Your Story Is What You Make Happen

Inspire Me Today | November 1 2012

From birth to this point in your life, you are an amalgam of your life experiences. They are the events and interactions with others that have defined you, from childhood games of playing house in cardboard boxes to tumultuous adult bedroom alliances.

Each scene of your life blends with the others to create your story–or at least the story about you that you’ve scripted so far. Your story is, in fact, just a story. The beauty of the life you live is that you can redefine or, as I call it, rescript your story any time you want!

You are the scribe of every scene in your life. So, you are the one who gets to choose how you want to be in your story, which direction you want the story to take, and how you want to interpret it. In other words, your entire life is based on your scene translations.

Unfortunately, you can’t see into your own future, so it is not always clear what the consequences of your decisions will be or how you will hold the resulting outcomes or stories in your mind. Like many people, you probably define the subsequent experiences as either “good” or “bad.” You judge yourself as “wrong” or as having made a mistake if things don’t work out the way you intended.

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