The Light will Crack You Open

“And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, they danced by the light of the moon” from the Owl and the Pussycat by Edward Lear.

The Light will Crack You OpenLorna Bevan – Make the very most of this big, warm- hearted week as Jupiter slow dances with Venus in Taurus then merges with the Sun and Sedna in Gemini by the light of a glorious Sagittarius Full Moon.

Known as the Festival of Good Will, the May 23 Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon culminates the inner work of the Taurus Full Moon – from Taurus Buddha- mind and wisdom to Gemini will and purpose through balancing opposing forces. The Sun at 2° Gemini conjuncts Sedna/ Jupiter/ Venus/ Uranus while the Moon makes auspicious aspects to both Pluto in futurist Aquarius and visionary Neptune at the Omega Master degree of the entire zodiac at 29° Pisces.

In perfect synchronicity, Sagittarius’ ruler gas giant Jupiter enters airy Gemini on May 25th until June 2025 and life begins to become a lot more intriguing, interesting and complex. Jupiter in Gemini immediately conjuncts Resurrection archetype Sedna and trines Pluto – agent of transformation – in Aquarius, intensifying your need to break free of limited thinking and explore what’s trying to emerge. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth, and optimism, seeking meaning and concerned with the higher mind, philosophy, truth and religion, known for bringing good fortune. Sagittarius is the ruling sign of Jupiter — a far-reaching sign directly opposite chaotic Gemini.

Gemini, hungry for new information, asks “What is this?” while Jupiter simultaneously asks, “What does this mean?”

This transit will shake up your mental circuitry – why you think the way you do, ways in which your beliefs are out of date and no longer serve you. You are presented with an unlimited palette of ideas and possibilities from which to view or experience life. Your angles of perception begin to multiply, expanding your minds and increasing your options. If you hit a crossroad during this yearlong transit, you won’t see one split path — you’ll see a tangle of paths, shortcuts, bridges, and underground passageway.

Do something this week that expresses your own brand of goodwill towards the earth:

♦ plant a balcony or do some guerilla gardening

♦ join a charity that protects trees, birds, wildlife, Gaia

♦ volunteer to clear a beach or river of rubbish

♦ get away from your screens and reconnect with your body

♦ gather your friends for a cleansing fire ritual

♦ clean your crystals and leave them outside

♦ pay it forward

Your inner Sagittarian Archer is firing arrows towards the far horizon. You need an intriguing new personal Quest – what might it be?

Chandra Symbol New Moon SAGITTARIUS 3: Clouds overhead seen in a reflecting pool.

“Enlightenment rarely comes by pursuing straight lines, by following predictable tracks. If you wish to find the secrets to the mysteries, you must give yourself over completely to the flux and to the ferment and allow the winds of destiny to prevail entirely.

This immediate sense world casts a very different glow than the heavens ever could. By identifying yourself with each shifting nuance, every flicker of instantaneous movement, you find the inner worlds way to waking up here in this Earth.

But this journey is a perilous one, for you become awash in so many far-flung spheres, and there is no map and there are no shortcuts. You must somehow see right through your own most addictive and compulsive impulses and ride the wild waves homeward through sheer presence of mind and gut conviction that everywhere leads to the same place” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

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SF Source Hare In The Moon May 2024

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