Environmental Destruction To Replace War to Traumatize Humanity

Report from Iron Mountain; Using fear to make people subservient to government. The following extract is  taken from Chapter 24 of The Creature from Jekyll Island

reportG. Edward Griffin – The substance of these stratagems [for the weakening of the United States so it can be more easily merged into a global government based on the model of collectivism] can be traced to a think-tank study released in 1966 called the Report from Iron Mountain. Although the origin of the report is highly debated, the document itself hints that it was commissioned by the Department of Defense under Defense Secretary, Robert McNamara and was produced by the Hudson Institute located at the base of Iron Mountain in Croton-on-Hudson, New York. The Hudson Institute was founded and directed by Herman Kahn, formerly of the Rand Corporation. Both McNamara and Kahn were members of the CFR.

The self-proclaimed purpose of the study was to explore various ways to “stabilize society.” Praiseworthy as that may sound, a reading of the Report soon reveals that the word society is used synonymously with the word government. Furthermore, the word stabilize is used as meaning to preserve and to perpetuate. It is clear from the start that the nature of the study was to analyze the different ways a government can perpetuate itself in power, ways to control its citizens and prevent them from rebelling. It was stated at the beginning of the Report that morality was not an issue. The study did not address questions of right or wrong; nor did it deal with such concepts as freedom or human rights. Ideology was not an issue, nor patriotism, nor religious precepts. Its sole concern was how to perpetuate the existing government. The Report said: 

Previous studies have taken the desirability of peace, the importance of human life, the superiority of democratic institutions, the greatest “good” for the greatest number, the “dignity” of the individual, the desirability of maximum health and longevity, and other such wishful premises as axiomatic values necessary for the justification of a study of peace issues. We have not found them so. We have attempted to apply the standards of physical science to our thinking, the principal characteristic of which is not quantification, as is popularly believed, but that, in Whitehead’s words, “…it ignores all judgments of value; for instance, all esthetic and moral judgments.” (1)

The major conclusion of the report was that, in the past, war has been the only reliable means to achieve that goal. It contends that only during times of war or the threat of war are the masses compliant enough to carry the yoke of government without complaint. Fear of conquest and pillage by an enemy can make almost any burden seem acceptable by comparison. War can be used to arouse human passion and patriotic feelings of loyalty to the nation’s leaders. No amount of sacrifice in the name of victory will be rejected. Resistance is viewed as treason. But, in times of peace, people become resentful of high taxes, shortages, and bureaucratic intervention. When they become disrespectful of their leaders, they become dangerous. No government has long survived without enemies and armed conflict. War, therefore, has been an indispensable condition for “stabilizing society.” These are the report’s exact words: Continue reading

Oracle Report – Monday, December 28, 2015

“Fall in Boulder, CO” – photo by Lawrence

Disseminating Moon in Leo: share, communicate

Aspect of Sophia (Aeon of Wisdom): Tara, Goddess Who Guides Through Troubles and Dhumavati, Goddess of Death

Aspect of Thelete (Aeon of Will/Desire): Elias, God of the West, God of Transformation

Skill: practice patience; think forward

True Alignments: projecting our will and desire into the future, standing up for ourselves or others, trusting signs and messages, emulation of something greater, seeing beyond the disguise, rewards, useful, heightened imagination, working for the good of everyone involved

Catalysts for Change: burying emotions, lack of depth, self-sacrifice, complicating matters, pretending to be something other than real, leading astray, trying to maintain a certain image, face to face encounter with the shadow self, mesmerizing someone to control them, destruction, punishment, superficial, escapism and denial

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “in winter, people cutting ice from a frozen pond for use in summer”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Mercury and Mars begin a “square dance” today that will last until January 1 and will repeat on January 11.  This time Mercury and Mars are in square (90 degrees apart) brings the following:


Both energies of Mercury and Mars like to move, and they also like to speak their minds.  In astrology, squares bring turns – right turns – because squares are 90 degree angles.  Our minds and thoughts (Mercury) can make aggressive (Mars), sharp turns and changes.  Since Mercury is beginning to move at a snail’s pace as it prepares to turn retrograde on January 4, the completion of square with Mars takes longer, until January 1 in this case.  Patience is essential.  We want to slow down our reactions and responses.

