World Of Forces

Energetic Synthesis | July 6 2012

DisconnectionDear Family, All of us are exposed and subjected to the World of Forces, existing within a constant interaction between a multitude of energies, forces, and entities, which further impact an action and reaction in every area of our lives. There are no coincidences and nothing is random. Every manifestation or event has had an effect which proceeds directly from a cause. There are natural laws in the mechanics of creation which govern these many forces, some of which current science has identified. The laws of magnetism, gravity, electrical orientation, and the basic manifested elements of atomic structure, as defined from this 3rd dimensional reality perspective, are to name a few. In physics, a force is defined as any influence that causes an object to undergo a certain change, either concerning its movement, direction, or geometrical construction.

However, the majority of these forces, such as extra-dimensional forces, along with the human comprehension of how these forces actually work, still remain unknown in their impact and hidden from the general public. During the end cycle of 2012 and beyond, our planet and humanity will be vastly exposed to many more extra-dimensional forces, which can be experienced from a point of great fear, or great love. Ignoring these forces, like ignoring the presence of darkness, allows your body to be a portal for the use of these forces. People are being used unconsciously as vessels for directing these various forces, especially, when they are extremely attached to an identity of ego. The more we fight to assert our identity as an ego, the more easily we can be controlled and possessed by an outside or extra-dimensional force. At this time this phenomena is increasing in numbers and becoming heavily amplified within the world population.

Not until you are aware of your own inner energies and take responsibility for them, can you choose what energies you are directing as a force.

Every person is a force of nature, and is capable of great harm, or greater good. What are you going to choose? How do you want to influence the World of Forces? Understanding these forces better, making informed choices, learning how to be transparent, will allow for a smoother transition, when exposed to these powerful forces.

Life Force

To intuitively begin to understand these forces, one should reflect on the Universe, the planets, the solar system, the earth, as it is clear that all bodies are directed and influenced by life force and a great many other energies. When paying attention to the natural movement of these “stellar” bodies, such as our solar system, it is clear there is an order inherent as a pattern within the Universe. Everything exists within some state of relative energetic balance in relationship to all of its parts. In a living organism, such as when a human body interacts with these various forces, there is an immediate action or reaction that changes the state and vibration of that organism. When a person begins to be willing to comprehend their place within these forces, once can greatly understand their own life force and the influence of its inner energies. When one meets the inner self, it becomes possible to accurately express that personal energy signature to the external world harmoniously.

The energy of life, the life force, is what makes the difference between a dead and a living body. There is no external source that animates the living human body, therefore, the body has to be animated by an internal force.

Life force is the source of creation in all things, from a person, a planet, and within the larger cosmic structure. The internal life force is the nature of the soul, the nature of the God Source. When the energy of life gets out of balance, or is disturbed from its natural movement, sooner or later, there is a consequence. Disconnection and fragmentation of the real self, the soul, is the first stage of disturbance. Later stages develop into disease, deterioration, insanity and death, as the result of chronic disturbances. This may apply to a person, place or thing, whether animate or inanimate. Inanimate objects, such as an organization or community, are also created with an individual or group directing their ‘life force”. When that object is loved or cared for, it is continually charged with the quality of that life force, which brings the quality and the sphere of influence with its manifestation.

Increasing Life Force through Resonance

Learning how to increase your life force by returning to inner balance, while being exposed to these many external forces, is crucial during this time. (When you are out of balance your life force is weakened, and one will feel cranky, constricted, frustrated, ill, and lack endurance and tolerance for others) As we pay attention to what forces we resonate with over others, we are empowered to move towards the energies where we feel a positive response to those forces. This increases your life force via resonance, strengthening your overall multidimensional energetic body. Personal energetic resonance increases life force, dissonance decreases life force.

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