10 Signs That You’re Fully Awake

Activist Post | September 3 2012 | Thanks, A.L.

Isn’t it obvious that there is a significant global awakening happening? Just as the Mayans predicted so many years ago, the apocalypse would become apparent in 2012. But many misinterpret the apocalypse to be the end of the world, when in fact it actually means an “un-covering, a revelation of something hidden.”

As many continue to argue the accuracy of the Mayan calendar, it can no longer be argued that a great many people are finally becoming aware of what has been hidden from them for so long. Of course this awakening is not an overnight process. It takes time to peel away the many layers of lies to get to the core of the ultimate truths.

It would be beyond pretentious for us to claim to know all of the secrets of the universe. We don’t. Everyday we are humbled by what we don’t yet know.

However, it is becoming clearer by the day what isn’t true. And by that measure alone, it is possible to determine if you’re one of the people beginning to wake up.

Here are ten signs you may be fully awake:

1. You know there’s no meaningful difference between major political parties (Democrats and Republicans): It’s so easy to get caught up the left-right debate and believe there’s a difference between the two major political parties. However, debate is one thing, while actions are another. By their deeds you shall know them, and it is indisputable that there is no significant difference between political parties when it comes to action on the most important issues. Even hardened ideologues like John Cusack are beginning to wake up.

2. You understand that the Federal Reserve, or international central banking more broadly, is the engine of our economic problems: Debt slavery is the totalitarian force that threatens all of humanity, not some temporary political puppet or some greedy Wall Street trader. When a small group of people have the ability to create wealth out of nothing and charge interest on it, they have the ability to enslave the planet to their ownership despite what type of government a country claims to have.

3. You know that preemptive war is never necessary:  When we realize that self-defense is the only acceptable form of violence, then we become awakened human beings. To suggest war because someone is different from you, or they may pose a threat in the future is simply ludicrous. And when did the idea of bombing civilians become humanitarian? No one wants war except for the immoral creeps that benefit from it.

4. You know that you’re being systematically poisoned, how, by whom, and why: Admittedly, there’s a lot to learn in terms of how we are secretly being poisoned. But the fact remains that we are being systematically poisoned, and it is likely for the deliberate purpose of dumbing us down and, ultimately, culling the population. Who could believe anyone is so evil to do that to innocent people, you may ask. Well, once you begin to seek the answer to that question, you’re one step closer to enlightenment.

5. You understand that government can never legislate morality, nor should they: When you realize the role of government is only to protect your liberty and work for the well being of the citizens, you’re awakened. There should be one simple law regulating morality: Do no harm. Thus, it’s impossible for the government to enforce morality with guns, cages, and taxes because those clearly cause severe harm to your liberty and our well-being.

6. You know that the mainstream media is wholly owned and manipulated by the ruling elite: A dwindling number of peoplestill actually believe what they hear coming from the establishment media as if it’s gospel, even when they already accept that they are bought and paid for by the elite controllers. Yet, recognizing that they are nothing more than a propaganda machine anda form of mind control are the first steps in being able to critically think beyond the scientific messaging they broadcast.

7. You know that your neighbors are not your enemy even if you have fierce ideological disagreements: This is perhaps the most difficult thing to overcome in the awakening process. But it’s vital to understand that your neighbors have been indoctrinated and hypnotized like the rest of the us, until someone helps shine a light on inconsistencies in our thoughts and beliefs. Most of their ideas are not their own. They are suffering just like the rest of us. It’s okay to condemn their actions if they’re harmful, but those who are awake will not give up on spreading information that can enlighten those who might still be in the dark. None of us were born “awake” and all of us can learn even more.

8. You know that the endgame is one-world control of planet Earth: Once you understand that the endgame for the ruling elite is to have complete control of all vital facets of society through a global government, one-world currency, international armed forces, and so on, it is simple to see through the lies and propaganda surrounding even the most confusing world events. You will never go back to sleep when you fully accept this reality.

9. You recognize that there are esoteric powers manipulating our physical world: Whether you’re a religious or spiritual person, scientific or just plain curious, there are many theories about an invisible force at play in all of this. Obviously it’s impossible to prove exactly what it is. You may not want to believe it, but the ruling elite takes their occult rituals deadly serious. And they likely know something we don’t. Just by keeping an open mind about this possibility, you’ll forever keep an open mind about the things we can actually see, hear, taste and touch. Current science has shown that we can only “see” what the visible light spectrum reveals, which amounts to the tiniest fraction of all that can theoretically be seen within the full spectrum of energy. Part of any awakening is realizing that there is much more that is possible than impossible.

10. The power to change the world rests with you and you alone: For too long people have believed themselves to be weak, or relied on others to change the world for them. You’ll know that you’re fully awake when you realize that you have infinite power to change the world by simply living the change you want to see. First, you have to identify the principles that you believe in and then go out and live by them. If just a small minority took steps to do this, it would shake the establishment to its core.

What kind of world do you want to live in?

20 thoughts on “10 Signs That You’re Fully Awake

  1. I would like everyone to consider voting for write-ins instead of not voting. I understand the reasoning behind boycotting, but feel it will be utterly ignored. If you vote, but not for their candidates, that means: [1] they know you know; [2] you’ve made them steal your vote instead of just ceded it to them.

