The 3 Steps To Healing Yourself Naturally From Within

“It is necessary to make one’s mind all prayer, every breath a melody of devotion, one’s heart all love… one’s soul a glorified song of compassion, mercy, understanding, and humility.” ~ Annalee Skarin

BeautyJafree Ozwald  ~ Each of us has the innate power to heal ourselves completely from any mental issue, emotional wound, and physical disease we may be experiencing. Despite what the majority of the world believes and has hypnotized you to think since birth, you have the natural ability deep within your being to consciously and permanently relieve yourself from any pain, illness or disease. By intentionally connecting with a deep reservoir of healing energy buried inside your core, you’ll create a regenerating effect that spreads a healing reaction throughout your body and mind.

The moment you first touch and squeeze the nectar from this awesome internal energy, a deep wave of joy penetrates your body. There are many delightful sensations secretly hidden inside your being. It is only through this sacred meditation practice below that you can unlock these feelings and allow the release of healing to take place. It is at this moment that you realize how divinely perfect this life actually is, and how powerful the mind and body truly are.

The first step to initiate your awesome healing transformation is to accept the possibility that you were born with the all-natural God given power to heal yourself. You can instantly bring lightness and wholeness into the cellular memory of any dis-ease. Once this idea is accepted, and fully embraced you have officially begun the journey of self-healing. Continue reading

Uncovering Ancient Mysteries [Audio]

Want to know more about the Bosnian Pyramid, ancient artifacts, occulted history, ancient maps, out-of-place archeology, crystal skulls & Giants?


Well tonight Klaus Dona will be covering all this and MORE on a SPECIAL BROADCAST of The Kev Baker Show. Mr Dona is at the forefront of researching alternative history and has come in contact with some of the most intriguing artifacts known to man.

Klaus will lay out so many ancient mysteries that the listeners will be literally blown away. This is one show where you will probably be best to have a pen an paper to hand, or it will need listening to time and time again, for there is so much info that its literally too much to take in!!

Kev Baker Show

SF Source TruthTube451 (AKA MrGlasgowTruther)  Dec 25 2014

Catharsis: It’s How To Control Slaves

Catharsis: the release of built-up emotional and mental pressure and tensions.

CatharsisManChainsLightPrisonSo the prisoners within this false matrix prison planet are awakening and are getting very pissed-off. To help prevent mass revolutions and rebellions you need to create a way for the masses to vent, release and sometimes even dissolve their concerns, emotions and pressures. Once again you use the mass media and Hollywood as some of your main weapons after already having dumbed down the populations with poisons and chemicals in their food, water and air. Also after and during continuously suppressing their rebellious inclinations with constant bombardment of various frequencies and directed frequency weapons.

It is amazing just how many truths are in your face in some of these movies. It is almost ridiculous but we must realize it is all by design. Fiction is never fiction. It is all consciousness and energy.  All of it.

When you go watch a movie for that hour and a half or whatever you are totally involved in the scenes and script. For one you are sitting in a dark place where only the projection on the screen has light, therefore you are more programmable in the dark with your creative chemical “melatonin” flowing nicely. So the sounds and music play an extremely important part in making you experience the scene. No one has mentioned this before but using the stereo sounds in the movie house can alter your brainwave frequencies just like when we use “Hemi sync” with stereo headphones in meditations to get you rapidly into Alpha and Theta mind frequencies. Continue reading

The Net Is Mightier Than The Sword [Video]

“Since the rise of the internet people have changed from mere audiences into authors and editors” – J Corbett


With pieces of technology small enough to fit the whole world into your pocket, a revolution might be on its way. The net is now mightier than the sword. This presentation was delivered at the TEDxGroningen conference in the Netherlands on November 20, 2014.

SF Source corbettreport  Dec 25 2014

Judicial Watch ~ Obama’s Enemies List

“Even as Obama postures as a champion of average Americans, he continues to run up excessive tabs for taxpayer-funded political junkets. Over the Labor Day Weekend, for example, Obama ran up a total of $1,539,402.10 in taxpayer-paid transportation expenses.” – Judicial Watch

President’s Political Junkets Continue Unabated

ObamaAirForce1It has become a tiresome, tedious – and costly – routine. Hollywood calls with a passel of cash, and President Obama comes running – at great expense to taxpayers – to fill up his political coffers. That’s what we discovered anew after obtaining records from the U.S. Department of the Air Force highlighting yet another Obama fundraising trip to Los Angeles and San Francisco, California. These documents came to us in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed on October 20, 2014. Instead of advancing the nation’s interests and keeping the public trust, the president is instead, once again, using taxpayer money to subsidize lavish political junkets.

On October 9, Obama attended a ritzy fundraiser hosted by Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow in Los Angeles.  Obama also attended “a $15,000-per person ‘roundtable’ discussion fundraiser for the DNC on Friday morning at the home of restaurateur Michael Chow and his wife Eva, a fashion designer.”

Then he went to San Francisco for two more fundraisers, including one at a “private home.” The AP reported that “the event, his fourth California fundraiser in three days, is closed to media coverage.”

According to the newly released records JW obtained, transportation for Obama to Los Angeles, California, on October 9, 2014, for the Paltrow fundraiser cost taxpayers $1,011,051.30. Transportation for Obama to San Francisco, California on October 10, 2014, fundraiser cost taxpayers an additional $165,069.60. Continue reading