Using Your Food Stores To Make 5 Alternative Flours

ReadyNutrition  February 5 2014

HomeMilledGrains4FlourPart of my research to become self-reliant is learning how to use the items I have on hand and adapt my cooking style to reflect those changes. A question that has pondered me lately is what would I do when my wheat stores are depleted. How will I make bread and baked goods without wheat? Well, here’s the zinger – you don’t need wheat to make baked goods. Those who have gluten-free diets have proved that. I have plenty of dry goods on hand – oats, popping corn, rice and beans that can serve this purpose.

Now, I’m not going to jump on the gluten free diet bandwagon just yet. In all honesty, I like wheat just as much as the next guy, but I do want my family to have more diversity in their diet and incorporating different grains and legumes daily will serve us better in the long run. That said, I’m starting to get creative in finding ways to add them into our diet. Aside from making soups that had different legumes and grains, I have started making alternative flours – and the kids don’t even realize they are eating healthier.

Not All Flours Are Create Equal

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