    Just think of who you’d like to be president, or any other races without a decent candidate, even yourself, and write in that name.

    This at LEAST keeps them the least bit frightened of the awakened citizenry, whereas merely not voting will be seen as apathy. Only. That’s never changed in our whole lives. It’s nothing new. It says nothing.

  2. This has been an enlightening experience for me, and all your responses have been valuable to me. Thank you for your wisdom, you have all given me much to think about. 🙂

    Love and light,


  3. I certainly hope the reference to “older people set in their ways” wasn’t directed at me. 🙂 I do not disagree with your points in general, and I am not blind to the corruption of the cabal. I work hard on the ground to bring forth those of the light who are here to help us. I still believe that we have within us the power to overcome the darkness, and I believe action is as important as words. I do my best to hold the 5th dimensional energy to bring light into our world, but there are many who are still at the 3rd level and will be affected by the political choices we make.

    I assume no one here is advocating not being involved in the political process because there is no point, all being corrupt and dark and such. No difference between the parties underneath? So what is one to do? One cannot do nothing. Is holding the light enough to change the world? Only if we ALL participate! We aren’t there yet, but we are still at a crisis moment in our history. Will we choose to make a stand for what we believe? Will we support those whom we believe also carry the same vision? Or will we just take the position that all is corrupt and there is no difference so it doesn’t matter? What do you all suggest we do about this election? Even Ron Paul has faults, you know.

    Hope has not yet died within me. It is not too much for me to believe that there are lightworkers within the system who are working towards moving us forward to the light. It is up to me to find those who hold the light and support them. It is up to all of us. That’s my opinion. Others may vary.

    Love and light,


    1. Hello S’hauni! I certainly don’t want to believe that comment was meant for you. We prefer to be polite in our discourse on this blog rather than combative.

      Re not voting. The most meaningful thing that can be done is a COMPLETE REMOVAL FROM THE VOTING PROCESS. If no one votes then it is OBVIOUS the Cabal has no support for its agenda. This “Don’t Vote” strategy is being advocated by many who see the crooked game for what it is.

      But “Not Voting” is also a flawed “solution.” The systemic corruption is so endemic the fact that people refuse to vote won’t make any difference whatsoever. The lack of lines at the polls won’t be shown on the Main Stream Miasma. False votes will be electronically recorded for whomever the Cabal wishes to further the agenda for the next 4 years, the electorate will wake up and find themselves either subject to the dictates of Obama or Romney. But these are not really Obama or Romney dictates. These are the dictates of the Hidden Hand – the Vatican, Bankster and Bavarian Royal power-lusting beast wanting world domination and planetary-wide enslavement.

      What is required is reformation of the political system, which has actually begun at the local community level to a much greater degree than is being reported. Blessings, ~G

      1. For the first time in my life, I will not be voting in the national elections because there is overwhelming evidence that the vote is rigged, and no matter which party/candidate wins, the agenda has already been set by an oligarchy that cares not what we think or want. If you still think that elected politicians determine what happens in our country, you are still asleep. There’s no point in wasting your energy on this scenario when you can do so much more locally!

        Voting implies consent and approval of the corrupt corporate oligarchy, wars, etc. By no longer participating, I am withdrawing my energy and support from the corrupt and doomed-to-fail system. We are under enemy occupation by a globalist, corporate fascist state that at its heart, has a pathological hatred for humanity and life. That is what you are truly giving your energy to when you participate.

        I was going to write in Ron Paul’s name on the ballot, but my intution guided me to choose non-participation as the best choice for me. Local elections are more worthy of my attention and energy at this point.

        There will be no top-down changes unless it’s in the form of divine intervention. The best course of action is change from the bottom up, starting with individuals and reaching out to others locally in your community.

        Just my two cents, which probably equals less than zero in Bernanke currency.

      2. Actually, your 2 cents might require 2 billion Bernanke USD to have 2 cents worth of actual value. 🙂

        Like you, this is the first election in which I will NOT vote. Blessings ~G

      3. Me three. This will be my first time not voting in 40 years. I’m with AL in this regard, about not giving your energy to the process. I also thought seriously about writing in Ron Paul and was guided in the same way, to not. National politics will never solve the problems it created, therefore we have to change ourselves.

        PS: I really enjoyed coming in late for this discussion and reading everyone’s thoughtful comments.

  4. Interesting, thought-provoking …

    I must take exception to point #10 though … my humility tells me that I, alone, cannot change the world. I can change *my* world to some extent, and I have been, but I cannot make another person, party or people change. They have to do that, each one, on his or her own.

    I am both religious and spiritual … and I live a principled life as best I can, but that does not stop the dude down the street from beating his wife, or the kid in another town take a gun to school and shoot his peers. It does not stop the country in which I live send young people to their deaths or permanent disabilities and cause harm to the innocents.

