Become a Peace Creator

peaceOwen K Waters – In the old tradition, the serious spiritual aspirant would ideally head for a cave and shut themselves inside until they reached some degree of enlightenment. Peace was a by-product of such isolation, partly because the aspirant was no longer in contact with the turmoil being constantly generated by a suffering humanity.

Today, that concept is being overturned for one more heart-centered. In The Shift to higher awareness, the idea of peace has expanded to include its full yin and yang aspects. The passive yin part is the mellow bliss of inner peace, while the active yang part actually spreads peace to those members of humanity who most desperately need its soothing balm. Continue reading

The Shift To a Heart-Centered Culture

consciousnessOwen K Waters – Since the 1960s, a massive shift in consciousness has brought sweeping changes to society. Wouldn’t we all like to know where this is heading? And, what will tomorrow’s world look like?

The answer emerged as long ago as the 1960s, when a pioneering social scientist called Clare Graves was studying the phases of conscious evolution that society has gone through over the ages.

His studies led him to declare that humankind is preparing for what he called a momentous leap – a mega-change within society which would dwarf all previous changes, because it would open up a whole new tier of evolutionary changes. Continue reading

The Colors of Creation

yinOwen K Waters – There are schools of thought which believe that light and darkness are opposites and that a battle between the two is part of the way the universe was created.

The same people also tend to believe that, while spirit is full of light, all matter – and that includes our physical bodies – is full of darkness and therefore flawed.

It all sounds a bit like the idea promoted by medieval-era church teachings – that we are worthless, defective, diseased sinners who need to appease some guy in a pulpit if we are to ever have a chance of putting things right.

Darkness and light are not opposites. Bright sunshine is bright light. Shadow is less-bright light. They are both degrees of light, not opposites.

The same misconceptions show up in other traditions. Yin and Yang have often been portrayed in ways that are no longer seen to be valid in today’s era of scientific thinking. Yang has been portrayed as the sunny side of a mountain or a river, while Yin is the shaded side. Again, these are just differences in the degree of light. Continue reading

Feng Shui Is About Shifting Your Mind To Invite More Wealth Into Your Life

Inspire Me Today | December 23 2012

You have unlimited choices and potentials in your life. So, when you face a “crisis,” take it as an opportunity to grow and it will take you to the next level of abundance.

In the Chinese and Japanese languages, the word “Crisis” is written with two words: Danger and Opportunity.

As the Principle of Yin and Yang teaches us, everything has two opposing facets: Negative and Positive, or Good and Bad. And it is up to you to focus on Negative or Positive aspect of life.

In other words, the crisis (or issue or problem) that you are facing right now, can be negative or positive, depending on how you take it. And today you are what you are and who you are, because all of the choices you have made so far did manifest in your life.

You have unlimited potentials and choices.

If you make the choice to take the crisis as “Danger” with fear, anxiety, helpless, and feeling you lose control, just like a wild fire, it will spread all over your body, mind and life and will quickly burn you down.

In contrast, if you make the choice to take the crisis as “Opportunity” with passion, curiosity, hope, and feeling you take the control; it will become a powerful vehicle that will take you to the new horizon that you have never seen.

This is Mental Feng Shui. Feng Shui is not just re-arranging your furniture, but it is all about Shifting Your Mind.

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