Alan Hart ~ “No I can’t” Obama Says

Veterans Today March 26 2013 (Thanks, JT)

We now know that President Obama believes there is little or no prospect for peace in the Middle East unless enough Israeli Jews, in particular the young to whom he appealed directly, understand that the only way for Israel to survive as a Jewish and democratic state is “through the realization of a viable and independent Palestine” and then insist that their government commits itself in negotiations to ending the occupation of the West Bank (now well into in its 45th year).

By implication Obama has acknowledged that he does not have the will to confront the Zionist lobby in Washington D.C. and an Israeli government committed to ever expanding settlement, even when doing so is necessary to best protect America’s own interests.

The above, based on everything Obama said in public to Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs while he was among them, is my summary conclusion about Obama’s position.
The double standard and hypocrisy at the heart of American foreign policy was evident in what he said within minutes of his arrival in Israel. “Iran’s leaders have to realise they must meet their international obligations.”

That’s on the one hand. On the other is that Israel’s leaders are NOT required to meet their international obligations.

While Iran is sanctioned and threatened with war largely on account of Netanyahu’s assertion that it is working on the production of a nuclear bomb (an assertion which may prove to be as false as the claim that Saddam Hussein possessed nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction), nuclear-armed Israel is rewarded for its defiance of international law and a stack of UN Security Council resolutions.

When I studied the full text of Obama’s opening statement in Israel, I found myself wondering if he is shockingly ignorant of some of the most important elements of the truth of history as it relates to the making and sustaining of the conflict in and over Palestine that became Israel, or whether he is aware of the whole truth but believes that his own interests are best served by peddling Zionist propaganda and other Jewish mythology.

He said, for example, “I know that in stepping foot on this land, I walk with you on the historic homeland of the Jewish people.”

The implication of those words is that all the Jews of the world have a common ethnic origin and national heritage, and therefore a valid claim on the land that today constitutes Israel and the Israeli-occupied West Bank. As I and others (including Israeli historian Shlomo Sand, author of The Invention of the Jewish People) have documented, that is simply not true. Almost all if not all the Jews who went to Palestine in answer to Zionism’s call had no biological connection to the ancient Hebrews. They were the descendants of peoples from many homelands (mainly in Eastern and Western Europe) who converted to Judaism centuries after the brief rule of the ancient Hebrews ended and thereafter had only their religion and its rituals in common. And the same can be said of most of the Jews of the world today. (It’s possible that there are today more Palestinian Arabs than Jews who are descended from the ancient Hebrews).

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Love’s Domain

Stuart Wilde March 25 2012


I saw something. I was taken to a dimension of pure love. It was here on earth. I was walking by a placid lake there was fog in the air, but it wasn’t dank and cold, it was a purple mist so soft and beautiful. All the animals were calm, they had no terror of humans anymore. I heard a celestial bell in my right ear, the little “ding” made it resonate through all eternity.

And I noticed when I had a thought like say, “how beautiful it all is” it went from me unimpeded across the lake and over the hills and beyond. There were humans in that pure love world, not many, but they were there. I didn’t see them, but I knew they were noble and kind and brave and full of grace, because I could see the imprint they had made on the trees as they had passed them.

I wondered if this “pure love” world was a hundred eons for now? Seconds later, as the question tumbled from my mind, I was shown the “love world” is very close. I couldn’t tell exactly, but it seemed 2000 days or so.

Then I was shown a gruesome scene. It made me shudder. It was so complex I had difficulty understanding, it over whelmed me. I was taken through the death of the global ego and specialness. I was shown how there is no last judgment, each and every person decides their fate from their deep inner sentiment; there is a mathematical preciseness that is a “karma administration” of great complexity, way beyond what I could comprehend, way beyond.

Then I saw the hills and they lent toward me and kind of nodded, as if to say, ‘You understand don’t you?’ It is all in divine order.

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Chris Hedges ~ Mainstream Media Ignores What The Corporate State Wants Ignored [Video]

RTAmerica March 26 2013

According to a new study by the Pew Research Center, MSNBC’s programming is nearly 85 percent opinion – and they might not be alone when it comes to this trend. According to author Chris Hedges, the mainstream media ignores “what the corporate state wants ignored” and “they do not challenge or acknowledge the structures of corporate power.” He joins us to explain how the corporate media sets the tone in the US and how the end result means items like the NDAA, warrantless wiretapping and the war on whistleblowers goes unreported.

Tim Brown ~ Obama Ignores Nullification, Says Federal Agents Will Enforce Obamacare

Before It’s News March 26 2013

ObamaCareIn a move that reminiscent of the tyrannical actions of Abraham Lincoln that led to the War of Northern Aggression, Barack Obama says that he will not wait on states to enforce Obamacare. Instead his administration has announced its intent is to completely disregard the state’s Tenth Amendment rights to nullification of the Obamacare law, via their passed legislation and state constitutions. In fact, his administration has said that in states where they refuse to comply with federal healthcare mandates that agents from the Department of Health and Human Services will assume absolute control over the state’s health insurance industry.

Politico reports,

Insurance regulation is a huge responsibility that’s been closely guarded by the states. That’s why the Obama administration and those closely watching the rollout of Obamacare believe that even states that have sworn off the law’s coverage expansions will still enforce its new measures — including new benefit mandates, cost-sharing guidelines and rules on how insurers rate customers — to retain control over their health insurance markets.

But the feds will be overseeing the health care law in Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas and Wyoming after those states told HHS they couldn’t or wouldn’t implement the new rules.

“We are enforcing because Oklahoma notified … that it has not enacted legislation to enforce or that it is otherwise not enforcing the Affordable Care Act market reform provisions,” Gary Cohen, director of the federal Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight, wrote to the Oklahoma Insurance Department on Friday. Officials in Missouri, Texas and Wyoming received similar letters, an agency spokeswoman said.

The enforcement letters come a little more than a month after a Commonwealth Fund report found just 11 states and Washington had started to adjust state laws to prepare for seven major ACA insurance reforms taking effect in 2014.

In a statement by Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John Doak he said, “It is unfortunate that health insurers are being forced into a system of dual regulation by the overreaching Obama administration. My position on this has never wavered, and I welcome every opportunity to try to overturn Obamacare.”

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Lasagna Gardening: A Sustainable And No-Till Method Of Gardening

NaturalNews March 26 2013

Lasagna gardening is a method of gardening that requires no tilling or weeding from the gardener, yet produces rich and fluffy soil. Also called ‘sheet composting,’ lasagna gardening involves building layers and layers of organic matter in a designated area of the garden, waiting until they compost, and then utilizing the fertile soil that is produced to grow plants. Aside from being convenient and physically undemanding, this type of gardening is beloved by gardeners because it is environmentally-friendly; rather than throwing your biodegradable waste into the trash, you’re using it to enrich your garden’s soil.

Creating the first and subsequent layers

To begin your lasagna garden, you need to create your first layer. Acquire some brown corrugated cardboard, or several newspaper layers, and place them wherever you want your garden to be (this could be on a weed patch, on a patch of grass, etc.). Then, once the cardboard or newspaper is in place, water it. This will start the process of decomposition, since the wet layer will gradually sink into the earth, both suffocating the grass and weeds below it and attracting earthworms that loosen the soil by tunneling through it.

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