There Is Nothing To Worry About

“Nothing matters so much that we should throw ourselves into a state of panic about it. No happening is so important that we should let ourselves be exiled from inner peace and mental calm for its sake.” ~ Paul Brunton

Jafree Ozwald ~ There is nothing to worry about. Let yourself really feel this message. Let it sink deeply into your body and inside your heart. There truly is nothing to worry about because you are always being provided for and taken close care of by the God Source. You can trust that there is a divine power running the bigger show. Behind the scenes it is always there making sure everything that is needed to manifest will manifest so that you become a fully self-realized enlightened being. There is no need to worry, as everything that is unnecessary in your life will not happen. The events, people and situations in your future are all on the divine schedule. Your job is to relax, be grateful and enjoy the journey as much as you possibly can to the very end.

Whenever we worry we are not trusting in life, ourselves or God. We stop believing that there is a highly intelligent all loving conscious force that is here now, leading us deeper into our very being and higher into our greatest ecstasy. Worrying is a symptom that your mind has taken control over you, and you start to believe you are small limited being with limited insight, direction and power. Worrying is a repression of understanding that at the core you are an unlimited soul with infinite power, who is intimately connected to an all encompassing God Source. When you honor this connection you’ll find that a day without worry is a day of surrendering to the divine.

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You Don’t Have To Carry That Weight

WeightOfWorldCartoonZen Gardner – I find this concept intriguing, as it’s very subtle but a major influence on many of us. Those working hard to help influence and change this current paradigm, or at least bring a degree of enlightenment that would help bring about positive change, are tempted to carry a tremendous weight on their shoulders.

In fact, every individual can be tempted to think in this manner, worrying about the overall world situation and its consequences on loved ones and the innocent around the world. We are truly living in very seriously troubled times and it’s on much of humanity’s minds.

When thinking about this I was reminded of the story of the man who was taking his first flight in a small airplane. With great trepidation he went on the flight, extremely nervous the whole time and clearly not enjoying himself, very vocal with the pilot that he was worried the plane wouldn’t hold them and hence crash. When the plane landed the pilot exclaimed, “See, that wasn’t so bad. The plane carried us just fine, didn’t it?” The man answered, “Yeah, but I never did put my full weight down.” Continue reading

Living In ‘Now’ Time

Dana Mrkich October 9 2013

It is an interesting feeling living in the NOW, almost like not standing on solid ground, yet it’s more stable really than where we used to stand which was predominantly constantly in the past or future. Living in the past can have us feeling emotions like regret, anger and resentment a lot of the time. Living in the future results in a lot of unnecessary and unhelpful worry, fear, doubt and anxiety. Living in the Now feels, well, strange at first. Yes it can feel very calming and soothing, allowing yourself to trust life, trust yourself and trust your connection to that which is guiding you, all the time. At first though, it can feel like you are in a void, neither here nor there.
We are used to being very attached to things, to belongings, to people, to situations, to jobs. Take ‘time’ out of the equation, and all of a sudden a whole bunch of stuff becomes irrelevant.

Simultaneously, a few things stand out as being truly valuable and truly precious to you, leading to a greater appreciation of what is truly important, and a stronger desire to live your life accordingly.
Living in the Now leads to a sense of detachment when it comes to certain situations that previously would have had you plugged in. Ideally this is a healthy detachment to those things that were not really serving you, but detachment of any kind can feel disconcerting. It can make you feel ‘disconnected’ if you have been overly attached to someone or something external to you, or previously received your sense of identity from that someone or something.

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Surrendering Your Power To The Mind

Lee-Anne Peters Blog Spot | April 15 2012

Do you feel physically drained, tired and exhausted – even after a full night’s sleep? Many people spend so much of their day stuck ‘in’ their mind, with worries, fears, negative or useless thoughts rolling around in there. When this happens the mind needs more energy for its survival and starts drawing on the body’s energy reserves. Next thing you know your mind becomes even more active and your body more exhausted! The great news is that this vicious cycle can be changed so that YOU can restore your personal power into your body and quieten your mind.

I can see and sense auras, and for many years I have seen this issue as one of the biggest affecting people in general – from that auric perspective. With the world becoming more demanding and with more people worrying and living under stress than ever before, it’s no wonder the everyday person is surrendering their power to the mind and often – without even realising it!

With my latest book (From Lack to Abundance) at the front of my mind, let’s look at this power giving to the mind and how this could possibly affect you living abundantly! What is going on in your mind will absolutely affect how you live! For one, in the book I encourage you to follow your dreams and passions in life. Let’s imagine you are so actively worrying or living in negative thinking that you don’t know WHAT your passions are and you may not even have much energy in your body to find out – as all of your body’s energy is keeping your mind active! So let’s break this down…

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Inspire Me Today

Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing, there is a field: I’ll meet you there. ~ Rumi

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I’d want to pass along to others…

There is a quote by the mystic poet Rumi that goes, “Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing, there is a field: I’ll meet you there.”

I am interested in that field. I am interested in the freedom of that open space. I want to breathe that oxygen. In it there is no fear or shame or guilt or the word “should.” It simply opens its spaciousness to us. Calls forth the possibility of what we can create there.

What do you create? I don’t mean the nouns of your life. I create books, for instance. Those are my “nouns.” But behind that, I create the intention to live at the intersection of heart and mind and craft that is writing. It’s the intention behind our thoughts and behavior and achievements which guides us.

What is your intention? Is your intention to be happy? As much as we are quick to say, “Of course I want to be happy,” I find that we tend to cling to our pain. That we dwell in the victim stance. And that we are daunted by Rumi’s field of freedom. Suffering becomes, in so many cases, our normal.

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