lemuria Awakening  June 26 2012

Adama through Kata ~ Greetings to the Masters,


It is always an honor to address my words to you. And there is always urgency when these words need to find their way into your hearts. We are there with you always; we know which level of readiness you are connected to. We know when we can start our direct communication with you person by person. And we are fully aware of which are the issues that need a broader audience to talk to you about.

There are those long awaited preparation steps that make your recent rise in consciousness levels ready for certain planetary changes. They are the same as the universal changes, but no need to deal with them at the moment from this stage of operation. Soon the call will arrive to your heart to pay even more attention to these changes. Always seek the interconnectedness. There are no separate events to unfold but there will come a chain of events, which will bring the recognition of the broader spectrum of the transformation you and your beloved planet are in the middle right now.

This year brings all the changes to open the gate for the new energies to arrive full speed to your reality. The only tools needed are to be found residing within you. Silence, and simplicity are two of them. They are carrying the needed vibrations to be prepared.

Silence – not that of the hermit who keeps physical silence for months and uses the method of pulling away from his physical reality. The silence I am referring to here keeps you in your reality with a constant presence in your heart that gives you the scoop of your recent life, and helps you to recognize and manifest into it all you need to learn from, and to be gifted by it.

Silence is the simplest method to connect you to your own heart. This silence is like your personal master that can help you to stay in focus. Staying in the focus of the heart and not the mind. Silence is like a Golden Dome you can use to eliminate all the noisy disturbances around you.

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Clearing The Channels Between Your Heart & Throat!

Lee-Anne Peters Blog Spot | April 19 2012

I, like many people have been guilty of speaking words from my lower mind. You know those words I mean – the ones that are based on either nothing, judgement or fear? These are the ones that seem to spark from this strange place within that needs to justify or defend with words or actions, or sometimes even make a mountain out of a molehill. Then after the fact we may wish that we never said that!

Usually these sorts of words are spoken straight from the lower mind – representing our fears, beliefs, judgements and negative thoughts. It is thoughts based on this lower and more hurting vibration that can wreak all sorts of havoc for ourselves and people in the way of us. I am sure you, like me have been on both ends of this stick! So what can we do? We obviously can’t change what has happened in the past and we most definitely cannot change others so all we can do is LEARN from our past experiences.

When we listen to those reactions we have, they can be clues to help us know WHERE we hold insecurities, fears and blocks that are holding us back.

As we clear out the clutter in our mind, we become much more mindful of what we are thinking, saying and doing every day, and it’s this that opens us up to an amazing perspective – Clearing those channels between your heart and throat!!

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