
WIFLI  September 29 – October 5 2013

As you no doubt have realized perceptions of reality can differ profoundly. Two friends might be sitting on a porch looking at the same tree. One sees a falcon sitting on a branch. The other looks and never sees the falcon until it flies out of the tree. For the first the falcon existed as it sat on a branch in the tree. For the second the falcon didn’t exist until it flew out of the tree. For both, the ground of reality – the tree and branch — exist as agreed-upon objects within a shared environment. However, only one had the clear enough vision to see the falcon hidden within the leaves.

Group Mind

Individuals group themselves into communities of ideas that form a basis for perceiving “right” and “wrong.”  For example, you will be hard-pressed to find Western-enculterated individuals who haven’t assimilated the belief that World War II was an Allied victory of principle and right-action over a tyranny embracing ethnic purity, eugenics, and fascist dictatorship. Over time certain events occurred that caused free-thinking individuals to question this storyline. These engaged in personal research and before too long discovered that WWII could just as easily have been a Hegelian exercise run by shysters interested solely in war profiteering and global expansion.

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How Courageous We Are!

sorendreier September 20 2013

Almost forty years ago, when my second son was young, I started having dreams of an atomic bomb exploding. One time it was in a playground… another time I could see it in the distance. In every dream my son would be in my arms, my precious little baby, and I would be running and searching, experiencing tremendous fear. It was not a fear that he or we would die… it was a fear that his life would be worse than death, and I could not save him from it.

Well, no atomic bombs fell nearby, he lived and experienced easy and hard times, became daddy to two beautiful children, ­­made a good life for himself and his family, and happily for me, he kept on loving his ‘spiritually minded’ mother.

I don’t know what triggered the dreams. It could have been that I was tapping into the fear of the collective mind… also could have been the arguments going on at the time regarding nuclear power. I remember asking a business executive, “What about the radioactive waste… what about future generations?” He responded, “By that time they’ll have figured out how to handle it.” I heard my inner voice say, “I could never get with this person… he’s an absolute idiot.”

Well… I was young. Idiots are not absolute… they can change.  When the threat becomes immediate even the most cold-hearted can wake up… and I imagine quite a few have. But the point is, life has sent me into fear plenty of times, so I know how overwhelming, controlling and confining it can be.  And the funny thing about it… there is no benefit to it: being aware, yes; perceiving danger, yes; avoiding danger, yes; but fear… it’s a lose/lose.

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Locking Out The Voices Of Dissent

TruthDig  July 16 2013

A Veterans for Peace demonstrator at a Sept. 15, 2012, rally in New York City’s Washington Square Park.

NEW YORK—The security and surveillance state, after crushing the Occupy movement and eradicating its encampments, has mounted a relentless and largely clandestine campaign to deny public space to any group or movement that might spawn another popular uprising. The legal system has been grotesquely deformed in most cities to, in essence, shut public space to protesters, eradicating our right to free speech and peaceful assembly. The goal of the corporate state is to criminalize democratic, popular dissent before there is another popular eruption. The vast state surveillance system, detailed in Edward Snowden’s revelations to the British newspaper The Guardian, at the same time ensures that no action or protest can occur without the advanced knowledge of our internal security apparatus. This foreknowledge has allowed the internal security systems to proactively block activists from public spaces as well as carry out pre-emptive harassment, interrogation, intimidation, detention and arrests before protests can begin. There is a word for this type of political system—tyranny.

If the state is ultimately successful in preventing us from mobilizing in public spaces, then dissent will mutate from nonviolent mass protests to clandestine and perhaps violent acts of resistance. Some demonstrators have already been branded “domestic terrorists” under the law. The rear-guard effort by a handful of activists to protect our rights to be heard and peaceably assemble is perhaps the most crucial, though unseen, struggle we currently are engaged in with the corporate state. It is a struggle to salvage what is left of our civil society and our right to nonviolent resistance against corporate tyranny. This is why the New York City trial last week of members of Veterans for Peace, along with other activists, took on an importance that belied the simple trespassing charges against them.

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Official History And True History

Stuart Wilde March 18 2013

Sometimes, I enjoy writing pieces on true history. I hope they don’t shock my readers too much. The surprise attack on Pearl Harbor 1941, was not a surprise. Roosevelt knew days in advance the Japanese were coming. He deliberately sacrificed 2402 American sailors to get the USA into World War II. High up people knew of 911 well in advance and that was to get America into wars fighting for Israel in Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries.

In the sacred books it says in the end all the truth comes out. Eek! “…every hair on their head is counted”.

This is because in a mirror-world that is opposite us, all thoughts and actions and human feelings are recorded, nothing is lost. Your good deeds are there and your heroism and courage, as well as any proclivities (sins) you may have to ask forgiveness for.

The American war against the Moslems is more fake history. There has never been even one Moslem attack in America that the authorities and the FBI didn’t organize themselves. How many American dead do we have so far? I’m not sure….a hundred thousand I reckon, as a guess. It seems so cruel, lives wasted for nothing. The pain of the families left behind is very great.

I wonder how the truth comes out? Whistleblowers tend to get slung in jail, nowadays. The mainstream media is not going to run a TV show saying this Moslem thing is all a con job.

We’ll have to wait and see how the truth unfolds, meanwhile don’t let the lies oppress you. You can serve the cause by cleaning up any of your history that is fake and becoming ever more spiritual and authentic. Spirituality is, in my view, the act of becoming ever more normal.

Attack on Pearl Harbor

I saw a vision of Jesus two nights ago, he showed me his hands, they are very slender and elegant, and beside him was a large open book, it looked like a leather bound Bible, and a deep voice said, “He came forth and led the people to a great victory”. Jesus is the way, which we can equate with Christian kindness, generosity, live and let live, and he is the truth, the custodian of the truth that annihilates fake history, and he’s the light, that part is self-evident, he looks like he radiates thirty miles.

Things will be resolved in ways we can’t imagine as yet. The power of the light is very great. Stuart Wilde Stuart Wilde

Never Forget That Tyranny Thrives Only On Silence

Globalist Report March 6 2013

Hello friends of the Globalist Report. It has been a few weeks since I last published an article and you may have wondered where I have been or even If I had given up the fight.

The last couple of weeks have seen my family and I suffer from the flu one week and a virus the following week, making it virtually impossible to put pen to paper. I can thankfully say that we are all now happy and healthy and that I will shortly re-commence posting articles on the Globalist Report.

While looking after the kids the other day, I was reading about one of the Nazi Parties most notorious leaders, Rudolf Höss. From May 1940 to November 1943, Rudolf Höss was the commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp.

It is well documented what Rudolf Höss orchestrated at the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II. However, what many people don’t realize is that there were many who worked at the camp that were disgusted by what was going on, yet never had the guts to speak up.

In reality, anyone who rebelled against the command of Rudolf Höss at Auschwitz would have been immediately shot. However, at what point does the act of genocide go on unopposed before everyone involved rebels against such a travesty? Continue reading