The Eugenics Agenda: Unmasking the Truth Behind Euthanasia

Nicholas Creed – The depopulation agenda is so overt once you become attuned to every sinister malevolent governmental act always posing as a ‘greater good’ – doctors and nurses stealthily coming for the mentally, physiologically, and emotionally vulnerable – like smiling assassins offering medically assisted dying.

The core tenet of the depopulation agenda has always been to make people want their own demise. Convince people that our earthly resources are finite and that overpopulation is an existential threat to humanity. Once this seedling takes route in the brain stem of a free-willed human being who is indifferent to evil – they knowingly or unknowingly choose evil. Not only do they then want their own demise, but they see humanity as a cancer on the planet.

They drink the ecocide Kool-Aid. They actively seek instruction from their sociopathic government misleadership to direct their rage at whomever is categorized as a ‘useless eater’.

Seeding Euthanasia In Public Consciousness

Seeding Euthanasia In Public Consciousness Matthew Parris is a columnist for The Spectator and The Times. Writing in 2015 and recently republished in the Spectator, Parris invokes the argument that assisted dying has always been around, even if it has been seen as taboo:

Assisted dying is not a novel desire, not a strange new way of thinking. As a moral impulse, the idea that one might hasten one’s end because one gained no pleasure from living and one had become a burden on friends, family and the state has been with us since the dawn of man. You will find it in literature right down the ages. In your own lifetime you will have heard it expressed by others of your acquaintance. The impulse, though, has usually been discouraged — resisted as an unworthy attitude to life — and this cultural disapproval is reflected in law.

Parris goes on to cite the cost of medical provision “eating into Britain’s economic competitiveness against less socially generous nations.” The overall tone of the article is careful not to outright advocate for euthanasia “assisted dying” programs:

I do not therefore need to campaign for assisted dying. I do not need (and wouldn’t want) to persuade anybody that the time has come for them to end their lives. I don’t need to shout from the rooftops that suicide can be a fine and noble thing, or rail against the ever growing cost of medical care in the final, prolonged phase of people’s lives. My opinions and my voice are incidental. This is a social impulse which will grow, nourished by forces larger than all of us. I don’t exhort. I predict.

The author also cites that ending legally prohibited assisted dying would be a social signal.

His article acts as a social signal.

Parris’ stance wears a mask of self believed intellectualism, hiding the face of eugenics. Just as Hollyweird and Wokeflix predictively programs us with shocking storylines so that our brains are wired to receive them actualised in the real world, so it is also done via writing and publication. Therefore, to ‘predict’ can also be to ‘curate’ reality itself.

Fast forward to a (paywalled) Times article from Parris published on 29th March 2024, and the tone is much more overt and confident in advocating for euthanasia.

No longer content with predicting, Parris is more confidently opinionated in 2024, musing on assisted dying programs leading to pressure on the terminally ill to kill themselves:

“I believe this will indeed come to pass. And I would welcome it…

“How much is all this costing relatives and the health service?”

The shiny veneer of euthanasia advocates feigning compassion for would-be eligible ‘patients’, has now been given a tough love switcheroo for cold, hard, economic costs.

Humans are no longer to be thought of as sentient beings with feelings, souls, dreams, and families. Now we are asked to consider one another as units of profit and loss to the economic net positive or detriment of our nation state. If we get sick or too old, we are told that this is burdensome on society, and *nudge-nudge-wink-wink* we should just do everyone a favor and off ourselves. Medically assisted, of course. Completely legally, absolutely. Well then, that makes it absolutely fine and righteous, doesn’t it? [sarcasm]. If you are a death cultist, I imagine it really does.

It gets worse and more sinister still.

A flurry of euthanasia stories have been making the rounds in 2024 to date, with an alarmingly young demographic. This is indeed sending a strong social signal, which could promote ‘medically assisted’ suicide into becoming a popular ‘treatment’ option for depression.

The case below reported in March 2024 details the court ruling, whereby details of how a 27 year old woman has met the criteria for MAID have not been disclosed. Her father is understandably distressed and is trying to have the judgement overturned.

A Calgary judge has issued a ruling that clears the way for a 27-year-old woman to receive medical assistance in dying (MAID) despite her father’s attempts through the courts to prevent that from happening.

The judge also issued a 30-day stay of his decision so that W.V. can take the case to the Alberta Court of Appeal, which means the interim injunction will remain in place for the next month.

But W.V. believes his daughter “is vulnerable and is not competent to make the decision to take her own life,” according to Feasby’s summary of the father’s position.

“He says that she is generally healthy and believes that her physical symptoms, to the extent that she has any, result from undiagnosed psychological conditions.”

Her only known diagnoses described in court earlier this month are autism and ADHD.

This is a heartbreaking story that feels wholly immoral with state intervention preying upon a mentally vulnerable young person. Imagine being in the father’s position, having his daughter’s lawyer refer to his own flesh and blood as the ‘client’ in such a heartless manner:

Lawyer Austin Paladeau said the case boils down to his client’s right to medical autonomy and argued W.V.’s love for his daughter “does not give him the right to keep her alive against her wishes.”

This is terribly, terribly wrong. Society has fallen to lower depths of depravity. In a healthy, functioning society, all of the lawyers and judges would be criticizing the mere existence of MAID, and promoting a dialogue between father and daughter to explore therapy and other treatment options, actively dissuading the girl from choosing death.

Instead, the system is hellbent on ‘approving MAID’ and obsessed with the victimhood status of this poor confused girl, playing the medical autonomy card in the most ruthless way imaginable.

For the history books, we know that Canada’s government paid no due to medical autonomy when it came to the C19 EUA countermeasure injection. Yet, when a young person is requesting to die, the government champions medical autonomy.

It is sick and twisted.

SF Source Blacklisted News Apr 2024

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