The Importance of Recognizing America as a Republic

Benjamin Franklin, after leaving the Constitutional Convention was asked by someone what kind of government they had established. He replied, “A republic if you keep it.”

Most people who took a government class in middle or junior high school learned that the United States is a Constitutional Republic. I’m not sure if this information is still taught to students.

Here is what the Constitution says:

Article IV, Section 4. The United States guarantees to each State of this Union, a Republican form of government, and protects them from invasion; and, on application of the Legislature or the Executive, (when the Legislature is not convenable), against domestic violence.

This does not mean “Republican”, in the sense of a party, but rather in the sense of governing.

It would seem that this is a settled understanding.

Then there was this crazy segment on CNN, where they claimed that MAGA supporters are spreading conspiracies when they say that our government has a “republic.”

CNN Special Correspondent Jamie Gangel posted about it.

She appears to have deleted her post after being criticized by others.

The CNN clip was far worse. It was wild. They appeared to be trying to refute the fact that America is a republic.

O’Sullivan, however, sat for an interview with Anne Applebaum, and asked: “Is America really a democracy?”

Applebaum said, “America’s a democracy.” It was founded in a democratic manner. [….]

O’Sullivan lamented that he had heard “a lot” of conspiracy theories. To hear Americans — who call themselves patriots — claim that America isn’t a democracy, that was what stopped me.

Applebaum, spotting a conspiracy, replied: “You hear people say America’s not a democratic country because people around Trump want them to say that. Who has been planting this narrative?”

Applebaum claimed that there was no difference between “republic” or “democracy”.

They were worried about mob rule. They wanted to protect minorities and individual liberties, and they wanted a law that would last and protect these rights. We can call ourselves a representative democratic republic because we elect our representatives, but it’s more accurate to refer to us as a Constitutional Republic. This difference is important because, while mob rule can take away your rights in a pure democratic system, in a Constitutional Republic you have courts that will protect your individual liberties and uphold the rule law.

If we had pure democracy, the politicians would always reach out to the largest states and cities and ignore the smaller ones to win elections, because they’d only need to do that to maintain control. With things like the Electoral College we can ensure a greater balance. These are only a few reasons why we have a system that is superior to pure democracy.

It’s the MAGA crowd that’s referring to it, so this isn’t scary or worrying at all. It’s not a Trump conspiracy or something from Fox despite what CNN was pushing. It’s a fundamental concept, a better way to govern. CNN tries to portray this as a dangerous idea.

Here is a great breakdown by Prager University of the fundamental difference.

This is a truly bizarre attempt to attack MAGA, and Trump by CNN — and they should feel ashamed. They won’t. CNN is a news network, so it’s likely that not many people saw this report.

Why do Democrats want to call America a “democracy” and ignore or downplay the “Constitutional Republic”, which we are, is a better question. Do they know the difference or are they ignorant? Is there something more going on?

Consider their actions. Biden or other Democrats have argued for ignoring, undermining and/or eliminating fundamental aspects of the Constitutional Republic. Biden brags about defying Supreme Court. Democrats talk about packing the Court. Or they attack justices for their rulings.

Biden attacked SCOTUS at his Los Angeles fundraising event on Saturday. Democrats have advocated to get rid of republican checks, such as the Electoral College – one of the most significant elements of our Constitution. We’ve seen Democrats try to remove a political rival from the ballot. We’ve seen lawfare directed at the Republican Party presidential candidate. So much for the “democracy.” It’s Trump who is threatening our government.

If Democrats are successful in eliminating the Electoral College they can ignore Middle America and focus on their supporters in New York and California. They can ignore the people Hillary called “a basket of deplorables” and Rep. Adam Schiff, D-CA, tried to call an “immoral majority.” So much for the smaller states.

If kids don’t learn about the government they live in, they won’t know what these protections are like the Electoral College. They are more likely to be swayed, untethered, and seduced by apostasies such as Communism rather than celebrating the rule-of-law that makes our country special.

They won’t know that we are much more than “democracy” if they only hear it. Democrats want us to be much less.

SF Source Amercan Conservatives Jun 2024

One thought on “The Importance of Recognizing America as a Republic

  1. The perfect example of too much democracy is found in the Seventeenth Amendment. The original plan was to give more power to each state by allowing their senators to be appointed by the legislature. The voters elected the legislators in each state, but the state had power in Washington to act in the best interest of that state.

    In 1913 that was completely upset by the 17th Amendment. Senators today are just more prestigious representatives and the state has far less control. That is how more democracy is hurting America. And, it was planned by Democrats over 100 years ago. Our downfall is not happening without much forethought.

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