Joshua Tree Contact In The Desert, And The Arrival Of The 11th Dimensional Ship

energyJames Gilliland – It has been a while since the last newsletter due to intense demands on our time and energy. As I write this newsletter an unmarked helicopter is circling the ranch at a very low altitude. Not an uncommon event. Upon returning from Contact in the Desert I had to regroup, shake off all unwanted energies, cords, connections and center into my own energies. It was an amazing success with over 4,000 people attending. The first panel I was on went well hopefully we were successful in steering it in a positive direction.

It is time to release the past, focus on solutions and move forward in the ascension process. It got a little heated when the discussion on plant medicine came up. The comment about how these ceremonies are not for everyone, especially when done recreationally without a trained shaman that knows how to create sacred space and heal unseen negative influences came with a lot of controversy. People have died and become possessed due to lack of training and not creating sacred space. There are safe natural ways of experiencing the same effect and going even beyond the astral but these take time, discipline and training. Seems everyone wants drive through enlightenment.

There was a lot of good information shared at the conference. Whenever you generate a beacon of light with that many people there will always be blowback. There will also be disrupters, predators and parasites, seen and unseen attracted to that light.

Many of us were constantly clearing these energies while some were openly and willingly inviting them, some in ignorance. Without naming names there are certain qualities that open the door to these influences. Narcissism, the desire for fame, material wealth dedicated to self, the desire for power over others, controlling rigidity, in some cases the complete denial of negative influences are all pitfalls and open doors to these influences.

It is said a man’s/woman’s character is established by their actions. It does not matter what they say on the podium it is what they do afterwards. When the energy is all directed to the teacher with stories on how special they are versus empowering the individual to make their own personal contact or God/Spirit/Creator connection it is taking energy versus giving energy.

In simple terms there are those who are self-serving and those who serve others. It is not black and white there are many shades of gray concerning these attributes. Discernment is always necessary as well as a healthy BS meter developing ones own inner sensitivity. It is all about intention and the come from. What is our intent and where are we coming from. We have to ask ourselves these questions on a regular basis with brutal honesty.

While at the conference we did several events. The panel, a lecture, a workshop and the skywatch. The panel went well, the lecture began with the microphone blowing up along with the back speakers yet the information concerning our true ancient origins which began in Australia not Africa, the incredible footage of the ships over Australia and ECETI, as well as who is who in the multiverse, their goals and objectives was all disseminated and on record.

We created sacred space, brought in the different benevolent groups at the workshop, which resulted in quite a few spontaneous healings. Testimony of this was recorded on the DVD. This is not uncommon during workshops or when people visit ECETI. I was asked how I did that. The answer was I didn’t do it, I just know how to get out of the way. Extensive training in removal of unseen negative influences also helps.

The skywatch is a book in itself. It opened very well with the Tibetan Bowls, the energy continued to hold, lots of people were meeting their ultradimensional families then unfortunately some other energies came in towards the end. There are certain modalities of making contact I do not agree with. I do not use the CSETI protocols because using coherent thought to get into the minds of the pilots is trespassing. The focus is more mental rather than dropping into the heart and through loving intent manifesting a contact with “Benevolent Beings.”

I emphasize benevolent beings.

Just because you are dead does not mean you are enlightened and just because you are an ET does not mean you are benevolent. There are some best avoided, some Greys, some Insect Races. Most Reptillians, definitely the Serpent beings and a few others should be met with extreme discernment and Self Authority. It is incredibly irresponsible and dangerous to do otherwise.

Is this fear? No it is wisdom gained through experience. We are constantly clearing these entities off of people who in ignorance or through lack of discernment agreed to or were led to interact with these beings. If this information is creating resistance it may very well be their influence. The focus in creating contact needs to be maintained on the individual going within, staying in the heart and not being distracted by stories diverting the attention back to the leader. There is a time for stories used to educate and empower yet story telling is not for self aggrandizement or making one special we are all special in our own unique way.

I have heard all the excuses and defenses for not recognizing the fact that there are other entities that do not have your highest and best good as priority. Even the one where the spiritual ego jumps in and says I am beyond all that. No one on this planet is beyond all that. The most advanced, enlightened beings on this planet recognize these factions.

Enlightenment means being in knowledge of, all of it both sides of the coin while at the same time realizing it is all one coin. Self Mastery is the ability to discern and maintain ones Self Authority. It is also about using tools for discernment.

We came for planetary liberation and to not recognize the elements that are suppressing the awakening and healing process is in a way agreeing with them. Name dropping concerning associations especially with those who have a history of selfish and harmful acts outside of universal law in powerful positions does not establish positive character. Especially when you know who is who and what goes on behind the scenes.

All of this information was given in the DVDs available at Contact in the Desert. It is also in the books and DVDs on the website,

Arrival of 11th Dimensional Ship

The last subject I want to cover is the arrival of the 11th dimensional ship. We have had contact with its ambassador. The name is Lka. They have invited anyone who want to experience their energy and utilize it in the awakening and healing process to tune in.

The best way I can describe the energy is like the Eloheim on steroids. They are adding their consciousness and energy to the grid along with some 9th dimensional Annunaki who never fell and still operate under Universal Law. These new energies are causing things to accelerate rapidly. T

he aforementioned entities that are self serving or malevolent on every level, even the physical, are coming unglued. The negative factions are pulling out all the stops to hold on to the old draconian grid. They will not be successful. The days of tyranny and separation are coming to an end. Unity consciousness what the Mayans refer to as the 9th wave is exponentially increasing in strength along with these other benevolent forces. It is going to be a bit crazy and challenging yet we all need to buck up and remember who we are, stand in our divinity, find the lion within. We are the forgotten Gods.

In the days to come we will all be tested to our limits and beyond. We must become masters in releasing the past, letting go of our limitations, ending social programming and stepping into the truth of our being which is vast and unlimited. I have learned two things in life that always pull me through. I know what love is and what love is not. I have learned to love myself enough to set boundaries and not participate in the latter. I also keep it simple in the Cherokee tradition. “ If it is not good for everyone, it is not good.” Two simple rules to go by along with practicing kindness. Hope this serves you well.

PS. Don’t forget the conference June 28th to July 3rd and other upcoming workshops. There are amazing heart centered speakers of the highest integrity here to make a difference. For more information go to

James Gilliland

SF Source  June 2015

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One thought on “Joshua Tree Contact In The Desert, And The Arrival Of The 11th Dimensional Ship

  1. I always enjoy reading ECETI posts by James. Out of all the ET researchers and writers, I feel the most affinity with him and his views. Thanks for posting his articles.

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