    Yes, there are higher powers. Through my study of spiritual writings, I have adopted the “waiting attitude” needed to cope in a world deteriorating around me, around my children and my grandchildren. I believe … truly believe … that good will conquer in the end. But I also believe it is beyond the power of man, both individually and collectively. But I’m not here to preach. 😉

    I love your comment on point #5: Do no harm. Three simple words … you should put that on billboards all throughout the planet!

    I guess by your standards here, I am quite awake … but I am so looking forward to some long-needed rest!!

    1. Hi Hilary, I think #10 is meant in the sense that if each individual tended to themselves to the best of their ability our world would be a literal paradise. It isn’t so much that we are to take responsibility for things and events outside ourselves. It is that if EACH were to be scrupulous in h/er awareness and willing participation in all that brings joy, happiness, a sense of purpose, responsibilities accepted, and a centered and peaceful life then we would experience heaven on earth. Thanks for commenting. Blessings ~G

  5. The seeming differences between the left and right are superficial and only involve issues that are of no concern to the goals of the cabal. These superficial issues are meant to keep us divided and fighting: abortion, gay marriage, gun control, taxes, etc. This keeps the masses pacified and distracted while the grand chess game to implement world government by the cabal is played out right under our noses. As Essie said, Democrats/Republicans, Left/Right, Conservative/Liberal are both 2 wings on the same vulture. When you realize that it’s the vulture’s head that determines where the body travels, and not the wings, then you are awake to reality #1.

    1. Great imagery with the vulture’s head, A.L. We agree.

      Thanks for sharing this article with the readership. Blessings, G

  6. It is difficult to get some people (typically older entrenched in the way they thought they knew the world to be, from their youth and early adulthood) to even consider, much less accept, that we have all been lied to, for so many years and in so many ways, by some very immoral, soulless, and ruthless individuals and groups, lustful of their own mirror-image, stranglehold over others, and dominance over the planet’s resources. I grew up and remain a conservative but no longer a republican, for I see the right-left/GOP-Dems as all masquerading for the same illusionist, elitist machine. It is a very heavy lift to get some people to awaken to our reality but ultimately, we have no choice but to try like hell or crawl over in the corner and die.

    We are marching headlong into 2 more contrived decades-long wars, and millions are sadly comfortable that this is the way the world must be. I guess ignorance is bliss.


  7. I disagree with your #1. While it is true that the elites are currently in control, there is a major difference between the two parties. One party follows the Ayn Rand philosophy and doesn’t believe in government. They want less regulations, less help for the poor, the young and the old, more raping of the environment, more freedom for banks to screw the common man. The other party believes in equal rights for all, even minorities. They support the EPA, the environment and Green Energy. They support healthcare for all. One party wants to take rights from women and overturn Roe VS Wade. That party wants to take us backwards. The other party supports Freedom to Marry Whom You Love, safety nets for those who have less, Equal Pay for Women! There is a big difference!

    Secondly, and only speaking for myself, I know your other #9 points to be true but not because I am 100% awake – it’s because I have studied these matters for almost 50 years. The truth is out there for those who seek it, and the internet is now a wonderful source to find information beyond what the media feeds us.

    I wish I WAS 100% awake, but I am still working on letting go of being judgemental, and removing rudeness from my thoughts. I can barely hear my guides talking to me and am still working on thoughtful meditation for connection. It’s not easy to evolve.

    I will also say there is much more to waking up than to just be politically astute. My guess is that when we DO wake up completely, we won’t need a check list to know it. 🙂

    I wish us all luck and love!

    Blessed be,

    S’hauni Waterdragon

    1. sorry I know you mean well but its really the left hand or right hand but both belong to the same body and the one brain death to us all. They both spry us and poison the water and the food they just use a smile or a stren face while they kill you. Make no mistake about it we are dead meat no matter who’s in power. We all end up dead!!!!!!

      1. I do mean well and my intent is to stay here and grounded as long as need be. There is still work to be done here, and supporting those who wish to protect Gaia and the environment is one of my foremost charges. While the government is certainly corrupt and misused, until we ALL achieve enlightenment we must still do work here on the ground. I stand by my opinion of the two political parties. I support the party that is working to protect the environment through Green Energy. I thank you for your observations! I send you much love.

        Blessed be,


    2. Hi S’hauni! I think the key phrase is “no meaningful difference.” By that I mean the dialectic set up by the Cabal creates surface issues that appear to be different. Yet both parties have the same agenda behind the scenes – the rape, pillage and destruction of these united States of America. How they attain that objective varies based on policies enacted by the 2-headed single-focused beast.

      Thanks for commenting. Blessings G

      1. Thank you for your response. I do appreciate your opinion. I send you much love.

        Blessed be!

      2. I’d think what Waterdragon is saying about the two parties is merely what we are told to believe that the two parties’ platforms are, and then we align ourselves with them depending on our proclivity toward liberalism or conservativism in our basic nature. The disconnect comes during actual Congressional voting, when both parties vote according to whatever industry bloc is affected by that vote and pays them the most, which is rarely in keeping with their respective party philosophies and never in line with what the people need or desire. The only way to prove this to yourself is review their voting records by party. They cross and crisscross so much they eventually become indistinguishable from one another. Examination of the Congressional Record proves the author’s contention in item #1. I also agree with all the other items and have for quite some time.

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