Surrender . . .

DivineTrickster  July 24 2013

The true meaning of surrender

True surrender is the cessation of fighting, but not the cessation of our common understanding of the word.

The word fighting is usually associated with an attempt to harm or gain power over an adversary trough manipulative control and some times with the use of weapons, but that is not the fighting it is referred to here. There is another type of fighting which is much more subtle, but still extremely influential, and that is the fighting of one’s own nature.

True surrender is the giving in to how you energetically and mechanically are designed to spontaneously function; in other words how you are designed to act and behave in the world.

The external world will, and is supposed to, trigger internal reactions to make you become aware of and interested in your own make-up.

Each of us has 26 gene keys out of a total of 64 activated in our human body. Your specific gene keys give a precise description of all your tendencies and qualities and how they can be expressed, ranging from the lowest frequency expression to the highest frequency expression. 13 of them represent your unconscious design and stem from your genetic inheritance and the other 13 represent your conscious personality that you are more familiar with. Any experienced conflict in your life is a result of an internal battle between these two energies – your unconscious design and your conscious personality.

Whatever is attracted into your life is a reflection of your unconscious design. Your interpretation of what appears is therefore an interpretation of what is hidden in yourself.

Everything you detest is a low frequency expression of your unconscious energy, and everything you absolutely love is an expression of the higher frequency range of this same energy. Your personality will do everything in its power to avoid ownership of the low frequency expressions in your design, and this is the fighting referred to here. It takes tremendous effort to resent and resist what appears.

Your design is the driving engine of your life, but of that you are unconscious. Life will therefore expose you to all sorts of experiences until you take ownership of what appears. To fight the lower frequency range of your own design will eventually lead to a mental and emotional collapse.

If you meet life’s challenges from the high frequency expression of the energy you can control; you will automatically raise the frequency of your unconscious energy, creating another reflection. This internal alignment of energies will naturally bring communion.

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Survey: Only 15% Of Farmers Would Eat GMO Food  July 25 2013

The British survey was funded by Barclays Bank and done in collaboration with Farmers Weekly.

Only 15% of farmers polled said they would eat GMO food. Talk about a blanket rejection. It can’t get much clearer than that.

Obviously, these backward farmers want to protect their own health. Who ever heard of such a thing! How dare they! They’re supposed to follow the party line. They’re supposed to say, “Yum yum, give me some GM.”

Well, funny things happen when people consider their own bodies. They tell you what they really think.

You see, 61% of the farmers said they’d grow GMO crops “if they had the opportunity.” In other words, they’d willingly endanger other people’s health, but not their own.

“Just business, nothing personal.”

Reminds me of the idea of sending government officials who declare war into the field with weapons.

“No, I said the war was necessary. I didn’t say I’d risk my own life out there with all those crazies running around. Besides, I suffer from migraines and my doctor told me I have to avoid stress.”

Or: “Everybody is hereby ordered to go on the Obamacare plan. Except those of us in the Congress who have our own plan.”

The farmers survey should have included the following questions, for the 61% of farmers who said they’d grow GMO crops if given the chance: “Would you eat what you sell every day of your life?”

“And if not, what is wrong with you?”

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Role Reversal: How The US Became The USSR

Paul Craig Roberts July 23 2013

I spent the summer of 1961 behind the Iron Curtain. I was part of the US-USSR student exchange program. It was the second year of the program that operated under auspices of the US Department of State. Our return to the West via train through East Germany was interrupted by the construction of the Berlin Wall. We were sent back to Poland. The East German rail tracks were occupied with Soviet troop and tank trains as the Red Army concentrated in East Germany to face down any Western interference.

Fortunately, in those days there were no neoconservatives. Washington had not grown the hubris it so well displays in the 21st century. The wall was built and war was avoided. The wall backfired on the Soviets. Both JFK and Ronald Reagan used it to good propaganda effect.

In those days America stood for freedom, and the Soviet Union for oppression. Much of this impression was created by Western propaganda, but there was some semblance to the truth in the image. The communists had a Julian Assange and an Edward Snowden of their own. His name was Cardinal Jozef Mindszenty, the leader of the Hungarian Catholic Church.

Mindszenty opposed tyranny. For his efforts he was imprisoned by the Nazis. Communists also regarded his as an undesirable, and he was tortured and given a life sentence in 1949.

Freed by the short-lived Hungarian Revolution in 1956, Mindszenty reached the American Embassy in Budapest and was granted political asylum by Washington. However, the communists would not give him the free passage that asylum presumes, and Mindszenty lived in the US Embassy for 15 years, 79% of his remaining life.

In the 21st century roles have reversed. Today it is Washington that is enamored of tyranny. On Washington’s orders, the UK will not permit Julian Assange free passage to Ecuador, where he has been granted asylum. Like Cardinal Mindszenty, Assange is stuck in the Ecuadoran Embassy in London.

Washington will not permit its European vassal states to allow overflights of airliners carrying Edward Snowden to any of the countries that have offered Snowden asylum. Snowden is stuck in the Moscow airport.

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Chewing Food More Increases Energy Availability And Nutritional Potency

NaturalSociety July 21 2013

If you were ever told to chew your food at the dinner table, or if you’ve ever said it to your children, the main motivation was likely to prevent choking, not increase nutrient absorption. But researchers with Purdue University suggest chewing your food into fine particles could actually improve their digestion and the rate and volume at which nutrients are able to be used – which can lead to weight loss.

The findings of this research was recently presented at the 2013 Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Annual Meeting and Food Expo in Chicago. In the study, scientists looked at participants, how they chewed almonds and the amount of fecal fat and energy loss associated with the chewing. Some participants chewed the almonds 10 times, some 25, and others 40.

Those who chewed the almonds the most seemed to reap the most from them nutritionally. The smaller particles were absorbed into the body at a faster pace. And those who chewed less, eliminated those larger particles without them being completely broken down.

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The Possibilities Are Unlimited

April Crawford  Inner Whispers  July 23 2013

The current culture that most reside in is filled with complex input. Often that energy becomes cluttered, leaving the individual feeling muddled and stuck. The basic concept of thought creating reality suddenly becomes out of reach as the reality sees to be creating itself.

In moments like these, it is imperative to open the self up to the intuitive gifts that reside in every incarnate being. It is through those instinctive feelings that one has the opportunity to navigate through dense physical reality.

Most may reply that they simply are not intuitive, thus allowing themselves to fall into the void of disconnect from the self. It is important to push back from that thought process, while reconnecting to what you feel.

Keep it simple.

Decide to stop in moments of chaos and feel your heart.

What is truly in it?

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