Massive 5000 Year Old Stone Monument Discovered

“Our ancient worlds continue to be a mystery, but there is a lot of evidence to suggest that they were far more advanced than we were, and that they might have had some help.” – A Walia

MassiveStoneMonument_IsraelImagine missing something this big for so long. It makes one wonder, what else has archaeology missed? Has all that’s been discovered so far been revealed to the public? What else remains undiscovered? One who has peered into the world of secrecy would be inclined to think, ‘probably not.’ After all, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that the United States alone spends trillions of dollars on ‘black budget’ programs that go beyond government, have no oversight from congress and involve projects that the human race knows nothing about. You can read more about that here.

A lunar crescent shaped stone monument has recently been discovered in Israel. It dates back approximately 5000 years, between 3050 B.C. and 2650 B.C., which means it is most likely older than the pyramids of Egypt, and built before the Stonehenge was constructed.

It’s located approximately 8 miles northwest of the Sea of Galilee, and is massive. It measures approximately 14,000 meters, which is about 500,000 cubic feet.

Ido Wachtel, a Doctoral student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem said:

“The proposed interpretation for the site is that it constituted a prominent landmark in its natural landscape, serving to mark possession and to assert authority and rights over natural resources  by a local rural or pastoral population.” (source)

Again ,the structure is about 150 meters (492 feet) long and 20 m (66 feet) wide at its base. According to Wachtel:

“The estimation of working days invested in the construction [of] the site is between 35,000 days in the lower estimate [and] 50,000 in the higher.” (source)

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The I AM Presence

capozzi_nature-sceneThe Golden Ones – Eventually, the soul will evolve into a Co-Creator God Consciousness Being.  It is a natural process to unfold into this state of being, like anything else in nature.  There is so much a soul can learn by observing nature and all her teaching lessons.  In all of nature, there is never a hurry to quicken a process as everything is always perfect in every moment and when the time is right the rose will bloom.

Universal Mind is constantly communicating with all of creation in every moment.  For the kingdoms without free-will this connection is called innate intelligence when the guidance comes directly from Universal Mind.

The guidance for a beaver to build a dam, a bird to build a nest, a flock of birds to fly in a V Formation, the spider to spin her web, a rose to bloom or the hibernation of animals in the Winter, the timing always comes from Universal Mind, all these life form are always in the I AM presences in every moment. Continue reading

The Shifting Frequency of the Dimensional Hologram

“In a shifting hologram with no more distortion energies, humanity is free to fully love and create.  The awakening process is moving to a lot more living and less learning.  Living is infinite. Creation is never exhausted.” – P Borys, Jr

EarthMatrixShatteringLife in the dimensional realms of the universe is the experience of the Divine as consciousness through energy and matter.  The Divine intelligence is organizing at varying frequencies and sequences along an infinite continuum.  All energy and matter is emanating at specific frequencies of density that are manifestations of consciousness.  We are now experiencing the process of a shift in the hologram to a higher dimensional frequency.

Humanity has been experiencing on Earth a particular frequency organization of the hologram.  The level of frequency organization has been stable at 3D, along with an infiltrating distortion for thousands of years. Existence in the dimensional universe is like a hologram in that each unique part contains the whole.  The understanding of the cosmos as an infinite series of fractals which contain the whole is another way of viewing the holographic nature of the more dense levels of consciousness as physical matter.  The Divine infinite is beyond frequency and therefore, beyond the holographic dimensions of the universe while also emanating as frequencies of the hologram.  The ultimate truth is unity, freedom, love, and creativity—a harmonic synchronous flow of one as unique aspects.

The Distortion within the Third and Fourth Dimensional Frequencies

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When we got married Ernie was bringing home about £1 17s 6d.

Now this was long before we went decimal so in todays money that would be about £1.25 a week, a couple of dollars to you Tess.

Now, although everyone thinks that we have always had free healthcare in the UK that’s not so. A visit to the doctor when we got married amounted to just over half a months pay so it was pretty much out of the question if we wanted to eat. The National Health Service got started in the late 1940′s, before then we had to pay.

Unless it was especially serious we relied on remedies passed down to us over the years, and most of the things we used involved plants, with the occasional bee added for good measure!  Usually, someone local had what you needed if you didn’t grow it yourself.

I went to teach the kids crochet again on Monday and we got around to the old days and ended up talking about plants. One of the girls said she really enjoyed her lesson in ‘herbology’. None of us knew if it was a real word, but we liked it so we decided to stick with it.

As an aside, the crochet is going great but I have a feeling I am going to be inundated with scarves and knee rugs this Christmas.

Right, back to herbology…


We used honey a lot back then, far more than most people use it now for medicinal purposes. We stored lumps of honeycomb in jars and the honey would collect at the bottom of the jar. A spoonful when you had a sore throat helped and it was one ‘medicine’ the children never minded. Continue reading

The Flight Back Down To Reality Ahead For The Rich

Six years ago this month, in the midst of the Great Recession, Lehman Brothers, one of the most well-known investment banks in the U.S. economy, filed for bankruptcy.

At the time, Lehman’s bankruptcy sparked widespread worries…and the U.S. financial system teetered on the verge of collapse. For those of us who remember that time, there was too much uncertainty.

So, the Federal Reserve and the government stepped in to help the crumbling U.S. economy. Loans were made to companies that were “too big to fail,” interest rates fell to historic lows, and trillions of dollars in new money was printed (out of thin air).

Six years later, is the U.S. economy better off now?

Looking at Wall Street today, it looks like things couldn’t be better. The markets are close to all-time highs. The big banks are in better shape; their profits are rising and executives’ incomes and bonuses are big once again.

And speculation is back, big-time. As just one example, Facebook, Inc. (NASDAQ/FB) recently reached a market capitalization of more than $200 billion in hopes that the company will be able to make more money on mobile ads. Facebook is trading at a price-to-earnings multiple of 100! Continue reading