Which Timeline Is Yours?

Toward Chakra 8 | November 1 2012 | Thanks, Annette


There is much confusion surrounding the subjects of;- ascension;- removal of the Illuninati and their negative ET allies from the Earth;- cleansing of the mother Earth;- and “Going Home” for the Starseed volunteers who have been working as “Ground Crew” for The Galactic Federation Of Light (GFL) on the Earth.

Many people believe that they will play a part in bringing about all of these end results, but this is not the case. Different timelines will result in different outcomes for the inhabitants of the Earth, dependant on what we collectively choose and continue to choose.

Many people also cannot see how Mother Earth can possibly be cleansed, and all of the damage inflicted upon her and us, by the dark ones, put right by the 21st December 2012; now only weeks away. They are right, it is going to take years to clean up the biosphere and install new, benevolent infrastructure on the Earth. It will also take time for people to adjust to all these far-reaching changes.

Our collective destiny is not written in stone; it is created by our collective desires; beliefs and visualisations of the future, which has no real existence until we create it in this way. Every time we make a collective choice, we create a new timeline that will result in that outcome, but we have to remain focussed on that desired outcome for it to manifest.

On the Earth, there are three main groups of Lightworkers that are concerned with different aspects of “The Shift”, and that are collectively visualising three different desired outcomes.

The first of these groups is the one that creates the 3D timeline, and it consists of the millions of Starseeds from the GFL who are working on the Earth toward the continuation of the 3D Earth, with the ejection of the Illuminati controllers and their Negative ET allies;- disclosure of the presence of the GFL around and upon the Earth;- and the cleansing and transformation of the Earth’s biosphere, with the help of the advanced technology of the GFL, over a period of years. On completion of this, these Starseed Earthworkers will re-ascend to their respective ships or planets.

The second of these groups is the one that creates the 5D timeline, and it consists of those that have evolved to maturity during the current evolution on the Earth, and who have now chosen to ascend with Mother Earth and to live on the new, 5D ascended Earth. This will happen quite quickly as there are no constraints on it apart from the readiness of the aspirants to ascend. A few advanced Starseeds with the necessary skills, will trigger this 5D ascension from their strategic positions on the Earth, at the appropriate trigger moment.

On the Starseed timeline, the Starseed “Ground Crew” will return to their “Homes” in the ships of the GFL, or to their home planets. Some of these Starseeds have been working for the GFL on the Earth since the beginning of this evolutionary period, many millenia ago, during many lives, and are now somewhat battle weary and ready to go home. They are the “Wayshowers” for the more recent arrivals; the Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow and Sun children. This will also happen quite quickly, as soon as their missions on the Earth are complete. They are already ascended and will live in 5D+ in the ships or on their home planets.

Which of these timelines is yours ? It would be wise to narrow your focus to that particular outcome, and not to split your energy between three different timelines and scatter it. Focus on the job that is yours; there are others who have got the other two jobs covered. They have brought the necessary skills `toolbox’ with them for those jobs, and you have brought the necessary skills for yours.

“Father” via Rananda on 1st November 2012.

7 thoughts on “Which Timeline Is Yours?

  1. I am a starseed gridworker, attached to Gaia at a specific locus, with specific protective functions that I have been working for nine years. I love Gaia very much, so I’m hoping to continue to assist her in my various earthkeeping duties into 5D. I’m not at all weary, so I’m ready, willing and able to carry on until I’m done, whenever that is. It’s been quite a joyous ride for sure and it’s probably going to get a lot wilder before it’s over.

  2. Since I’m not an ascended starseed (at least not that I’m consciously aware of), and I definitely am tired of 3D and feel ready to go home, the only timeline that seems to fit me is life on the 5D ascended earth. Somehow I was thinking all of the different timelines would merge into one ‘ascension timeline’. So this theory is a new one to me. But not all that different from others except I thought the 3D earth that remained after ascension would be reserved for those who either refused to ascend or were unable due to lower vibrations. Regardless, I still choose life in 5D. Best wishes for everyone to find their way back to their heart’s home safely.

  3. Ascension must not be the focus. It reminds me of secular religious groups who do good only with the intent to reach “heaven” in the end. The work needs to be done with or without reward. Reward enough will be to free this planet.

      1. It has been done in the timelines as referred to in this essay and now it’s simply a matter of choosing which one you will love being a part of. Love, B.

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