“Mental Clarity and Inspiration” Forecast For May 2024

“Mental Clarity and Inspiration” Forecast For May 2024Lena Stevens – We have just been through an energetic and emotional centrifuge and this month we get to sort out what is left and more importantly what we value and what is important to us.

There may have been losses, changes, disappointments, new opportunities, sudden reversals, shocking news, situations better than expected and situations more challenging than planned for. It has been a lot, our plates are full, and now we need to take the time to reflect, review, reassess, and reset, with the goal being some mental clarity and new inspiration about our purpose and next steps.

It is a time of observing self and others with patience and receptivity. What are you manifesting? If it is more of the same as in the past that you intended to change, then you still have work to do. At this point there should be something new and different that is finding its way into your field so pay attention to what and who is knocking on your door. It may be time to explore new options and accept support coming from unexpected sources.

The mental clarity is not a thinking or overthinking process. In fact, overthinking will only lead to obsession and confusion. Mental clarity is a “knowing” without doubt that something is right or not.

Higher intellectually-centered experiences of clarity and insight are possible this month, inspiring choices to shift, change and try something new. If your life feels uncertain, triggered or stirred up with still too many things on your plate, it is a good time to sort what to leave behind by using the measure of value.

What is important and valuable to you? You may need to acknowledge where you have been holding space for others and what they value and ask yourself if it aligns with what is important to you. This is a deep reflection to reassess what your role is in other people’s lives leading perhaps to choices and decisions where you put yourself and what you value first.

The greatest obstacle this month is fear.

We have a collective fear of the unknown, fear of being victimized, losing our freedom, abandoned, restricted, and at the deepest level annihilated. This fear can quickly eliminate any inspiration for what is possible in the unknown of the future.

The antidote for fear is trust and connecting to the larger picture of evolution, the magnificent structure and organization of the universe and the grounding and nurturing aspect of the earth. Assurance and security will not necessarily come from others so look to the elements and nature to provide it for you.

Fear manifests in many ways. Some will stubbornly hang on to the old, tried and true and be miserable for it. Others will be driven by impatience. Some will, through their greed, try to amass enough “stuff” for security. Others will need to either be right no matter what or succumb to their sense of worthlessness and withdraw from life. And there are the regular victims who always blame others, and finally, those that don’t find value in life at all and join the masses of drug users and other self-destructive behaviors.

These behaviors and attitudes are all based in fear and it would be wise to self-reflect, observe and make sure you are not making decisions out of fear but rather out of clarity and inspiration.

Mental clarity demands that you make time for it to manifest. We suggest a daily practice where you have a space to meditate, pray and allow for insights and knowing to become clear. It helps to have something of beauty around to support inspiration; nature, color, music and anything else you find uplifts your spirits and raises your vibration.

It is also important that you get rid of or clean anything that represents old energy. Everything has a vibration and when you are striving to raise the vibration in yourself, your home and other spaces you interact with, it is important to address what may hold old patterns. It may be time to upgrade your surroundings, bring in a new piece of art, and replace things that are worn out or that you just “ended up with” that are not favorites.

SF Source The Power Path May 2024

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