Stephen Lendman ~ Washington’s Master Plan: World Conquest

russiaStephen Lendman – Hitler’s master plan included removing all internal opposition. Genocide. Ethnic cleansing.

Exterminating or enslaving inferior people. Considered non-Ayrans subhumans (untermenschen).

Sought lebensraum (living space). Aryanizing Europe and beyond. Establishing New Order dominance over conquered lands.

Run by convenient stooges. Making Germany the preeminent world power. Master race rulers.

Washington’s master plan is similar. Tyranny masquerading as democracy. Governing extrajudicially.

State terror as official policy. Naked aggression its main expression. Globalized war.

One party rule. Republicans no different from Democrats on issues mattering most.

Controlled by monied interests. Bankers topping the pecking order. Police state apparatus control. Waging war on freedom. Institutionalizing repression.

Big Brother watching everyone. Tolerating no internal opposition. Eliminating it entirely. Forcefully.

Running the world’s largest gulag. At home and abroad. Concentration camps. Filled with political prisoners. Society’s unwanteds. Continue reading