Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21

Red Ice Radio | August 16 2012

Activist, speaker, and blogger, Rosa Koire is a forensic real estate appraiser specializing in eminent domain valuation. Her research into and fight against redevelopment led her to UN Agenda 21 and was the genesis to co-found the Santa Rosa Neighborhood Coalition, Democrats Against UN Agenda 21, and the Post Sustainability Institute.

She has been speaking and inspiring groups nationally to take action. She is the author of Behind The Green Mask. Don’t miss this important program as Rosa details how Agenda 21 is being used to transition the world into a global totalitarian state where one must pay to live. She’ll explain how this agenda is the biggest public relation scam in history. We’ll cover how this plan is designed to destroy the individual, create scarcity and make us vulnerable to control.


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Rosa talks about the ideology of Communitarianism, which is similar to Communist China, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Later, we’ll discuss the hypocrisy, the propaganda and how to fight back.

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How To Naturally Increase Your Financial Frequency

Jafree Ozwald | August 24 2012

“Life is full and overflowing with the new. But it is necessary to empty out
the old to make room for the new to enter.” ~ Eileen Caddy

Have you ever wondered why some people attract money quite easily, while others work 12 hour shifts every day and barely make ends meet? The big difference between these two groups of people is the financial frequency they are sending out. This frequency is a real live measurable field of energy, which is created by the thoughts, feelings and consciousness you have whenever you think about, speak about, or interact with money. People with a high frequency can attract money easily, while people with a low frequency have to struggle for money to flow their way…it’s that simple.

To increase the amount of money you can receive, it’s important to first understand what money actually is. Simply put, money is energy, and they call it “currency” because it was derived from the root word “current”. This current is a flow of electrons that produces a natural electrical magnetic field. The stronger the electrical current, the more intense the magnetic field becomes. The income you make each month is a by product from the electrical current you’re radiating out. The higher the income you receive, the stronger your magnetic field is and the easier it becomes for you to attract more of it. This is why rich people seem to effortlessly grow richer. They feel a higher financial frequency inside themselves, as they see what is physically in their bank account.

The good news is that you don’t need to acquire a massive pile of cash to increase your Financial Frequency. All you need is to learn how to think, feel, and interact with others in a consistently abundant way. Feel the magnetic field of energy around you now, this is what will start attracting real abundance to you. As the great law of attraction states, like attracts like. When you are living from a state of abundance consciousness for many consecutive weeks on end, the physical manifestation of more money will start materializing around you, through you, and eventually get magnetized into your bank account!

“Your prosperity consciousness is not dependent on money; your flow of money is dependent on your prosperity consciousness. As you can conceive of more, more will come into your life.” ~ Louise Hay

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Paul Craig Roberts ~ America’s Descent Into Poverty

Paul Craig Roberts | August 24 2012

Mike NortonThe United States has collapsed economically, socially, politically, legally, constitutionally, and environmentally. The country that exists today is not even a shell of the country into which I was born. In this article I will deal with America’s economic collapse. In subsequent articles, i will deal with other aspects of American collapse.

Economically, America has descended into poverty. As Peter Edelman says, “Low-wage work is pandemic.” Today in “freedom and democracy” America, “the world’s only superpower,” one fourth of the work force is employed in jobs that pay less than $22,000, the poverty line for a family of four. Some of these lowly-paid persons are young college graduates, burdened by education loans, who share housing with three or four others in the same desperate situation. Other of these persons are single parents only one medical problem or lost job away from homelessness.

Others might be Ph.D.s teaching at universities as adjunct professors for $10,000 per year or less. Education is still touted as the way out of poverty, but increasingly is a path into poverty or into enlistments into the military services.

Edelman, who studies these issues, reports that 20.5 million Americans have incomes less than $9,500 per year, which is half of the poverty definition for a family of three.

There are six million Americans whose only income is food stamps. That means that there are six million Americans who live on the streets or under bridges or in the homes of relatives or friends. Hard-hearted Republicans continue to rail at welfare, but Edelman says, “basically welfare is gone.”

In my opinion as an economist, the official poverty line is long out of date. The prospect of three people living on $19,000 per year is farfetched. Considering the prices of rent, electricity, water, bread and fast food, one person cannot live in the US on $6,333.33 per year. In Thailand, perhaps, until the dollar collapses, it might be done, but not in the US.

As Dan Ariely (Duke University) and Mike Norton (Harvard University) have shown empirically, 40% of the US population, the 40% less well off, own 0.3%, that is, three-tenths of one percent, of America’s personal wealth. Who owns the other 99.7%? The top 20% have 84% of the country’s wealth. Those Americans in the third and fourth quintiles–essentially America’s middle class–have only 15.7% of the nation’s wealth. Such an unequal distribution of income is unprecedented in the economically developed world.

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Bank For International Settlements (BIS): How The Rothschilds Control And Dictate To The World

Central bank

William Dean A. Garner  For decades, people have urged me, pushed me, prodded me, practically peeled off my skin, pulled out my eyes, and yanked out my brain to prove it, i.e. show them the data, the results, the books, manuals, pamphlets, journals, monographs, voice and video recordings, all the resources I have used to make the statements I do about the Brzezinski Cartel and the Rothschilds.

On the evening of St. Patrick’s Day 2010, I feel now is the time . . . but with a twist.

The list below shows 165 different ways how The First Sphere of Influence (Rothschilds and Brzezinski Cartel) controls the world. One hundred and sixty-five reasons to believe what I say to be 100% accurate and true.

Each entry is a separate and distinct central bank, located in a separate and distinct part of the world. These central banks cover the globe and know absolutely no boundaries, effectively erasing borders between even sworn enemies.

The BIS (pronounced BIZZ) is the Rothschild’s piggy bank, a veritable deep-pit mine, the equivalent of quadrillions of dollars.

quadrillion quad·ril’lion adj.

The cardinal number equal to 1015.
Chiefly British. Septillion.

What’s the significance of having a central bank within a country and why should you concern yourself, your family and colleagues?

Central banks are illegally created PRIVATE banks that are owned by the Rothschild banking family. The family has been around for more than 230 years and has slithered its way into each country on this planet, threatened every world leader and their governments and cabinets with physical and economic death and destruction, and then emplaced their own people in these central banks to control and manage each country’s pocketbook. Worse, the Rothschilds also control the machinations of each government at the macro level, not concerning themselves with the daily vicissitudes of our individual personal lives. Except when we get too far out of line.

The grand plan of The First Sphere of Influence is to create a global mononation. Please do not confuse this with the term globalization. Mononation and globalization couldn’t be more different in concept, scope and purpose. Mononation is one state. It has one government. One set of laws for all ordinary citizens, no laws for the elite. Globalization refers to communicating, trading, interacting, etc. among separate, different, independent, sovereign countries.

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Judge Dale (ret’d) ~ The Great American Adventure 2C: “America! America! God Shed His Grace On Thee”

Judge Dale – President Abraham Lincoln was a liberal. He attempted everything within his power to avoid a Civil War. The published version of American history doesn’t reflect the fact that Lincoln had offered to compromise his stand on slavery. He proposed that “One seventh of the slave population would be freed each year during the following seven years.”  But there were forces unknown to him invested in instigating a Civil War and who were ready to blame its outbreak on Lincoln and the slave question.

These forces convinced the southern States to secede from the Union. Such action was certain to destroy the foundation of American government because secession by southern States destroyed the United States Congress’ ability to convene a quorum.  What this meant was all Acts passed by the Congress during the Civil War were unlawful. Continue reading