Whither the United States of America?

PressTV  October 19 2013

anisaAfter pleading so hard for our government to change direction and decide to preserve US economic sovereignty and the right of our country and citizens to prosper by addressing our debt crisis, it seems to me that I would be acting irresponsibly [to] not say at least a few words about what happens now that our political leaders have chosen the path of economic collapse, which allows the US to be folded into the New World Order economic scheme.

That scheme is premised upon the destruction or collapse of sovereign economies, just as it destroys sovereign borders, sovereign governments and sovereign militaries. The New World Order is basically a one world government wherein every organization and institution of any meaning is controlled by a single government that claims authority over the entire earth. Its objective is to control not only the laws and the political aspect of our world’s existence, but they will also be the only entity granted the legitimate right to use coercive force, to control standing armies and law enforcement, even militias, or para militaries.

It is hard for those of us who grew up at a time in the United States when words like freedom, liberty and sovereignty had real meanings and were seen as virtues, to understand where the people come from who want a single authority, or government controlling everyone and everything in the world and who think it is a good idea. We wonder if the people supporting those behind the scheme understands that it means essentially that life will lose much of its dynamism and that people will have to surrender so much of their uniqueness, freedoms, rights and autonomy for such a scheme to work.

When reading the UN documents that are the blueprint for the New Secular World Order that is taking shape, it becomes very clear that human rights and human development and spiritual progress are not among its top priorities. It is clear that its primary objectives will be population control, in all of its many applications, including Eugenics and efficient human resource management. Its overall objective, which is now obvious to most people, is to structure a world in tiers, or classes of people who will enjoy life according to who they are.

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Agenda 21 And The Steady-State Techno-Corporatocracy: An Introduction

Activist Post June 25 2013

One must make a new system that makes the old system obsolete. — Buckminster Fuller

Once upon a time, we worried about a possible New World Order. A plan to create a One World Government. We read books and watched films that gave us glimpses of what was coming. These days we can feel it is already here, as each day the tales of tyranny come thick and fast.

Big Brother breathes hotly down our necks.

Yet still there is much dis-unity among us, a fragmentation of interests, which leaves us vulnerable to the whims of those who would control us. Going forward, exposing Agenda 21 must be our focus . . .  because there’s a lot more to it than most people realise. Its aim is to replace our current system with (what will be called) a steady state economy. Every single profitable aspect of nature is being priced, in preparation for this system – food, land, water, carbon, the ocean, the atmosphere, soil formation, nutrient cycling, biomass, genetic resources, and, yes, even the tourism value of ‘a nice view’ is being priced – this is but one of many intangibles which are said to have value in the economy, and includes a variety of aesthetic, cultural and spiritual ‘services’ provided by nature.

The Global Alliance of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities on Climate Change against REDD+ and for Life are living proof of the effects of this system, and proclaim the green economy to be

… nothing more than capitalism of nature; a perverse attempt by corporations, extractive industries and governments to cash in on Creation by privatizing, commodifying, and selling off the Sacred and all forms of life and the sky, including the air we breathe, the water we drink and all the genes, plants, traditional seeds, trees, animals, fish, biological and cultural diversity, ecosystems and traditional knowledge that make life on Earth possible and enjoyable.

… Under the green economy, even the rain, the beauty of a waterfall or a honey bee’s pollen will be reduced to a barcode price tag and sold to the highest bidder. At the same time, the green economy promotes and greenwashes environmentally and socially devastating extractive industries like logging, mining and oil drilling as “sustainable development. (Source)

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7 Discernment Reminders

laurabruno’s blog June 20 2013

As the veils come down, more smoke and mirrors vie to take their place. I feel called to post some reminders for people to use when evaluating the truth or intentions of any Movement, press release, religion, financial system or community group — not to make you paranoid, just some reminders to keep your wits about you in this age of coup counter coup.

BTW, “coup counter coup” can refer to government or other authority replacement, but it can also refer to what happens to your brain when it sloshes around your skull causing brain injury even with no external impact. A symbolism worth considering in this psyop infused world…


1) Desperation short-circuits Discernment. If you’re feeling like you need an external Savior, one will likely appear, but please beware that Desperation will cloud your own lie detectors as well as lower your vibration enough to attract less helpful solutions and people. Take a breath, retreat and refuse to make any decisions until you have re-centered yourself, cleared yourself, and prayed for guidance and protection.

2) Most people are mostly kind and mostly honest, and sociopaths rely on this perception in order to orchestrate enormously complex and outrageous schemes. Just because you wouldn’t engage in that sort of behavior (or couldn’t even imagine coming up with such a scheme) doesn’t mean it’s not happening. We’re only just beginning to see proof of such “paranoia” and “hysteria” being Conspiracy Facts. If something feels off to you, or if someone has repeatedly lied to you before, question why you continue to give them a free pass to keep lying. Why do you expect their behavior to change? I also recommend the website Narcissism Free for information and ebooks regarding narcissistic behaviors, confusion and the pervasive ways it impacts our world, especially government and financial sectors.

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Nicholas West ~ Council On Foreign Relations Plan For Global Governance In 2013

Activist Post | December 29 2012

Council of Councils Members

Brookings InstitutionIt is incredible that mention of a one-world government in many circles is still considered to be conspiracy talk. Fortunately, the global political awakening that arch-globalist Zbigniew Brzezinski has referred to is forcing ever-increasing justifications for their use of globalist language.

One would hope that a relatively new Council on Foreign Relations initiative that is expanding can lay to rest any debate about the desire to form a global government in the name of supposedly solving global problems.

The initiative called The Council of Councils was featured in a recent round table discussion of the central problems facing the world that they believe require multilateral cooperation. The discussions and recommendations released from this convention of experts is important to keep available the next time you hear the label conspiracy theorist hurled in your direction. The title of the round table was Challenges for Global Governance in 2013.

Just as we have seen from other think tanks such as the Project For a New American Century, The Royal Society, and the Brookings Institution, among others; their thoughts translate to reality on a less-than-coincidental frequency, so we would do well to listen to what they are saying.

The Council of Councils initiative was announced in March, 2012 and clearly identifies a strategy for forming alliances across a series of shared concerns as set forth by the CFR. It is important to note from the beginning that the CFR bills itself as non-partisan; and here is where the uninitiated can immediately be tripped up. Non-partisan sounds like a good thing, going beyond typical party divisions, while striking a note that rings of independence and an objective search for the truth.

However, when one understands that in their own words, “The founding membership of the Council of Councils includes leading institutions from nineteen countries, roughly tracking the composition of the Group of Twenty (G20),” we begin to get an inkling that their version of non-partisan means that they are flexible in their use of whatever political language is expedient to get results that go beyond any concept of nationalism.

The party of the CFR is the One World Party.

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Andrew Puhanic ~ Vatican Calls For World Government And A New World Order

Activist Post | December 10 2012

The leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI, has called for the establishment of World Government and a New World Order.

In a speech made at the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace on Monday December 3 2012, the Pope called for the “construction of a world community, with a corresponding authority,” to serve the “common good of the human family”.

As a means of defending global peace and justice, the pope’s vision for the establishment of World Government and a New World Order is supposedly not to create a new superpower, but a new governing body that offers to those (politicians) who are responsible for making decisions, criteria for judgment and practical guidelines.

The Pope was quoted as saying:

The proposed body (World Government) would not be a superpower, concentrated in the hands of a few, which would dominate all peoples, exploiting the weakest.

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