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Vibrate The Cosmos – Your Thoughts & Intentions Can Create Your Path

Leona Henryson – We are such slaves to our 5 senses. And it always takes science to ultimately demonstrate that what we do perceive with our sense is, in fact, not true. And it will be science that will show the masses what many of us already know – that our thoughts have energy and vibrate, just like everything else. When they are aligned with the order and perfection of Universal Mind, the sky is literally the limit of what we can attract into our lives. For the laws of vibration and attraction are inextricably linked.

The Science of Energy

We now know, thanks to breakthroughs in quantum physics, that everything which exists, when broken down into its base elements, is nothing but energy. At the sub-atomic level, there is no matter – only energy and vibration. And because everything reduces to just energy, all that we see in the universe, including ourselves, is made up of the same stuff, just at different vibration levels, to form the matter around us.

Because everything vibrates at a different frequency, things are separate from one another. A tree vibrates at a different frequency than a table. We are vibrating at a unique frequency too, and so we see ourselves as separate from everything else around us and from one another. But at our lowest level, that level of pure energy, we are actually all part of one energy field. Some quantum physicists call this the “unified field.” Continue reading

The Cheapest, Most Efficient Prison of All – Your Own Mind

authorityAnna von Reitz – From the cradle onward we are deliberately taught to think in ways that profit our predators. This is done by those who stand to profit from these purposefully engendered failures of logic.

For example—remember yourself as a child playing with a set of colored blocks, marbles, or similar objects. What were you taught to focus on? You were taught to focus on and identify differences—- difference of color, size, shape, texture, material, transparency—any kind of difference at all was important and emphasized and you were required to recognize and note it. The sameness or similarity of things was used merely as a means to identify differences. Why?

Why isn’t recognizing similarities inherently as important as recognizing differences? Without recognizing similarities first, we wouldn’t be able to discern differences, but similarities are downplayed because similarities provide the basis for unity and peace and compassion.

Those who profit from keeping us divided and endlessly at war don’t want us to think in terms of similarities. If we did, we would see the way this learned emphasis on differences allows us to be manipulated and misled, how it teaches us to fear, how it nurtures prejudice of all kinds, and how it makes us susceptible pawns for war-mongers and demagogues. This early emphasis on perceiving differences also leads us to think in terms of parts instead of wholes, and in terms of “us” versus “them”. This same learned perceptual prejudice results in instinctively thinking in terms of “either/or” when we would be better served by thinking in terms of “and”.

We are taught to think in terms of endless duality: good versus bad, rich versus poor, right versus wrong, black versus white,Democrat versus Republican, Baptist versus Catholic—all because it is easier to limit and control and manipulate us when we think this way. The slave masters set up the two goads and drive us endlessly between them, and our patterned way of thinking prevents us from breaking free. We become like “dumb, driven cattle” caught between the carrot and the stick, never questioning who is manipulating us or for what reasons.

In the same way we are taught to think in terms of groups, not individuals. The value of “teamwork” and “command structure” is drummed into us until we feel useless and paralyzed as individuals. We innocently accept such concepts as “collective guilt” or “shared pain” or “group action”—–none of which really exists.

The individual is the unit of human experience—and is also the limit and expression of all human experience. All the pain that can ever be felt is felt only by individuals –one by one– and it is the same with guilt, happiness, or any other emotion. All actions are taken by individuals—one by one. If you stop and think beyond the outright false or half-truth assumptions you’ve been taught—- “we” are only sums of “I’s”. Continue reading

Documents Expose What The Rockefellers Knew About UFOs

“There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.” – Senator Daniel K. Inouye, the highest ranking Asian-American politician in United States history (source)

RockefellerArjun Walia – A number of presidents and politicians have spoken openly about this “shadowy” government over the years; you can see more statements like the one above here. As far as who is in charge of operating these clandestine activities, who knows?

One great way to find out is to follow the money, and in doing so, it becomes immediately apparent that corporations sit higher than the government itself.

“It’s corruption really, the might of money, the corporations that hold governments in their hands, because of lobbying power and so forth, it’s really frightening.”Jane Goodall (source)

The recognition that we now live in a ‘corporatocracy’ rather than a democracy has become almost a commonplace for many people. Above the corporations (who continually require access to cheap money), however, are the big banks. These groups supply cheap loans to corporation, enabling them to maintain their lobbying power and thus their influence over governmental policy. The banks in question include Chase, Bank of America, and Goldman Sachs, to name a few. Continue reading