The Truth about the Roman Empire 2.0 Revealed [Video]

The Truth about the Roman Empire 2.0 RevealedAlexandra Bruce – This is an excellent and riveting interview with Frances Leader by South African podcaster, Jerm Warfare, in which she expounds on her extraordinary work investigating the Black Nobility and how we are currently living in the Roman Empire 2.0.

She calls it the “Roman Empire Mark II”, but I don’t think this communicates what she means as clearly as saying “2.0”, so in the interest of clarity for readers, I have taken the liberty in this transcript – with apologies to Frances – of replacing every time she said “Mark II” with “2.0”.

To summarize what she says here, after the collapse of the Roman Empire, the elite decided that they didn’t want the burden of guarding and protecting territory. They no longer wished to be an empire of real estate but to be an empire of trade. They eventually created the jurisdictions of the City of London, Washington, DC and the Vatican City to rule the world from behind-the-scenes in a clandestine Roman Empire.

She says:

“The main thing that people don’t understand is that the Five Eyes, the five countries that are all English-speaking, Great Britain, America, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, these are all the Cannon Fodder countries. These are the countries that have been populated by English-speaking people, and literally we are five slave colonies keeping this behemoth of an empire financed. And we are the suppliers of cannon fodder…

“They were the Roman Empire! It was just called the “British Empire”, but it was never British. It didn’t belong to the British People and the American Empire doesn’t belong to the American People. We’re conned into believing Britain had an empire. No, we didn’t. They had an empire. We were just getting it for them. We were working our backsides off. Our people were dying to get that empire for them, because it was never British.”

Frances describes how Ignatius de Loyola, a nobleman from the Basque aristocracy developed the mind control techniques practiced by his Society of Jesus, that obliterate independent thought and create completely moldable-controllable subjects and how he presented his idea to the Farnese Black Nobility family, who loved it and introduced him to the Pope and the rest is history.

Frances notes that Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope, “And the changes that have gone on since this Pope has been in have been quite shocking.” She says:

And it is now quite clear that they [the Jesuits] run this CIA. And the CIA is paid for by the American people – but it doesn’t actually work for American people, at all! It works for the Vatican and it works for the Roman Empire 2.0. And the object of the exercise is entirely to bring everyone into a situation where they live in a Totalitarian state and there is no escape.

That’s the objective. And then, in the process of reducing the population as far as they possibly can, they will then do away with borders. There will be no more countries.

It will be literally divided up into two areas and those they refer to as the “Gap” and the “Core”. Now, the countries that are in the Core at the moment are North America in general, most of Europe and Australia. But the countries that are in the Gap are pretty much the middle section of the Earth, where we’re talking about from South America, across the Caribbean, right the way across Africa, India and China.

So the whole band around the middle is called the “Gap” – and it includes the Middle East, of course. So what they’re actually doing is depopulating the Gap, forcing people to leave those areas for economic reasons, because their land has been bombed-up with depleted uranium, because of wars, because of all the stress that they’re putting onto people. They’re forcing people to migrate from the Gap into the Core countries.

Frances says:

“I think truly the most urgent task of this generation is to definitively liquidate the manipulative horror that is the Black Nobility of Venice and Rome and London, Washington and the Vatican, and dispense with that oligarchical hierarchy, once and for all. I don’t think we have any choice…

“When I first started to do this, to…put all these tenets together into an understanding that we’re still in the Roman Empire and we are all slaves, when I first worked that out, I was immediately thrown off of Facebook, Twitter, Discord, Zoom, Skype.”

Like me, Frances has been de-platformed by all of the major social media and she’s been almost fully erased from the internet. Virtually the only evidence of her lifework today can be seen on her Uncensored Substack.

She says that with the development of Directed Energy Weapons, the Black Nobility has determined that they no longer need as much cannon fodder as they used to, so population reduction has now become their main priority.

This is why the US Military was force-vaxxed with the Death Shot and why they are in full self-demolition mode, with morale-crushing DEI and priggish trans commanders, like Space Force Lt Col Bree Fram.

Humanity is simply in the way of them owning and controlling everything on Earth and that’s what’s up.

SF Source Forbidden Knowledge Substack Jun 2024

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